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Dragon Gods (Aasterinian, Chronepsis, and Faluzure)

The Serge

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BOZ said:
Hi everyone! When I wrote those powers, I wasn’t consulting the DDG very heavily. I’m not that familiar with the book yet, but I’m working on it!
Although there are many people that don't care for some of the SDAs in DDG, I think it's a great resource. I recommend it.

BOZ said:
Alter Size should cover his size-changing powers. I will add a note in the description that he usually appears with a 60-foot total length – should we thus make him Gargantuan as his usual size?
I'm at work, so I can't check, but make sure he has any prerequisites for the Alter Size SDA.

If you really want to capture the feel of the 2ed Chronepsis, I'd say he can range from a large to a colossal dragon at will as part of a special element to his Alter Size... or just mention it as part of the flavor text.

BOZ said:
Breath Weapon: times per day is a holdover from 2E. I don’t feel strongly about him needing a per-day limit to it, but do you? other than that, is it fine as/is?
Personally, I never liked the idea of a limit for Breath weapons on dragons, so I would eliminate the limit and treat him like any other dragon (save Tiamat), requiring that he wait 1d4 rounds between breaths.

BOZ said:
Spells: I only listed the class levels for reference. I can set the “level” at whatever, but if you look in the DDG you see that Bahamut and Tiamat just have their spells/day listed (6/10/9/9/9/8/7/7/7/7) and base DC, and then a selection of sorcerer spells that they know. So suggestions for how we should go with Chronepsis (and the others, if you feel like it)?
I think both Tiamat and Bahamut cast as 20th level Sorcerers and Clerics. If you're going to limit this material to the DDG and Core Rules, this would like wise be the cap for Chronepsis... except, you could give him one of the many casting SDAs that Improve his levels capacity, allowing him to Maximize or Quicken even 9th level spells.

If you decide to open it up to Epic Rules, you could raise his caster level that way.

Personally, I think either ways fine (although I think the former makes more sense for continuity sake).

BOZ said:
Immunities: I didn’t catch that one before. Yes, 7th-level spell immunity should be a unique SDA. What about petrification and wish immunity?
I would include the petrification and wish immunity as part of this Unique SDA.

BOZ said:
Special Damage: OK, Annihilating Strike it is. :) if the attack misses, would the opponent take any damage at all? How would I list his damage dice for physical attacks?
If a god misses (and this in unlikely in the case of an Intermediate or Greater god), then there is no damage associated with the attempt. So, no, if Chron misses, there is no damage to assess.

The damage would be based upon the size of Chronepsis and his Str modifier and his DvR. He should have the same melee types as "mortal" Dragons. The Annihilating Strike Fort DC is (off the top of my head) 10+DvR+dmg or die.

BOZ said:
Improved Invisibility: how many unique SDA’s can one god have? :)
So long as the god does not exceed his divine limits, as many as he wants.

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Regarding Io, Defenders of the Faith list him/her as both the Lord of the Gods and the Creator of the Dragon Races, and in Council of Wyrms, s/he is mentioned as an overgod, and described as having a keen interrest in the survival of the lesser races. And at the start of Cult of the Dragon one gets described how the lesser dragons are born from the blood of Io. (Although it's told through the perspective of a chromatic dragon, and as such, it's twisted by that dragons perspective.)

But then again, I can only go by what I have read...

(also, I found an interrestin tale of the creation of the multiverse from the perspective of a dragon, on mimir.net, but as an unofficial source I can't verify it.)


The Serge

First Post
While I can't speak about Council of Wyrms, I am confident that Io is considered a Greater god in Monster Mythology (which very well may have been superceded by material in CoW) and that there is no indication that he is anything more than a greater god in DotF.

Personally, I like the idea that he's an Overpower... but I don't believe this is the official line...


Creature Cataloguer
gave some thoughts to stuff i posted yesterday, and here's what i'm thinking. let me know how you feel about these things:

Aasterinian: HD 47
Chronepsis: HD 49

Ability Scores:
Aasterinian – 47/10/35/35/33/33
Chronepsis – 49/10/33/39/40/33

This would give Aasterinian natural armor +46, and Chronepsis +48.

Aasterinian: 120 ft, fly 300 ft (clumsy), swim 230 ft. Does that sound about right? Should she be clumsy, or perfect?
Chronepsis: Still didn’t figure out what to do with his speed. *shrug*

Bite Attacks: Aasterinian will do 4d8 + Strength modifier. For Chronepsis, his Annihilating Strike should do. ;)

I guess I will give them SR 42 – what would Chronepsis, as an Intermediate god, have as Divine Rank?

next, i'm going to work a bit on Aasterinian's powers before i leave work today. :)

The Serge

First Post
BOZ said:
gave some thoughts to stuff i posted yesterday, and here's what i'm thinking. let me know how you feel about these things:

BOZ said:
Aasterinian: HD 47
Chronepsis: HD 49
I'm not at home to look at the HD... but I would give Aasterinian less HD than Tiamat, and Chronepsis at least 10 HD more than Bahamut.

