Despite loving boardgames, it’s those same elements that initially kept me from enjoying Dragonbane.My partner is German, and, no surprise, but they really like board games. So I went out of my way to present DB more like a board game or emphasize those aspects of the game that were more board game-like. So I was not surprised when they confirmed that they liked the physical play elements like standees, maps, and cards. I also told them that it should be like playing a game like Pandemic or Forbidden Desert, which are board games with characters that have a handful of unique actions.
A good sign was when my partner said that they wanted to keep the character sheets marked as they were for the possibility of continuing the adventure. This was just a combat run, so I am curious how they will navigate the various NPCs and factions that comprise the town of Outskirt.
I have Index Card RPG but I can’t say the Trials stuck out in my mind. I’ll have to read those again.One thing that I would also consider for my partner would be running something like Trials in Index Card RPG, which are like combat scenarios, skirmishes, and mini-dungeons for quick one-shots. I think that Dragonbane could work well for that sort of thing, especially when we may want to play something quick without committing ourselves to a campaign.
Apparently it’s being used as part of their Free Agent / Organized Play thing, so being part of that is the only way to get it now. Unless you happen across it on eBay or something.Sadly, I can’t seem to find a copy of The Sinking Tower adventure that Free League gave out last year on Free RPG Day.