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Dog Moon's Creatures [Updated 5/16]


Dog_Moon2003 said:
(snip) So, thanks Eremite.

Thanks, Dog_Moon2003. I'm glad you didn't take it as a hijack.

FYI, I use the tauric rules for driders in my campaigns just as you have done. I made a particularly nasty drider from a sword spider and a drow fighter who fought with two shields.

I'm also about to stat up a tauric sea hag octopus or squid. She will also have some levels of cleric (Umberlee: FR). After seeing your invitation I may post it here. ;)

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Dog Moon

Originally posted by Eremite
FYI, I use the tauric rules for driders in my campaigns just as you have done. I made a particularly nasty drider from a sword spider and a drow fighter who fought with two shields.

Hm, two shields? I've had a friend duel-wielding shields, though he changed characters quickly. Anyway, do you have those stats? I wasn't even thinking about the sword spider...I was thinking about making a phase spider/drow, to keep with the theme.

Originally posted by Frukathka
The Hornsaw Unicorn is from the Revised Creature Collection.
Ah. I don't have that book...I think there was a black unicorn somewhere which could be cool. Don't know where that is though...

Working on a couple of ideas. Trying to think of something good to go with Blink Dog (Can use suggestions). Also thinking of an Orc or something similar to go with Worg.

Ah, I love this template. There needs to be more templates with create combinations of creatures like this.

Dog Moon

Hlikar of the Brokenclaw tribe

(Note: The two claw attacks are from paws)
Hlikar of the Brokenclaw tribe
Gnoll Dire Wolverine Warchief 5 (CR: 11)
Large Monstrous Humanoid
7d8+5d10+70 ; hp 152
Init +3
Spd: 30 ft., climb 10 ft.
AC: 23 (-1 size, +3 dex, +4 nat, +5 chain shirt, +2 lg. stl. Shield), touch 12, flat-footed 20

BA/Grapple: 10/20
Attack: 2 claws +11 (2d4+3) and heavy flail +17 (1d10+7/19-20)
S/R: 10ft/5ft
SA: Rage
SQ: Low-light vision, scent, Darkvision 60ft

Fort 11, Ref 9, Will 9
Str 22, Dex 17, Con 20, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 16

Skills: Bluff +5, Climb +7, Diplomacy +6, Sense Motive +3, Spot +3
Languages: Gnoll

Feats: Power Attack, Cleave, Leadership, Vengeful Fury, Fengeful Fury (Improved)

Rage (Ex): A dire wolverine that takes damage in combat flies into a berserk rage on its next turn, clawing and biting madly until either it or its opponent is dead. An enraged dire wolverine gains +4 Strength, +4 Constitution, and –2 AC. The creature cannot end its rage voluntarily.

Tribal Frenzy (Ex): (+6 Str) A warchief is able to inspire his followers to acts of extreme battle frenzy. The warchief may activate this frenzy as a standard action. He may then maintain it as a free action. It ends at the conclusion of any turn in which the warchief does not maintain it. The frenzy affects any creature that is a member of the warchief's race and tribe, that starts its turn within 30 feet of the warchief, and that is able to hear the warchief. The frenzy grants a +2 enhancement bonus to the Strength score of each affected ally (not including the warchief himself). At the start of each of their turns, everyone affected by the Strength boost takes 1 point of damage for each Hit Die they have. Thus, an orc warchief can grant +2 Strength to each member of the pack of 1st-level orc warriors he commands, but each take 1 point of damage per round as long as the Strength boost remains in effect.

Vengeful Fury
You develop a close emotional tie to your friends. If they fall in combat, you find yourself overcome with rage and anger, allowing you to fight with incredible strength and tenacity.
Prerequisite: Constitution 13
Benefit: If one of your friends falls in combat, you may enter a rage (as for the barbarian character class). You can use this option only if a close, personal friend is reduced to –1 or fewer hit points or becomes otherwise incapacitated. Your DM may rule that an ally, such as a man-at-arms or a hireling, does not count as a friend for the purposes of activating
this feat.

Equipment 20,650gp.
+1 Torturous (x2) Heavy Flail 18,000gp.
+1 chain shirt 1150gp.
Potion of Cure Moderate (x2) 600gp.
Potion of Heroism 900gp.

Torturous (Ghostwalk)
Upon a successful hit, the target of this weapon must make a Fortitude save (DC 12) or be stunned for 1 round from pain. This ability can be applied to a weapon a second time; doing so increases the Fortitude save DC to 17.
Moderate necromancy; CL 5th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, death knell; Price: +1 bonus.