BOZ said:
Ability Scores:
Aasterinian – 47/10/35/35/33/33
Chronepsis – 49/10/33/39/40/33
I always thought the Charisma scores for Dragons were too low. I would give both of these guys Chr's over 40... And, I'd lower Aasterinian's Wisdom a little. Don't know about the Str...

BOZ said:
Aasterinian: 120 ft, fly 300 ft (clumsy), swim 230 ft. Does that sound about right? Should she be clumsy, or perfect?
Chronepsis: Still didn’t figure out what to do with his speed. *shrug*
The speed values are listed in the section on Deity creation. I would take a look at that before assigning values to either god.

BOZ said:
Bite Attacks: Aasterinian will do 4d8 + Strength modifier. For Chronepsis, his Annihilating Strike should do. ;)
Well, Chron will get bite (and claw, and wing, etc.) damage in addition to the Annihilating Strike. Remember that part of the Annihilating Strike DC save is damage based.

BOZ said:
I guess I will give them SR 42 – what would Chronepsis, as an Intermediate god, have as Divine Rank?
Well, the SRs are based upon a specific formula (which I don't known by heart). Chances are Chronepsis will have a higher SR than Aasterinian, Bahamut, and Tiamat because he's a higher ranked diety.

As for ranks, I would assign Aasterinian DvR 8 and Chronepsis DvR 15 (personally, I think he should be a Greater god... oh well).
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First Post
The_Serge: Ah, but it doesn't say he isn't, and it seems to be the general concensus that you don't get a title such as 'Lord of the Gods' unless you have the power to back it up. :p
I don't know when Monster Mythology came out, would you care to inform me of this?

Boz: Looks good, Chronepsis as an intermediate god would have a divine rank of 11 to 15. I would go with 15, as he is a deity of death, fate and judgement.



Creature Cataloguer
as promised, gave some though to Aasterinian's powers:

Breath Weapons: Line of fire, cone of sleep (as great wyrm brass dragon) – range and area of effect are increased by 20% of normal. base damage (21d20+21 according to MonMyth)
Cloud of spiral of degeneration as above, to a range of 120 feet, 1/day

immune to all spells below 5th-level: as stated previously, this will be a unique SDA.

Fire resistance 30.

DR 25/+2

Spell resistance is increased within one hour (before or after) dawn by (+3). Saving throws against her spells are subject to a –2 penalty (cumulative with any other penalties) during this time.

Spells: she uses spells from all spheres and schools, save the sphere of Law.

Successful bit attack swallows a creature whole, slaying it instantly and destroying equipment, on a natural roll of 14 or higher.


First Post
Boz: Aasternian needs to have the fire subtype, since she is a brass dragon. I also suggest giving her 46HD. Also it would perhaps be wise to read through chapter 2 of Deities and Demigods™ (Deities Defined) as it spells out all the powers that deities recive, that is if you haven't read it allready... :D But other than that, Looking Good! :D

The Serge

First Post
BOZ said:
Breath Weapons: Line of fire, cone of sleep (as great wyrm brass dragon) – range and area of effect are increased by 20% of normal. base damage (21d20+21 according to MonMyth)
Cloud of spiral of degeneration as above, to a range of 120 feet, 1/day
Check the base damage for the Great Brass Wyrm and adjust it to conform to Aasterinian's Con (if it's higher or lower, there will be some minor adjustments to it).

BOZ said:
Fire resistance 30.
What is the standard for fire resistance? Whatever it is, you'll add the god's DvR to it. So, this may be right...

BOZ said:
I know it will be at least ?/+4 if you're using just the DDG. (I think the DvRs should now be : x2DvR/halfDvR).

BOZ said:
Spell resistance is increased within one hour (before or after) dawn by (+3). Saving throws against her spells are subject to a –2 penalty (cumulative with any other penalties) during this time.
I would recommend that both modifiers be the same just for consistency sake.

BOZ said:
Spells: she uses spells from all spheres and schools, save the sphere of Law.
Gods (or characters for that matter) no longer have sphere restrictions because these no longer exist in 3ed. Additionally, I would not weaken her casting ability to match those of MonMyth. She should cast at least as well as a Great Brass Wyrm.

BOZ said:
Successful bit attack swallows a creature whole, slaying it instantly and destroying equipment, on a natural roll of 14 or higher.
This could be an Extraordinary ability or a unique SDA since most dragons her size can't do this.

Looking good!


Creature Cataloguer
i will respond to this stuff today, but for now here are Faluzure’s powers:

Breath Weapon: Energy draining cloud: 30’x40’x50’. Victims in cloud receive 1d10 negative levels. Save (DC ) for half. Creatures reduces to zero level or below become juju zombies under control of Faluzure. Breath also causes disease (save DC ) which is fatal in 2d4 hours unless cured by a priest of 12th level or higher.

MR: immune to all spells below 5th level, and petrification.

Special Damage: Any melee hit causes paralysis and fear (save DC ). If the creature fails both saves, it becomes insane.

Undead: Controls undead as a 20th-level cleric. It can animate dead at will, and summon shadow every other round.

Voidrunner's Codex

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