D&D 5E "Doom Sun" − reconstructing a 5e Dark Sun setting for the DMs Guild

That was a lot of putting stuff together, but there are some major flaws.

First, nothing in the Doomspace write-up says "Dawn War." There could have been 10 million wars between different gods and across the cosmos.

Second, Asmodeus, Bahamut, Tiamat, Lolth, Gruumsh, Moradin, Sehanine and Corellon are not Forgotten Realms gods. They are gods that are multi-setting. It isn't FR that has absorbed them. It's they that have absorbed FR and other settings. The only FR god on your list is Bane.

Third, even if it was the Dawn War, the 5e gods involved do not have to be the same ones as 4e. Each edition makes changes to lore.

In short, if you WANT it to be the Dawn War and you WANT to involve FR gods, you can make it that way, but the default as of right now isn't that way. The default is mysterious war involving mysterious gods and mysterious primordials.
Different Bane actually. It's not even his real name.

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That was a lot of putting stuff together, but there are some major flaws.

First, nothing in the Doomspace write-up says "Dawn War." There could have been 10 million wars between different gods and across the cosmos.

Second, Asmodeus, Bahamut, Tiamat, Lolth, Gruumsh, Moradin, Sehanine and Corellon are not Forgotten Realms gods. They are gods that are multi-setting. It isn't FR that has absorbed them. It's they that have absorbed FR and other settings. The only FR god on your list is Bane.

Third, even if it was the Dawn War, the 5e gods involved do not have to be the same ones as 4e. Each edition makes changes to lore.

In short, if you WANT it to be the Dawn War and you WANT to involve FR gods, you can make it that way, but the default as of right now isn't that way. The default is mysterious war involving mysterious gods and mysterious primordials.
Not to mention that the first world is just a legend. I like it myself, but it not the canonical origin of the D&D material plane
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The context of Fizbans is, the First World sundered. Afterward, each resulting world perceives Bahamut and Tiamat in some way. Along with Forgotten Realms, Greyhawk, Eberron, and Dragonlance, the Dawn War also perceives them in some way. In other words, the world of the Dawn War is one of the worlds that results from the sundering of the First World.
Actually, Fizban’s says the first world is dragon legend that most others don’t believe, IIRC.

But would they? Now, I haven't read the scan of the text on the Doomsphere (waiting for my book to arrive... tomorrow or the next day, hopefully), but do the conditions that existed there, prior to whatever caused the gods to destroy the sphere, also exist in other worlds?
I mean a "barrier to keep out gods around a world system" does sound a bit like Eberron. . .

Only Bane is from the Forgotten Realms and his Dawn War version is more like Greyhawk's Hextor than FR Bane who is a very different character.
Most notable difference between 3e Bane and 4e Bane: he shed the portfolio of Strife ergo he could make a plan, stick to it, and expect his followers to cooperate with each other to implement it.

3e Bane spent so much time supervising (micromanaging) his followers and raising up favorites among them, I don't see how he / they got anything done.

Most notable difference between 3e Bane and 4e Bane: he shed the portfolio of Strife ergo he could make a plan, stick to it, and expect his followers to cooperate with each other to implement it.

3e Bane spent so much time supervising (micromanaging) his followers and raising up favorites among them, I don't see how he / they got anything done.
Well it's mainly that 4e Dawn War Bane is basically a different character as their origins are not similar. As well as goals and personalities.

Actually, Fizban’s says the first world is dragon legend that most others don’t believe, IIRC.
The dragons believe the "legend" of the First World. The context presents as factual, the commingling shared awareness of dragonkind with other dragonkind across different worlds.

If there is a basis for it, it would be Chris Perkins' Iomandra, which deserves a setting book.
The First World setting seems to omit Io, the original dragon, who according to 4e, might (legendarily) have been killed during the Dawn War, from whose two halves, both Bahamut and Tiamat formed.

