Dragonlance Dragonlance cataclysm and a bit about Paladine

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did you just call me evil? and you tried to cover it with a wink emogi? I am getting sick of people taking personal pot shots!

No, I think a view that there is only one way to interpret Good, and that removing Free Will/Choice, counts as Good in the effort to 'Prevent Evil' is both "One True Way"-ism, and would like the Kingpriest, and his views, be Lawful Evil.


because the good alignment out of game says they wont... so gods that aren't good should/would/could gods that are good should be questioned VERY hard the same as if a PC of good alignment tried to kill a town to get the evil mayor.
Yeah, that's not a debate I am the least bit interested in. Alignment is dumb, for this very reason. If all there is are absolutes, nothing is true.

I will happily continue to believe that the "good gods" smashed Sodo--- er, Istar -- and still call them "good" while not giving two figs about how that reflects on my personal real world morality.

No, I think a view that there is only one way to interpret Good, and that removing Free Will/Choice, counts as Good in the effort to 'Prevent Evil' is both "One True Way"-ism, and would like the Kingpriest, and his views, be Lawful Evil.
I did NOT take anyones freewill. I DID NOT advacate taking free will. I advacate 2 things...

1 either put a carve out in the gods "The good gods don't follow the PHB definition of there alignment"
2 have the good gods actually act good and not evil or neutral.


I did NOT take anyones freewill. I DID NOT advacate taking free will. I advacate 2 things...

1 either put a carve out in the gods "The good gods don't follow the PHB definition of there alignment"
2 have the good gods actually act good and not evil or neutral.

Or perhaps your view on Alignment is not the one true way? Perhaps they did act Good, and it simply does not align with how you view it?

Not that there is anything wrong with a personal interpretation but maybe, just maybe.

There is no 'One True Way' to view Alignment, and "Good" and thats OK?

Or perhaps your view on Alignment is not the one true way? Perhaps they did act Good, and it simply does not align with how you view it?
how the PHB says it... and again if they put a carve out in saying the good gods get an exception that is fine too.
Not that there is anything wrong with a personal interpretation but maybe, just maybe.

There is no 'One True Way' to view Alignment, and "Good" and thats OK?
whats the matter is CONSTANT PERSONAL ATTACKS... like calling a poster evil

Voidrunner's Codex

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