Dragonlance Dragonlance Nexus Posts Tasslehoff's Pouches of Everything

The Dragonlance Nexus -- the fan site for all things Dragonlance -- has created a free 94-page PDF detailing the Dragonlance setting for D&D 5th Edition. The PDF includes races, organizations, equipment, gods, magic, monsters, geography, a timeline, and more. https://dragonlancenexus.com/tasslehoffs-pouches-of-everything/ Tasslehoff’s Pouches of Everything is your one-stop shop for all...

The Dragonlance Nexus -- the fan site for all things Dragonlance -- has created a free 94-page PDF detailing the Dragonlance setting for D&D 5th Edition. The PDF includes races, organizations, equipment, gods, magic, monsters, geography, a timeline, and more.


Tasslehoff’s Pouches of Everything is your one-stop shop for all things Dragonlance and Krynn for D&D 5th Edition. During our journey through the people, organizations, monsters and magic of Ansalon, Uncle Tas will be your guide. Tas’ life is easily one of the most storied of anyone from Krynn. He has traveled through time and space, and done things that defy even the wildest of kender tales. That’s why we’ve recruited him to give us insight about every aspect of the world we love!

Tasslehoff's Pouches of Everything is a continuation of the mission of the Ennie Award-winning Dragonlance Nexus - to keep Dragonlance alive (including in gaming) and to celebrate the best of fandom.

So please have a look, and keep watching the Dragonlance Nexus for more new content for Dragonlance in 5th edition.

Long live the Lance!

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Cool product. I always wonder on these free things if they will get in trouble for using images they don't own.
I wondered about this as well, why they dont have to go through DMs Guild. Perhaps their grandfathered in if they were the official fan site for Dragonlance at one point prior to 5E?


Well, that was fun
Staff member
I wondered about this as well, why they dont have to go through DMs Guild. Perhaps their grandfathered in if they were the official fan site for Dragonlance at one point prior to 5E?
They've been around for a long time. I assume they've cleared any legal hurdles they need to.

A decent product. I'll likely still be using my own homebrew built ruleset and stuff for the setting, but a solid work for a fan compilation. There are a few minor things I do find odd:
1) I can't for the life of me figure out why they didn't just make Dimernesti and Dargonesti the same statblock race and let them change into any creature with a swim speed under a certain CR (like 1 or 1/2 perhaps?). Likewise I assume it's intended to be that they have a swim speed, but the write ups listed here don't actually give them one.

2) I will personally still just use half-orc racials for half-ogres, tieflings for Irda (they used them as a template here it seems anyway), and goliath for Tarmak (letting them trade the altitude adaptation for vehicle (sea) proficiency). It might not be as "lore accurate" but it's far simpler than implementing a bunch of new races.

3) I do like this implementation of Kender and I'll be using the hell out of that pouch chart. Only comment is I do think +2 Con makes more sense for Aflicted Kender than int. (Personally I just use Stout Hart Halflings for Aflicted Kender myself).

4) I wish they'd done Noble Draconians as well, hopefully that's something that could be done later with the Bestiary Release they hinted at.

5) Most of the subclasses are solid, or at least seem balanced enough in theory. I wish I'd seen some more love/development/subclasse for the Order of Sorcery and the Citadel of Light Mystics (I really play up the concept of each magic faction being on different terms with each other in my games), but a good base for going off of at least.

6) My one major "gripe" is that a lot of those magic items are VERY weak for their rarity. Personally I'd have made the Crystal Staff a Staff of Healing with some more stuff thrown on, the Brightblade a Holy Avenger, and the Staff of Magus a Staff of the Magi with tweaked abilities. The Ghost Blade also works well as an Elven Blade from the DMG.

....but again minor gripes/suggestions for people to consider for their games if they like what's here.

Overall it's a solid attempt at giving the existing 3.5 material an update to 5e and I applaud their efforts.

...now if only I could find a non-midi cover of Mina's song from that same website to use in my Age of Mortals campaign, but I digress. 😅

Dire Bare

Cool product. I always wonder on these free things if they will get in trouble for using images they don't own.
It's my understanding that, back in the day, the Dragonlance Nexus was designated as the "official" fansite for Dragonlance. This was way before the DMsGuild was a thing. What rights that gave them, or if that status is still in existence, I don't know. I doubt, however, that they can legally use artwork they don't have the rights to.
I wondered about this as well, why they dont have to go through DMs Guild. Perhaps their grandfathered in if they were the official fan site for Dragonlance at one point prior to 5E?
You don't have to use the OGL or publish on the DMsGuild for a fan product. But you do have to be careful to avoid using copy/paste text and artwork you don't have the rights to. And, of course, you can't charge.

Besides, the DMsGuild hasn't been opened yet for the Dragonlance setting, so they actually can't publish something like this on the site, at least not yet.


Elder Thing
I wondered about this as well, why they dont have to go through DMs Guild. Perhaps their grandfathered in if they were the official fan site for Dragonlance at one point prior to 5E?
They can't go through DMSGuild. Dragonlance is not one of the approved settings for use on that site.

In fact, the fact that the Nexus has released this (evidently approved) document strongly suggests that WotC has no plans to do something similar, which means Dragonlance isn't going to be an option on DMSGuild for the foreseeable future.



It's free.

Not sure I'm a fan of it. They included a lot of fluff...to a certain degree I suppose. Made a big use of guild...or Order/organization rules...but not really in the way I like it.

Instead of basing gaming material off of renown as much, I'd probably have preferred it based more off of other things.

Prefer they had more archetypes or separated them out more (Knight of Neraka for example only has a subclass for clerics. Would have been nice to have archetypes for Fighters [Lilly] and Wizards [Thorn]). (Or, for Knight of Solamnia split up the archetype additions of Crown, Sword, and Rose). Etc...etc...etc.

Love Dragonlance, but this isn't really my style which I like. Everyone has different tastes though. More power to them if it's what they like in their game.

PS: I'd have to check, but is any of the art actually from the DLCS for 3.5? If not, the rest of the art I think would be owned by Weiss and others or the site was given permission to use previously, which means that some of it they may already have permissions to use, depending on if they had permissions from those others already.

PPS: I like the Monster section of it, though it would be nice to have it more expansive and larger (looking at their release section I suppose they are saving a majority of them for the Bestiary of Krynn though, that's not to be released until 2022). Also like the fluff sections at the end of it (after the monster section).
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Aspiring Trickster Mentor
Haven't had a chance to read through the document yet, but that cover art is super fun!
Completely agree! I'd consider seeking out a print if I were going to GenCon this year. It's exactly the type of story a Kender would tell about "Uncle Tas"...even if Soth was one of the few things to unsettle Kender in-universe.

Dire Bare

In fact, the fact that the Nexus has released this (evidently approved) document strongly suggests that WotC has no plans to do something similar, which means Dragonlance isn't going to be an option on DMSGuild for the foreseeable future.
I wouldn't read to much into that.

Assuming the Nexus' "official fan-site" status is still legit, they were given the right to publish fan-fic (or, fan-design) in the Dragonlance setting. I'm pretty sure they didn't have to float specific releases in front of WotC for approval.

I'm not convinced we're getting an official Dragonlance book next year . . . but this release isn't evidence of that.

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