Does anyone actually like Dragonborn and Tieflings?

Do you like Dragonborn and Tieflings?

  • I love them both

    Votes: 97 13.3%
  • I like them both

    Votes: 228 31.3%
  • I love/like Dragonborn, not so much Tieflings

    Votes: 59 8.1%
  • I love/like Tieflings, not so much Dragonborn

    Votes: 97 13.3%
  • I dislike them both

    Votes: 130 17.8%
  • I hate them both

    Votes: 52 7.1%
  • Indifferent

    Votes: 66 9.1%

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First Post
Do other D&D boards talk about breasts this much or is it just us?

Dunno about the WotC boards, but the DB breasts do not appear to be an issue on To be honest, I'm kind of disappointed in the whole nerdrage over this issue, complete with meticulous appeals to science to show that one's opinion is objectively supported by the facts. I expect better from D&D players. :erm:


Seriously, how come nobody points out that Dragonlance has had Dragonmen characters for a LONG, LONG, while.
Were draconians playable as PCs?

Is not Dragonlance the most well known of the campaign settings among both gamers AND non-gamers?
I'm pretty sure the Forgotten Realms holds that title. Look at the number of novels for both, for example.

Note: I like both dragonborn and tieflings (though I would have preferred the more subtle Planescape tieflings), I just wanted to set the record straight.

I like breasts on everything, including my men, well, as long as they accompany it with the right amount of hormone treatment and make-up.
Leo? Is that you?

:rant: ARRGH. Everything is about "bias" this and "partisanship" that.

I was trying to explain how the OP might have gotten the impression that these were widely disliked. No flippin' politics involved, alright?!
A. Calm down.

B. OP did not suggest that "most people don't like them". The phrase was "universally despised". Very different things, and the phrasing cannot be written off as being "overly strong language". They're completely different.


A. Calm down.

B. OP did not suggest that "most people don't like them". The phrase was "universally despised". Very different things, and the phrasing cannot be written off as being "overly strong language". They're completely different.

A. As the OP, I admit that I was incorrect in my assessment that Dragonborn and Tielfing are "universally despised." But...

B. They certainly aren't enormously admired or liked; they are more popular than I thought, but there is a chunk of people that don't like them. That said, I would imagine that the more traditional races might have similar degrees of popularity (it would be interesting to poll on each race to see which are more and less liked; my guess is that gnomes and halflings, maybe half-elves, are all less popular than dragonborn and tieflings).

C. I agree with Korgoth: Not everything is or need be political. Not is everything anti- or pro- 4E.

D. Furthermore, I would suggest not taking certain phrases too literally or as solid dogma; my usage of "universally despised" was obviously overly dramatic and inaccurate, but I didn't mean it in a heavy handed or permanent way. I should have used less strong language, but I certainly didn't mean it to be set in stone (Yet another semantic wrangle on ENWorld ;)). This is symptomatic of taking things too politically here; notice how when a politician says something somewhat controversial, pundits hold onto it and chew over it endlessly, like a dog gnawing on a bone. What is worse about the internet is that you can always go back and say, "Look what he said! That is his permanent, fixed viewpoint." Even if something was said in-the-moment, somewhat whimsically, and/or for effect. So yeah, I think it would behoove all of us to take things a bit more lightly around here. And of course I should probably be more careful with my language and "de-incendiarize" it a bit ;)

E. Finally, after reading the Dragonborn and Tiefling entries in greater depth, I have to officially change my vote from "dislike" to "indifferent" (or more accurately, ambivalent or mixed as I like aspects of them, and dislike others). I actually like the history and the general idea of both, but just don't like the visual presentation: I think both look silly. So if I use them in a campaign I would change their look considerably, toning down the "monsteryness" of both--and making members of both races be more variant in appearance. I might get rid of breath weapon too. But I was basing my earlier opinion, erroneously I might add, on style more than substance. The core idea of both races is interesting enough for me to consider use in a campaign, with significant modification (if largely cosmetic).


Liquid Awesome
Finally, after reading the Dragonborn and Tiefling entries in greater depth, I have to officially change my vote from "dislike" to "indifferent" (or more accurately, ambivalent or mixed as I like aspects of them, and dislike others). I actually like the history and the general idea of both...

See? Proof that we can find middle ground!

Group hug everybody!

C. I agree with Korgoth: Not everything is or need be political. Not is everything anti- or pro- 4E.
I made no claims of politics. I merely pointed out that the presentation of data was biased, because the two "sides" were not calculated in the same way. I wanted to be clear so that those reading the post did not mistake it for a valid way of presenting the data.

To be clear, I didn't say that Korgoth was biased, just that the presentation of data was biased, which it was.

So yeah, I think it would behoove all of us to take things a bit more lightly around here. And of course I should probably be more careful with my language and "de-incendiarize" it a bit ;)
I agree, thought I think you and Korgoth are reading more into my post than was there.

And as to your point above, I think the latter will lead to the former. And by the latter I don't mean you specifically, but all of us in general.
Last edited:


See? Proof that we can find middle ground!

Group hug everybody!
I'd hug many things but not a dragonborn or tiefling as pictured, let alone a group of them. I'm not sure i'd feel confortable around their lovers either.

Maybe with a different look... does poking them with a ten foot pole count as a hug?

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