Vengeful Fury, Improved
Vengeance spurs you on to greater deeds. If your friends or allies fall in combat, you redouble your efforts to defeat your
Prerequisite: Vengeful Fury†
Benefit: For each ally who falls during an encounter, you gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls for the rest of the encounter. This bonus cannot exceed +5. An ally is defined as a friend, cohort, person under your command, henchman, or other important NPC that you have developed a friendship with. You do not gain this benefit for summoned creatures or those conjured by spells or magical items.
Special: This feat works very well for villains who surround themselves with a number of flunkies or bodyguards.

Hlikar is a brutish man combining the traits of a fearful hyena and a large wolverine. The fur covering his body is a brownish-gray color with dark colored spots. His are bright yellow and filled with a frequently not so hidden rage. At his belt rests a heavy flail and though he may not always be wearing it, a chain shirt is never far from sight. A warleader, he is always ready for a battle and he is a fiersome warrior.

Hartish was the greatest Gnoll leader of all time. He was a brilliant leader and led his people ravaging across the lands. It seemed as though none could stop him, but unfortunately, as is the way of Good people, Good created a large force and crushed Hartish's army, though it was not an easy battle and it cost Good many lives. The war scattered the Gnoll army. For a long time, the Gnolls have known poverty in their separate little villages. However, Hartish's offspring, Hlikar, hated to see his people suffering so greatly. Hlikar was not the most intelligent Gnoll, was about average for their kind, but he was charismatic and with the help of a good (intelligent) advisor, Hlikar gathered the Gnolls in his village under his support. He built up his village strong and began the long task of gathering the Gnolls once again. He is doing it as hush-hush as he possibly can because he doesn't want word of his power to spread. If that occurred, it is likely that the forces of Good which destroyed his father's army might destroy his as well before it is even formed. Hlikar isn't sure what he plans to do once the Gnolls are united. His advisor believes that slowly growing in might and taking land little by little will prove to be a better plan, but Hlikar has the blood of battling running through his veins and he might not be able to prevent himself from battling for long.

Hlikar is afraid not of battling, but of dying. He is cautious up until the battle begins where he is suddenly a fearsome machine who thinks of nothing as he attacks and fights. Once the battle lust has him, he will fight to the death. With his battle lust, those around him wonder how long his campaign to gather Gnolls will actually last.
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Dog Moon

Frukathka said:
Frukathka casts Raise Dead Thread.

And I'm bringing it back. Again. I lost a creature or two because of the crash, but I don't remember what they were, so it doesn't matter. ;) One was a shifter something, I believe, but oh well.

Going through atm and revamping them a little, modifying their histories so they don't revolve around each other like I had originally planned, giving them equipment and writing descriptions of them.

After I'm done with that, I will be continuing this thread with additional creatures, though they won't just be Tauric or, as I once had for a short time, Tauric/Amalgamated, but just collected creatures I've made, Tauric and no, because I don't want to limit myself.

Hope y'all continue to enjoy my creations.

Dog Moon

Grentok of the Brokenclaw Tribe

Ahhhh, an update. I thought it would be cool to have someone connected to another person in this thread, so here y'are.

Gnoll Druid 3/Divine Oracle 6(CR: 10)
Medium Humanoid (Gnoll)

HD: 5d8+6d6+11 ; 16 hp
Init +0
Spd: 30 ft.
AC: 13 (+1 natural, +2 leather armor), touch 10, flat-footed 13

BA/Grapple: +6/+8
Attack: Quarterstaff +7 (1d6+1)
S/R: 5 ft./5 ft.
SA: -
SQ: Animal Companion, Darkvision 60ft, Divination Enhancement, Nature Sense, Prescient Sense, Scry Bonus (+1), Trackless Step, Trap Sense (+2), Uncanny Dodge (Improved), Wild Empathy, Woodland Stride

AL Chaotic evil
Fort +9, Ref +3, Will +11
Str 12, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 14, Wis 17, Cha 8

Skills: Concentration +13, Kn (Geography) +16, Kn (History) +16, Kn (Local) +18, Kn (Nature) +4, Kn (Religion) +15, Survival +4
Languages: Common, Gnoll, Sylvan, Undercommon

Feats: Combat Expertise, Education, Skill Focus (Religion), Sudden Empower
Advancement: By class

Spells: 5/5/4/2/1
Domain: Oracle
1st- Entangle, Omen of Peril, Shillelagh, Speak with Animals, Wood Wose D: Identify
2nd- Animal Messenger, Briar Web, Share Husk, Snake's Swiftness [Mass]x2 D: Augury
3rd- Plant Growth, Speak with Plants, Spike Growth, Vigor [Mass, Lesser] D: Divination
4th- Burrow [Mass], Lay of the Land D: Scrying
5th- Commune with Nature D: Commune

Equipment 19,950gp.
Horn of Fog 2,000gp.
Ring of Detect Thoughts 10,800gp.
Wand of Cure light Wounds (37 charges) 700gp.
Potion of Fly 750gp.
Potion of Invisibility 300gp.
Figurine of Wondrous Power [Blue Quartz Crystal] 5,400gp.

