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Does a publisher/author's interaction here influence your purchases?

Does a publisher/author's actions here influence your purchases?

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fafhrd said:
When Napftor has his crazy giveaway, I made sure to take a look at his products. Also, during the summer, when you had that "Heat endless heat" line in your profile, and I'd get my electric bill, I'd make sure to give your products an extra "Swell guy" look. Both of these practices have resulted in purchases, so yeah I'd say it matters a good bit.

I was wondering if any of my giveaways were having this effect. Thanks! :)

Edit: Guess I should answer the question. Yes. Publishers/authors who post do have an effect on my purchases. Even though it's just going by the written words on the screen, one can still get a sense of the person from their posts. Their attitude towards their work and towards others is a good barometer for their material since something of that person's personality always makes it through to the final product, IMO.
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First Post
I must say no because, to be honest:
1) Some of the people that many people find tempermental/evil/jerks still turn out good material and are skilled as writers/artists/etc.
2) A few of the people that seem mean/evil/etc. are actually quite nice, even when you confront them. I have done this and learned to see passed a bad day or dealing with a ton of people on any given day or are just trying to get by in this industry from day to day. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, even if you don't agree with it.

That said, I have bought more than a few things from Ronin Arts because Phil is such a nice guy here. And I like Christopher Shy's artwork. And also because Ronin Arts always delivers something I can use. But then, I have bought a few things from people I initially disagreed with or outright had a negative opinion about due to their online presence and I was quite pleasantly surprised by their work and sometimes with their frank correspondence as well.


First Post

However, while a writer being a jerk can be a part of it, sometimes it's simply what the author reveals by posting. An author who posts with any regularity will reveal, to a degree, his interests. For an author I'm unfamiliar with, that gives me at least an idea of what I can expect from him. For one I am familiar with, it can help validate or solidify any suspicions or how well I may like other work by the same writer.

And, in at least one or two cases, the writing style has informed my decision.

But, yeah, a writer being a jerk can affect my decision. It won't necessarily prevent me from buying a product, but it will give me patience enough for reviews to come in, for one. Additionally, I've made it a point to check up on what an author's written after they've acted like a jerk, or been particularly helpful/nice in the past.

And generally speaking, those author's who go out of their way to pimp their own work only tune me off to it.


I might buy from anyone who isn't a liar. I appreciate the truth, no matter how it comes out. Consequently, there are at least two very nice and friendly reps here who I will not buy anything from, ever.

As a writer, I think people should be influenced by my "attitude" exactly as much as the attitudes of fans inform what I write.

Here's what I mean: If I say I have no interest in writing from an angle you like, then that's an excellent reason not to buy something I wrote, as I'm telling you that our interests are not compatible. If you say you want to read such and such a thing, I generally make a note of that, no matter what I think of your posting style.

I give a damn about writing good stuff. You aren't buying my civility. You're buying an RPG supplement. In turn, my professional interest is in the content you demand, not the style in which you choose to demand it.

Oh, and one more thing: I used to dislike Gareth and he used to dislike me. We both got over it. Now he's my publisher. He pays promptly, deals fairly and tells it like it is. There are much nicer people in the business who are hosing the talent.


Front Range Warlock
eyebeams said:
Oh, and one more thing: I used to dislike Gareth and he used to dislike me. We both got over it.

Gareth and I once tore each other apart like wild dogs on a regular basis over at RPGnet some four or five years ago. Now we share an e-cubicle over at RPGNow. I've always respected him as a designer, and over the past two years of hearing him post in an environment (Innerzod) that isn't doused with accelerants evey afternoon (RPGnet), I've come to respect him as a human being. I honestly don't think that James could have picked a better guy to head up the Customer Service department at RPGNow.


eyebeams said:
I give a damn about writing good stuff. You aren't buying my civility. You're buying an RPG supplement. In turn, my professional interest is in the content you demand, not the style in which you choose to demand it.

There are plenty of things to buy of the content and quality I demand that I can choose who I buy from. I don't need, nor choose, to buy from people who feel that civility is something that they don't need to bother with.

At the very least, an inability to be civil in a forum that deals with their product shows a lack of professionalism. I don't feel there is a need for me to test to see if that person should feel profesional in other areas.
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Ralts Bloodthorne

First Post
I'm arrogant and opinionated. If I don't like the person, it better be a DAMN good product for me to pay to support them.

Having said that, there's been more than one publisher that I just couldn't stand online, who has hit some hard times and I've had some friends buy thier products, or pimped their products to others in my gaming group to pick up.

Just because you annoy me doesn't mean I think bad things should happen to you.

There are some people who write great stuff, but thier persona annoys me so badly I'd like to do grevious bodily harm on them, or at least take them into an alley so we can beat each other bloody, then go in and drink beer together.

BUT, I do NOT badmouth other publishers, other writers, and for the most part, it takes something major for me to decide I can't stand you.

There's a few people whose opinions I can't stand. Absolutely piss me off. But I still buy thier stuff because it's well written and I respect them.

For the most part, I let the product speak for itself. There's been some good stuff written by people that I wouldn't spit on if they were on fire that I've bought, and crap stuff written by people I'd go clubbing with that I wouldn't buy.

As for me? I'm Tim Willard, baby. With me, you know what you're getting. I don't expect you to buy my stuff if you don't like me. If you've got a problem with me, I expect you to come straight at me. Does my attitude turn some people off my stuff? Probably. They probably wouldn't like me in real life either. If you don't like me, and ya don't buy my stuff because of it, that's cool, man. Your money, your choice.

Anyone, I'm outtie. Take it easy, my electronic brethren.


The rule I always go with is that most posting here can usually only influence my purchasing in a positive manner. If there was something I was considering and the author posts here in a way that I like, I'm more likely to purchase whatever I was considering. A case in point would be Michael Tresca's posts causing me to buy Blood and Brains. If they post in a way I don't like, it doesn't cause me not to buy it, it just keeps it lower down on my list.

The only posts that cause me to hold something against a publisher are when they claim their product is exactly what someone is looking for or any other absolute statement like that. If they can't muster enough humilty to admit it may or may not fit a need, then I like proving them wrong by not needing it.

Ranger REG

Dave Turner said:
How else are we to compare games except to one another? This confuses me.
The keyword is "we," as in we gamers who have nothing to do with the works (i.e., publish it). I'm likely to take the words of an impartial critic than someone from the company or associated with the works.


First Post
Absolutely, yes.

Some industry folks posting here have (mostly unawares) persuaded me to buy - or at the very least look into - all kinds of things that I never would've otherwise.

And they've managed to do that by virtue of their helpfulness, goodwill, wit, honesty and general demeanour.

So again, yes. Very much so.

edit --- the OP is one such. :)

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