Doom of the Savage Kings

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OOC: CB, I have no idea why there are two columns of numbers for Lizt's thief skills. The first column I can't figure out; the second, I believe, is her base skill with agility mod. and armor check penalty added.

Despite an awkwardness when crawling through the hole there shouldn't be any reason, imo, why it couldn't be done and use sneak and hide, too.

OOC: OK, thanks, GE. I'll ignore the first column and will use the second column. It looks like Homer and Lizt have volunteered to go down the hole.

Lizt Sneak Silently [roll0] and Hide in Shadows [roll1]


Outside the mound is clear of threat as Lizt and Homer crawl through the opening and into the dark interior. Initially there is a tight squeeze but it opens up quickly. Much of the debris that must be crawled through is sharp rock and hard on the hands. Brushing it away (carefully, in order to maintain quiet) to avoid slicing hands and knees Lizt discovers a piece of metal embedded in the dirt floor. She thinks it might be a corroded sword like those found in the pool at first but soon realizes it is part of a larger object.

The dim room, easily scoped out by Homer's infravision and less so by Lizt's human eyes, comprises a packed dirt floor and large stone slabs that make up the walls and ceiling. The room is 25 feet square with the collapsed end and stream on the east side. Centered on the opposite wall is a passageway. The dimness makes it impossible to see to the end of it.

Deuce Traveler

Some in the group wait to see whether screams of pain come from the tunnel, but after a few heartbeats of silence it is decided it must be safe enough. Tender grabs his sword and gets down to his knees in order to scramble into the hole. Boral gently helps push him along from behind, and Kurl follows. Although all three have the desire to curse and swear as they go through, they are careful to be quiet as they join the two scouts.

Alois stood outside the hole and hedged. "I don't like tight spaces," the big man said. He looked at Boral. Gratien sidled up beside Alois and clapped him on the shoulder. "I think you're going to have to go down there with the rest of us, Alois, like it or not." The Elf lowered himself to the hole and swung his legs in feet first, grimacing at the mud that got on his hands and the seat of his breeches. Alois moved to the rear of the line. He braced himself for the feel of walls and darkness closing in for as long as he could. When he was the last one still outside on the mound, he started moving through the hole and the tunnel.

Inside the dim underground room, Lizt let her eyes adjust and listened to Homer whisper what he saw. She nodded. "I see some of that, but it's still pretty dark. Anyone have a torch?" Her hand grazed a hard bit of metal poking up from the dirt floor. "Ouch!" She hissed. Bending down to inspect what hurt her hand, Lizt dug around a bit, trying to unearth the metal object. She looked up at Homer. "There's something here, and it's not a sword like we found outside."

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