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Does a publisher/author's interaction here influence your purchases?

Does a publisher/author's actions here influence your purchases?

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Yes, definitely. But I try to let it affect me positively more than negatively. I can think of several products I've bought that I wouldn't have otherwise based on the presence of the author (or someone else associated with it). I can only think of one off the top of my head who I won't buy from due to their online behavior.

Honestly, most of the times I've seen an author/publisher get snarky here, it's been in response to uncalled for behavior on the part of some dink who thinks spending $20 and having an internet connection gives him carte blanche to act like a jerk.

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Rodrigo Istalindir said:
. . . who thinks spending $20 and having an internet connection gives him carte blanche to act like a jerk.

Haha! You spend money for your internet. LameXX0r.


Y'know, I hadn't really focused on it for a while, but I do see a lot less of the 'big name' publishers on EN World nowadays. I really hope it's not because people kept getting offended at them.


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A publisher's actions on ENWorld hasn't influenced my descisions, but I bought $50 worth of WARMACHINE miniatures because Matt Wilson had been incredibly cool to me.


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GMSkarka said:
Assuming that your policy of not purchasing Adamant Entertainment product is because of *my* behavior, how does that effect those products from us that are not written by me, or products from other publishers that I have written?

I guess my point here is that the industry is too small and incestuous for that sort of policy to make much sense beyond being arbitrarily applied. Unless you're actually willing to check the credits page of everything you buy, before you buy it, I just don't see it working.
To be honest, you are right. Some Adamant Ent. products are composed by very talented writers (barsoomcore is the first one that comes to mind), and there are a few products that would probably greatly enrich my gaming library. However, the plain fact is that with any money I might spend on Adamant products, despite however much the writer might see, some of it will still make it to you. It's an unfortunate consequence.

jaerdaph said:
That's funny because by naming names like you did in that post, it's completely turned me off from ever wanting to buy anything from you now that you are a publisher, or ever taking you seriously again.

Edit: And in the end what's even funnier is I probably will buy from you anyway because you have the good sense to hook up with someone like HeapThaumaturgist.
That's cool. You're a customer, and such a choice is yours to make. I hope you won't shy away from Gallantry Productions' free products; for obvious reasons, I don't see any revenue from them.

Also, the deal I have going with Sleep Dep Creations for SFX Skills: Diabolism is such that they reap the full profit from sales. I don't make any money off of sales of SFX Skills: Diabolism. So, despite your opinion of me, you can support Heap's fine work without supporting my bad behaviour.


Roudi said:
That's cool. You're a customer, and such a choice is yours to make. I hope you won't shy away from Gallantry Productions' free products; for obvious reasons, I don't see any revenue from them.

Also, the deal I have going with Sleep Dep Creations for SFX Skills: Diabolism is such that they reap the full profit from sales. I don't make any money off of sales of SFX Skills: Diabolism. So, despite your opinion of me, you can support Heap's fine work without supporting my bad behaviour.

Bare with me because I have a really bad cold, and I'm highly medicated today.

The point I'm trying to make (and probably making badly) is that it's not that I don't want to buy from you, but that I'm really seeing no difference between your comments and the comments of most of the others you mentioned that you don't like. I wanted to make that from the point of view of a neutral observer, but I know I didn't do that. While I certainly can understand why you are not buying products from the individual who now masquerades as somebody else after getting banned from here - he's essentially LYING to all of us! - no matter what Gareth or Sean or Steve may have said, they are in NO WAY dishonest or have they ever been anywhere near the level that individual has sunk.

Roudi, you always have interesting comments, observations, ideas, and rules tweaks, and I always enjoy reading your posts. I'm not into Mecha, but I'd certainly be willing to look at other things you publish in the future, free or not. Why? Because you aren't dishonest or incompetent. You have great, imaginative ideas, and you call 'em as you see 'em, which I respect and appreciate. But I also respect and appreciate that when Gareth or Steve or Sean do that too.


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philreed said:
An interesting discussion recently shows that (as is usual) there are multiple sides to this question. I've always felt that a publisher/author's actions on messageboards have no impact on what a person buys but many people feel that I'm wrong.

So, basically, does a publisher/author's interaction on EnWorld (or any messageboard) influence your purchase decisions?

Considering that my first PDF purchace was one of yours, and I decided to check out your work because of your frequent comments on these boards, then I would have to answer yes.


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For the original post, yes, with qualifications...

There are publishers that I never would have heard of, such as The Le for one, that I am now a big fan of. There are also writers and designers I've been used to seeing maligned on other boards, such as Monte, that I've come to understand, and now enjoy and buy their material. There are some, such as Mearls, that reinforce the image I have of them, and make me want to buy books when I see their names.

Most of the ones that manage to turn me off of their products tend to be the freelancers, with no commitments. Not naming those names.


From my experience I have found that people who are bonafide jerks produce lousy product. Their attitude carries over into what they do. Those who are perceived as jerks by some are another matter.

I've met Sean Reynolds and John Wick. They were courteous, respectful, and good people. Because I was courteous, respectful, and did my best to be a good person. They are the same way online, as long as you are courteous, respectful, and do you best to be a good person.

But, if you're rude - either in response to what they've said or in your initial contact - they will respond in kind. A failing most people have. Then again, some people need to get their asses whooped.

I also have a policy concerning what somebody says regarding a subject, I ask myself, "Could he be right?" John said a few things about running game sessions. People got upset about what he said. Things got quite vitrolic over at the Pyramid newsgroups about it. I don't recall anybody saying, "You know ... "

People saw John as violating the social contract between playing and GM, giving no consideration to the possibility that John's suggestions could produce an experience that people actually enjoy. That anger at the GM could get the player so involved in the game he is eager to return week after week so he can engage the GM in a contest.

It comes down to, how do you engage your players? But that's a topic for another thread.

Now I haven't met Gareth Michael Skarka in person. I have corresponded with him in the past. I have found him to be courteous, respectful, and a good person. Because I approach courteously, respectfully, and with the goal of being a good person. I don't agree entirely with his politics, but I learned a long time ago that what one person thinks about brands of chili has nothing to do with his ability to produce things I might be interesting in buying.

Orson Scott Card on the other hand is an interesting case. Orson was raised Mormon. He is a practicing Mormon and follows the tenets to the best of his ability. When he first came on the scene he said things others vehemently disagreed with. Much to Orson's surprise. Most important of all, they backed up what they said with facts.

Orson Scott Card learned things he'd never known before. He learned his religion got some things wrong. Now here's an interesting thing about Mormonism, Mormonism has a mechancism in place whereby it can change it's mind. The Church of Jesus Christ and the Latter Day Saints (to use its proper name) can and will its Word of God when convinced those who wrote the words down on God's behalf got it wrong. Thus Orson has the tools he needs to amend and revise his opinion about subjects. Because his faith allows it.

I've learned it's possible to disagree with someone on a subject and still like them. A real jerk is going to be a jerk regardless of the situation. It's their modus operandus. How most people behave depends on how they are treated. You're a jerk to them, they'll be a jerk right back. You don't like that sort of response, then don't be a jerk in the first place.

Then there are times when a person is having a bad day. We tend to do things we'll later regret when we've had a bad day. When you meet somebody who's had a bad day and is being rotten to you because of it here's a bit of advice from way long ago, a soft answer turns away wrath.

And if he is a real jerk, then his response to your soft answer will tell you what you need to know.


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["Not naming names" is snarky. Sorry for that. Please amend any replies to my post to include this particular point....]

Ryan Nock sure is a swell guy. Wish there were more freelancers like him around...

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