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Doom of the Savage Kings

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Hank and Home looks to each other and do a face palm, Homer speaking what they are thinking, "Now he will be insufferable. Just watch" He shakes off the water, looks to the pool and traverses across. He shuffles his feet on the sandy bottom to see if he can find anything by touch. He stops a few ties to wiggle his bare toes on the sandy bottom, enjoying the feel.

Hank just looks at his hands and tries to recall the necromantic spell, but it is useless. He sighs with exasperation, walks to the water and splashes his face in the cool liquid.

Franko. Ah yes, Franko.

He grins with the aforementioned insufferablity. He simply beams with pride.

"Ah,yes. THAT was indeed magic." *GRIN*

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Lizt eyed the pool and then the stone. Her eyes returned to the pool. Shrugging off her leather armor and tying as best she could to her pack, Lizt walked out into the water. It looked to only be a foot or two deep with a sandy bottom, but looks were deceiving. She was ready to swim the pool, if need be. She kept her eyes on the stone, and made directly for that. Alois stayed by her side. He'd promised to protect Lizt, and he meant it. He used his polearm to test the water in front of himself and Lizt for depth as the pair trudged forward through the pool.

Gratien mistrusted the pond, and remained at the edge of the water. He fingered his bow and eyed the woods and the stream, keeping watch while the others searched.


Homer, sliding his feet along the sandy bottom, snags his toe on something. Investigating he pulls up a hide bundle secured with rotting leather thongs. The thongs break with very little handling and Homer discoveres within a pitted bronze shortsword, several tin coins, and a cracked skull. It was likely an offering to the spirit of the pool.

Lizt wades into the pool. The water looks like it is several feet deep but it never rises higher than mid-calf. Alois' precaution is rewarded: he finds two hide-wrapped offerings much like the one Homer found complete with coins, ancient sword, and cracked skull. In fact, the damage to the skulls is remarkably similar.

Lizt examines the stone. The spirals etched into the facing of the stone seem to be serpent symbols but the meaning, if there is one beyond the decorative, is lost to time. The stone itself is circular and flat and appears to be designed to roll aside though it has been a long, long time since the stone has been moved, maybe even centuries. It would be quite the feat of strength to move it now.

Deuce Traveler

Kurl approaches the stone and moves his hands along the serpent-like grooves. "Maybe following the snake twistings will be enough."

Boral searches the outer ring, "Maybe, but I might also be able to find where the stone hinges and an attached device."

"Good thinking lads. Also, be on the lookout for hidden levers and switches. My back would hate me if I had to try and lift that stone," Tender says as he searches the near walls.

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Homer, sliding his feet along the sandy bottom, snags his toe on something. Investigating he pulls up a hide bundle secured with rotting leather thongs. The thongs break with very little handling and Homer discovers within a pitted bronze shortsword, several tin coins, and a cracked skull. It was likely an offering to the spirit of the pool.
Homer carefully carries the bundle to the side of the pool. He lifts out a few tin coins and shows them to Hank. "What do you make of these, scribe?"

Hank walks through the pools and comes to Homer's side, taking note of the other bundle found. He looks the coin over very carefully.

he searches through his mind through the books he has read. When he finds a memory of a book, he flips through his mentle pages to recll what was written.

knowledg check with intellegence mod only: 1D20+2 = [13]+2 = 15



Kurl traces the serpentine marks and yet feels no answering surge of the supernatural in any fashion. Neither does Boral find lever or hinge or any other device or switch.

Hank takes a look at the coins. They are old but probably not worth anything more than the content of metal contained within and that would be small.

Lizt beckoned Alois over to the stone. "Can you lift it, or move it?"

Alois put down the coins and skull, as well as the ancient sword he'd found in the pool. The sword had piqued his interest; he was loth to set it down. When Lizt beckoned, however, Alois came over to the stone and tried to grab hold of it to see if he could move it.



The stone doesn't budge under Alois' efforts. Even with the four strongest of the group aiding Alois the stone doesn't budge. It seems it will take a greater number of individuals to move the stone (difficult, since only five can position themselves around the stone to make the attempt). Alois isn't even sure it is possible to move the stone now; time may have sealed this entrance. Maybe some magic could do it but it would seem that the only options are to spend a lot of effort in breaking through the stone or trying to find another entrance.

[sblock=OOC]So, double checking character sheets I have discovered that it isn't even possible for these characters to hit the DC to move the stone. I'll tell you there are alternate ways to enter so don't give up hope yet.[/sblock]

Deuce Traveler

Tender begins to wrap his knuckles and feel his way around the mound looking for another entrance. Without any other ideas, Kurl and Boral follow him and give an additional look.

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
"What if you were bigger and stronger? some of us can cast a magic to do that." suggests Hank. He looks over the coins and shrugs. Sorry, but the coins are not especially valuable. just as tin in any other form. May I look at that sword Alois?" He asks after it had been set down.

"Ooo, Ooo, I can I can Let me! let me!" chimes the jester.

"This can never go wrong" Groans the mumbled voice of a halfling. Most likely the one with his back to Franko.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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