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Dragon Disciple - a viable option?


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The Dragon Disciple as it is now is perfectly viable. It is a fighter class, and any other combination, though fun and interesting to roleplay, is not optimized.
D12 hd, good fort and will saves, boost to Str, Con, and Cha are all good things. They have really good skill list, for a fighter type. Natural flight and Blindsense are just icing on the cake.

The best combos are things like, Bard1/Barb2/Fighter2, Sor1/Pal4, or combination of PrCs like, Bard1/Ftr4 then into Holy Liberator or Soldier of Light. The reason you take some sort of Divine casting class like Pally or Holy Liberator, is that you can add your bonus spells to those other class, not necessarily your arcane class. So you can get a ton of bless weapons or cure light wounds that you can cast in armor.

Feat selection has to take into account the increase in Str, so things like Power Attack and Improved Trip. Improved Trip is really good since it's just a straight up Strength check.

You also get 3 attacks before Any other class except monk, or 5 attacks if you take 2 weapon fighting. You can always do your bite as a secondary natural attack, along with the iteratives on your weapons. Also, if you have a decent Cha score, with the Class combos I mentioned, you'll be able to get your Cha to saves and pick up divine might. Dex isn't really an important stat, Nor is Wis...

That's all I can think of now.


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First Post
I just thought of a question.

What would be the definition of "viable"?

The originator asked if this were a viable class. Defined how?

I know that in D&D a completely objective standard is probably impossible, but it is still worth asking.

I guess this question is for anyone who wants to answer it.



First Post
I just thought of a question.

What would be the definition of "viable"?

The originator asked if this were a viable class. Defined how?

I know that in D&D a completely objective standard is probably impossible, but it is still worth asking.

I guess this question is for anyone who wants to answer it.


Magic Slim

First Post
Good point, I should have made more clear what I meant by "viable".

I won't hide it, it's basically about combat. The majority of the campaigns I play in are very "physical" in nature. There is a lot of combat.

I was wondering, I guess, about the survivability and usefulness of such a character. They get average combat capacities and only a few spells. They get an interesting skill list (albeit very few skill points). They get nice natural perks.

They are clearly outmatched as spellcasters. They are also probably outmatched by pure paladins / fighters / barbarians as melee types. I guess the role of a Dragon Disciple in a party would have to be of a 2nd fighter..

Anyways, thanks for the input and info.



Anyone ever try a bard/dragon disciple build? I should've thought the BAB of the bard would help with the combat effectiveness thing.

Ycore Rixle

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There is a barbarian 8/sor2/DD5 (or something like that, could be off by a few levels) in our campaign. Obviously, he focuses on the fighting with a few spells thrown in. He is tremendously strong in combat. Powerful build. Easily keeps up with or surpasses in combat the rest of the party, which includes a 15 cleric, 16 rogue, 14 wiz. And we have been having a ball with the ongoing plotlines about him reawakening his draconic heritage...

Gnome Berzerker

First Post
Gotta go with a Barbarian or Paladin multiclass, and make a warrior with spells kind of character.

There are probably more powerful builds, but I don't know how many of them allow you a breath weapon. :cool:


First Post
Crothian said:
Ya, it's a great way to go. Bards have a good list of spells that really help out with the DD.

Not to mention that while a bards knows a lot of spells, he cannot cast them very often.

I currently have a brd 2/brb 2 build with point buy system and he is nearly as effective in combat as the pure fighter but with a lot better saves. Giving him DD levels would certainly work for him. I agree though that the prestige class is rather weak for a pure spellcaster. The problem is that it is such a lovely role-playing prestige class...

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