If 5e implies the Dawn War happens after the First World, it explains why not mentioning Io.

Any thoughts about how to sort out the sequence.

Well it's mainly that 4e Dawn War Bane is basically a different character as their origins are not similar. As well as goals and personalities.
That is fair enough. 4e intentionally fuses Bane with the other figures. There can be an ingame magical split personality, dimensional fusion, or whatever. It is possible that Greyhawk Hector and Forgotten Realms Bane and maybe others merged, for some reason, during the 4e Realms-shaking. Weirder stuff happens in the Forgotten Realms.

Most notable difference between 3e Bane and 4e Bane: he shed the portfolio of Strife ergo he could make a plan, stick to it, and expect his followers to cooperate with each other to implement it.

3e Bane spent so much time supervising (micromanaging) his followers and raising up favorites among them, I don't see how he / they got anything done.
This "merging" and transformation of Bane into a competent military leader, seems for the purpose of being able to unite Good and Evil astrals together against the primordial materials.
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Fyreen is the "younger brother" of Athas, with a lot of common things, but also with some great differences
Possibly. It makes sense if colonists from Athas arrived in Fyreen. Defiling on Athas is roughly 8000 years old. They brought this unsustainable technology with them. Probably, Athas wasnt as much as wasteland when the colonist left. But because of defiling both plants depleted.

If Fyreen has templars, then the colonization happened within 2000 years, and the population of Fyreen is relatively young.

Alternatively, all the dragon-kings stay in touch with each other even across planets. So Fyreen could have learned how to create templars, even if the technology developed later after Fyreenians already arrived.

, for example Fyreenians can be kins in Fortnite. Fyreen has been designed to be more sandbox, and more flexible for possible future changes, for example adding new elements.
I never played Fortnite. I can comment.

Maybe the sorcerer-kings from Athas not only knew about Fyreen, but they were getting ready for centuries because they feared a planar invasion from their "twin world".
Possibly. The dragon-kings both conspire with each other and rival each other. Any outcome seems possible.

Other possibility is a "safe path" between Fyreen and Athas, but this is controlled by the secret faction from "Black Spine" module.
The "safe path" between the two planets is wildspace itself. Until recently the crystal sphere barricaded the wildspace from astral sea and the rest of the multiverse. But wildspace travel between planets is still possible.

It can be that both Athas (or "Ashta") and Fyreen are planets in the Doomspace system, orbiting around the dead sun. But Athas is a safer distance away and doesnt expect to fall in any time soon.

* Even the evil gods after of centuries and thousands of years of experencie surviving enemies and betrays should understand the great difference between to be a true leader or a toxic boss.
How about?

Athas ("Ashta") is the way it has always been, classic 2e Athas, except now there is a black hole sun.

Fyreen closely resembles Athas, and might even go by the name of New Athas, or simply Athas, in some parts of Fyreen. Fyreen was the name that Athas gave to the planet. But New Athas is the name of nation there. This "nation" comprises autonomous city-states.

On Fyreen there is a loss of confidence since the astrals visited and the sun collapsed. The choice between dying in slavery versus dying free made that choice easy. The slave economy collapsed.

Two Fyreen city-states have transported to the various planets and moons, including Malas, via the mercantile assistance of the penguiny dohwars and giant mercanes.

Some city-states underwent significant social and magi-tech transformations for the positive, and are hesitant to leave.

Some city-states self-destructed in civil wars.

Some city-states are almost business as usual with sorcerer-kings able to stay in power during the social upheaval.

The population of the entire planet only numbers in the millions.

Food is scarcer than ever, because plants that are dependent on the sun went extinct in the wild, tho luxurious gardens and magic-tech research centers still preserve them. Plants (but including funguses) underwent magical transformations to survive on geothermic energy and possibly other energy sources in order to survive.

The world is mostly dark. Open lava illuminates some areas with its orange glow. Other places might resemble drow cities, albeit on the surface.

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