Detect Thoughts (Underdark)
On command, this ring allows the wearer to read thoughts, as though with the detect thoughts spell.
Faint divination; CL 3rd; Forge Ring, detect thoughts; Price: 10,800gp.

Blue Quartz Eagle (Races of Faerun)
A blue quartz eagle becomes an eagle on command, but with vision akin to that granted by eyes of the eagle (+5 circumstance bonus on Spot checks). Another command sends it aloft. It will not attack, even to defend itself, but it will obey the telepathic commands of its owner as long as it remains within one mile of her. If forced to move beyond that distance, a blue quartz eagle will immediately revert to statuette form (usually shattering if it falls a great distance to the ground). While the figurine is transformed, its owner can mentally view everything the eagle can see, although the owner must use a standard action to observe what the eagle sees in that round. It can maintain its nonfigurine status for only 24 hours per tenday, but the duration need not be continuous.
Caster Level: 11th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, animate objects, clairaudience/clairvoyance; Market Price: 5,400 gp; Weight: -.

Grentok appears similar to all other Gnolls, except that he doesn't wear army and he isn't as strong as those around him. He clutches his staff close to him, using it to walk and makes himself appear older than he truly is. Parts of his fur is dyed white to continue his disguise, hoping that he is underestimated.

Grentok was different from other Gnolls when growing up. He wasn't as bloodthirsty as the others and when the opportunity arose, found himself as a novice to the tribal shaman. Unfortunately, he found that he quickly surpassed the knowledge and power of the shaman. The only option left for Grentok was to join the army, which he did. His spells quickly became useful and he was considered almost a hero. His lucky day came when the Gnolls invaded and conquered a small monostary. The books inside were about to be burned, saved only because of his reputation and what the Gnolls had seen him do. When he requested the books as his share of the treasure, they could not deny him.

He took the books back to the Gnoll encampment. He studied and learned from them. The monastary books held secrets of war which he memorized. Using what he learned from the books and his experiences from the battles, he became a skilled tactician. It shouldn't be surprising that as Hlikar began to raise himself to power, Grentok quickly attached himself to the other Gnoll and helped him out, lending his powers when needed. Although Hlikar desires to conquer all the nations, Grentok recommends waiting, moving slowly, knowing that in the past, lack of caution may have surprised the other peoples, but had in the end caused their downfall. He works to help Hlikar's dreams only because of the prestige it grants himself as well. He has no true goals and in fact doesn't even desire to become the Gnoll leader because he will then become a target and blamed if things go wrong. He is enjoying his position and will not let anyone come between him and his life of luxury.

Grentok is a tactician more than a fighter. He uses his abilities to scout out the enemy fortifications and armies and to prepare for the best positions for Hlikar's army. If forced into a battle, he stays back if possible and either uses his AE spells to the best of his ability or begins summoning creatures if he believes that his more divining spells cannot be used for a time, though he tries to keep one so he can watch out for where to retreat or to chase those retreating.
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Dog Moon

Zakraylia, the Fallen Lillend

Half Medusa Half Fiend Lillend (CR: 11)
Medium Humanoid (Gnoll)

HD: 7d8+21 ; 77 hp
Init +6
Spd: 20 ft, fly 70 ft. (average)
AC: 22 (-1 size, +6 Dex, +7 natural), touch 15, flat-footed 16

BA/Grapple: +7/+16
Attack: Short sword +14/+9 melee (1d8+8 +2d6 v. Good creatures/19-20) and tail slap +11 melee (2d6+3) and snakes +11 melee (1d4+3 plus poison) and bite +11 (1d8+3) and Claw +11 (1d6+3)
S/R: 10 ft./10 ft.
SA: Constrict 2d6+5, improved grab, spells, spell-like abilities
SQ: Bardic Music [6th level Bard], Darkvision 60 ft., immunity to poison, resistance to acid, cold, electricity, fire 10, DR 5/magic

