Door/Movement Question


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Does opening a door stop movement? I recently ruled that all action (other than interrupt) have to be fully complete unless the power says otherwise. However, I ran into a situation that kinda defied logic and ended up biting me in the arse.

I had a goblin enemy running away from the PCs and thought that he had gotten away from the PCs but one of my players pointed out that there were a door or two in the way and at each he would have stopped movement. This made a difference because it was only 2 additional squares needed for the goblin to get away.

I've searched the rules for anything to support this or to the contrary and have been unable to find either. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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First Post
We've ruled that opening a door is a minor action, so you can move up to a door, open it, and then move again. But we think it is definitely an action to open a door.

In fact... pg 289 of the PHB "Minor Action. Open or close a door: Open or close a door or container that isn’t locked or stuck."
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First Post
In the PH on page 267, opening a door is given as an example of a minor action. So yes, having to open a door would stop movement, barring powers etc.

Of course if you just barrel through a door that's not latched (and opens away from you) it would be reasonable to just say it costs an extra movement point to knock it out of your way.


First Post
Yes, by the rules,opening a door does stop movement, but you may choose to allow it and tell the players that you are making an exception and tell them that the use of minor actions during other actions should always be resolved on a case-by-case basis.


I'd just stick with the rules, and let the players catch the goblin. After all, if he was supposed to escape, he'd have had a better escape plan, right?


First Post
To us it seems lame and kind of too "mechanical" to have a move end to use a minor action to open a door. So we allow the minor action of opening/closing doors during the move action without ending it. Doesn't seem to break anything and makes a lot more sense IMHO.


To us it seems lame and kind of too "mechanical" to have a move end to use a minor action to open a door. So we allow the minor action of opening/closing doors during the move action without ending it. Doesn't seem to break anything and makes a lot more sense IMHO.
Agreed. Just be sure to make it clear to your players that this is establishing a precedent, and you will treat all similar situations in the future the same way.

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