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Doom of the Savage Kings

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Franko looks out at the direction of the huntsmen's escape, "We might be in trouble. I think they are going to go tattle."

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Gratien, Lizt, and Homer are all in sore need of rest and recuperation. Even Tender is wounded. And the huntsmen belonged to the Jarl of Hirot; that Lizt knows with a certainty, so it may not be entirely safe to return to the settlement.

Lizt rubbed tired arms. She limped over to Alois's still form and used her index and middle finger to close the dead man's eyes. She pressed a kiss to his forehead, then stood up. "Those huntsmen were men of the Jarl's. From Hirot. It's the Jarl who's after us. I can't think why, though." She gestured to Alois. "Alois would want his things returned to his family. He'd also want a proper burial. It seems wrong to leave him here in the wild, untended. I don't know about you lot, but I need to rest before I can do much walking. Could we stay a bit in the burial mound antechamber, maybe?" Lizt eyed Alois, his helm, cape, polearm, and his meager belongings. "I can't help but think that his things would be useful to us. I think we should drag him inside the antechamber. I don't want any of his things, but maybe someone else does. Anything that's left, I'll carry home to Hirot for his family. After we deal with the Jarl, though."


It is easy enough to carry Alois into the antechamber of the serpent mound. His body can be arranged and the items taken from him, whether to use or return to his family, and separated out. Gratien's skill as a forester proves invaluable in setting up a camp. There is flowing water here that runs along the mound and the woods can provide sustenance for the canny hunter. With a week of rest the group will be hale enough to continue on, whatever they decide to do.

[sblock=OOC]There is time during resting to cast a couple of spells if you like. I've edited down the module so that only the final battle with the demon-hound remains but I don't plan on continuing after that battle. That means you could cast a 'find familiar' spell or 'patron bond' with an existing patron but, since I don't plan to continue, I am not going to work up a custom patron. Sorry about that.

Let me know if you want to cast either of those spells (presuming you have them available). Once I know I'll jump us forward the week. At that time characters will be healed up and, in the case of those who have ability damage, will have healed seven points of ability damage.[/sblock]

[sblock=GlassEye]Thanks but no thanks; if we won't be continuing on past one more big battle, I don't see much point in casting either find familiar or patron bond. I'm sorry for the loss of a custom patron; that'd rather intrigued me, to be honest. That's ok, though. I'll look forward to the big battle extraordinaire, and to seeing a PbP through to completion for the first time ever. Well, almost through. Gratien came in part-way through. You know what I mean.[/sblock]


[sblock=OOC]Scott, that is correct. I have CB's answer concerning spells; what about you? I know you don't have find familiar but one of your wizards has patron bond if I recall correctly.[/sblock]

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Patron Bond (doesn’t count in a spell slot) (Wealful/woeful magic. Each time this spell is cast, there is a random 10%-60% chance that the wizard’s Luck score is altered by its magic. If the wizard’s Luck is affected, it is either raised 1d3 points (50% chance) or lowered 1d3 points (50% chance).)

B) Patron Bond (no mercurial effect).

Both go into a meditative trance, Hank pulls out a book on prayers and chants. He softly chants at the camp sight. Franko on the other hand is seemingly random in his actions aas he looks under rocks or logs, staring a a caterpillar he lets crawl on his fingers and other such acts. Both are trying to contack their respective patrons.

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Hank: [roll0]

Franko [roll1]
mercurial effect
1-50 luck raised, 51-100 luck lowered

Voidrunner's Codex

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