AL Chaotic evil
Fort +8, Ref +11, Will +8
Str 24, Dex 23, Con 17, Int 18, Wis 16, Cha 22

Skills: Appraise +14, Concentration +13, Diplomacy +18, Hide +12, Knowledge (arcana) +14,
Listen +13, Move Silently +16, Perform (any one) +16, Sense Motive +13, Spellcraft +14,
Spot +13, Survival +17
Languages: Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Infernal, Sylvan

Feats: Ability Focus [Poison], Multiattack, Sudden Extend
Advancement: 8-10 HD (Large); 11-21 HD (Huge)

Petrifying Gaze (Su): A padrafyte’s gaze is less potent than its full-blooded parent; creatures are not turned to stone simply by looking at it. However, it can focus its power upon a single creature within 30 feet. The targeted opponent can avoid the gaze as normal and, if it fails to avoid the padrafyte’s gaze, it must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 19) or be permanently turned to stone. The padrafyte can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 7.

Poison (Ex): Snakes, Fortitude save (DC 17); initial Strength damage equal to the snakes’ bite damage and secondary Strength damage equal 8.

Medusa Blood (Ex): For all special abilities and effects, a padrafyte is considered both a medusa and the base creature. Padrafytes, for instance, are immune to the gaze attacks of medusas, and vice versa.

A lillend’s natural weapons, as well as any weapons it wields, are treated as chaotic-aligned and evil-aligned for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

Constrict (Ex): A lillend deals 2d6+5 points of damage with a successful grapple check. Constricting uses the entire lower portion of its body, so it cannot take any move actions when constricting, though it can still attack with its sword.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a lillend must hit with its tail slap attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold and can constrict.

A lillend casts arcane spells as a 6th-level bard.
Typical Bard Spells Known (4/3; save DC 14 + spell level)
1— charm person, cure light wounds, improvisation, sleep;
2— hold person, invisibility, sound burst.

Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day—darkness, hallucinatory terrain (DC 18), knock, light, poison; 1/day—charm person (DC 15), desecrate, speak with animals, speak with plants, unholy blight. Caster level 10th. The save DCs are Charisma-based.

Skills: Lillends have a +4 racial bonus on Survival checks.

Equipment 20,000gp.
Tiara of Disguise 2,000gp.
+1 Unholy Short Sword 18,300gp

In her natural form, she has the appearance of a Lillend, humanoid torso with a serpent's tail where her legs should be, and great wings sprouting from her back. Unlike a pure Lillend, however, her scales, wings, and hair are a crimson red with dead black streaks. Her skin is darkened and scaly. She is a monstrosity of what she once was.

She was born different from all the other Lillend, and she knew it ever since she was young. A little voice deep within herself going against her natural feelings. She learned that whenever she gave into that voice, she committed some terrible act. At first it was only a little theft and though that felt wrong, she wasn't caught and she didn't stop, at least not until the day she killed a fellow Lillend. Afterwards, she shoved away that voice deep within herself and ignored it completely. She was never caught for the deed, but her guilty conscience would not let her escape completely free.

She began to help people even moreso than what Lillend are expected to do as if she could make up for what she had done. She gave the poor her money, gave food to the hungry, slayed evil that was troubling people, but that guilt still did not leave her. It drove her to great acts of kindness, but the frustration that nothing she did would help drove her over the edge. She began to do anything, no matter how dangerous. Repeatedly she was almost killed in foolish attempts to stop some great evil.

It did not end until the day she encountered a Medusa. She hadn't known what to expect and though she managed to catch the Medusa off guard, the creature turned to her and everything disappeared except for her deepest thoughts, of which there were only two: to escape and to commit evil acts. She prayed for freedom, yearned for it, yet it was long in coming.

She doesn't know who freed her, and she doesn't know whether to thank her patron or not. She became free, but her body was fused with the Medusa she had sought to kill. She heard the voice of the Medusa and that deep voice she had heard when younger chimed in even louder than before since it had an ally. She could not fend herself from two voices and she did the only thing which allowed her to avoid going insane: she gave in to the voices.

She is no longer in control and watches miserably as she commits horrible acts of violence against others. She no longer has no goals in life beyond what to bring pain to next victim.

In a battle she is next expecting, she attempts to talk her way out of it, if possible. If not, she opens up with her petrifying gaze, followed by normal attacks. If entering a battle she is aware of, it is generally her ambushing someone who believes her to be good and an ally.

Voidrunner's Codex

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