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Dragonslayers [Aftermath]


First Post
Grimhild Uggluck

ok, so I finished him, here he is:)

Grimhild Uggluck
Class: Cleric Level: 6
Race: Half-Orc Gender: Male
Age: 21 Height: 6'2" Weight: 275lbs
Hair: Bald Eyes: dark green
Size: Medium
Languages: Common, Orc
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Diety: Grishnaak
Cleric Domains: Strength, War

STR: 22 (+6) (base - 17 [13pts] +1 lvl, +2 race, +2 magic item)
DEX: 10 (=0) (base - 10 [2pts] )
CON: 11 (=0) (base - 11 [3pts] )
INT: 6 (-2) (base - 8 [0pts] -2 race)
WIS: 16 (+3) (base - 16 [10pts] )
CHA: 6 (-2) (base - 8 [0pts] -2 race)

FORT: +5 (+7 vs. Dragons - Dragon Hunter feat) (+5 cleric base, +0 ability mod)
REF: +2 (+4 vs. Dragons) (+2 cleric base, +0 ability mod)
WILL: +8 (+10 vs. Dragons) (+5 cleric base, + 3 ability mod)

HP: 44 (6D8 + 6 imp. toughness feat)

AC: 19 (21 vs. Dragons) (10 base, +0 dex, + 9 armor [+1 Full Plate] )
INIT: +0 (+0 dex)
SPEED: 20ft (30ft base, lowered because of Heavy Armor)

BAB: +4
GRAPPLE: +10 (+4 BAB, +6 STR)

Venomtooth (+1 Black DragonBone Greatsword)
atk: +12 (+4 BAB, +1 Weapon Focus, +1 Magic, +6 STR)
dmg: 2d6+10 +1acid CRIT: 19-20 x 2 (2d6 weapon, +9 str x 1.5, +1 magic, +1acid dragonbone weapon)
(Min. dmg: 13, Max dmg: 23)

(other attacks)
Cold Iron MorningStar
atk: +10 (+4 BAB, +6 STR)
dmg: 1d8 + 9 CRIT: x2 (1d8 weapon, +9 str x 1.5)
(Min. dmg: 10, Max dmg: 17)

atk: +4 (+4 BAB)
dmg: 1d6 + 6 CRIT: x2 (1d6 weapon + 6 STR)
RANGE: 30 ft.
(Min dmg: 7, Max dmg: 12)

ARMOR: +1 Full Plate


Martial Weapon Proficiency: Greatsword (Granted from War domain)
Weapon Focus: Greatsword (Granted from War domain - gives a +1 to attack with Greatswords)
Improved Toughness (1st lvl feat - gives +1 HP per hit die)
Combat Casting (3rd lvl feat - gives +4 bonus on concentration checks to cast or use spell-like ability on the defensive, or while grappling or pinned)
Dragon Hunter (6th lvl feat - gives +2 dodge bonus to AC against attacks made by dragons, and a +2 competence bonus on saving throws against the spells, attacks, and special abilities of dragons. Also, +2 competence bonus on any opposed check (such as bull rush attempt or grapple check) made against a dragon

skill points - 4 at 1st lvl, 1 per lvl thereafter (-2 int, but always min. of 1)
Concentration: +9 (9 ranks, +0 con)

CASTING ON THE DEFENSIVE: +13 (+15 vs. Dragons)

Appraise: -2 (-2 int)
Balance: 0 (0 dex)
Bluff: -2 (-2 cha)
Climb: +1 (+6 str, -5 acp)
Diplomacy: -2 (-2 cha)
Disguise: -2 (-2 cha)
Escape Artist: -5 (0 dex, -5 acp)
Forgery: -2 (-2 int)
Gather Information: -2 (-2 cha)
Heal: +3 (+3 wis)

Hide: -5 (0 dex, -5 acp)
Intimidate: -2 (-2 cha... OR a value of +6 if you allow Str to be used for intimidate checks)
Jump: +1 (+6 str, -5 acp)
Listen: +3 (+3 wis)
Move Silently: -5 (0 dex, -5 acp)
Ride: 0 (0 dex)
Search: -2 (-2 int)
Sense Motive: +3 (+3 wis)
Spot: +3 (+3 wis)
Survival: +3 (+3 wis)
Swim: -4 (+6 str, -5 acp x 2)
Use Rope: 0 (0 dex)

ABILITIES: (race and class)
Darkvision - 60ft, Orc blood, Turn Undead, Cleric Spells

Venomtooth (2,650 gp) (+1 DragonBone Greatsword)
Grishnuul (4,000 gp) (Gauntlents of Ogre Power +2)
+1 Full Plate armor (2,500 gp)
Chain Shirt (100 gp)
Cold Iron Morningstar (16 gp)
Javelin x 10 (10 gp)
Dagger (2 gp)
Backpack (2 gp)
Bedroll (..1 sp)
Blanket, Winter (..5 sp)
Candle x 10 (....10 cp)
Case, Scroll (1 gp)
Flint 'n Steel (1 gp)
Grappling Hok (1 gp)
Pouch, Belt (1 gp)
Rope, Hemp x2 (2 gp)
Sack x 3 (..3 sp)
Shovel (2 gp)
Holy Symbol (wood) (1 gp)
Waterskin x 5 (5 gp)
Rations, trail x 4 days (2 gp)

Light: 173 lbs or less
Medium: 174 - 346 lbs
Heavy: 347 - 520 lbs

Lift over head: 520 lbs
Lift off ground: 1,040 lbs
Push or Drag: 2,600 lbs

5 gp
0 sp
90 cp

War Domain: Free Martial weapon proficiency and Weapon Focus with Deity's favored weapon (Greatsword)
Strength Domain: Can perform a feat of strength as a super-natural ability. You gain an enhancement bonus to Strength equal to your cleric level. Activating the power is a free action, the power lasts 1 round, and it is usable once per day.

Grimhild worships the very old, and mostly forgotten, god of Strength, War, and Luck - Grishnaak. Grishnaak is Chaotic good, his holy symbol is two deep scars crossing over eatch other in an "X" pattern, and his favored weapon is the greatsword. To fight a battle, wage a war, or perform feats of strength are all fine ways to pay homage to Grishnaak. Any of his worshippers should be capable warriors.

(I'm putting this in sblocks, it's QUITE the long [and hopefully interesting!] read, and this will help conserve on space :) Also, I'll be adding more of a description of Grim's Personality and Appearance later, but it's *way* late again and bedtime is past due! :) )
Grimhild grew up in a small-ish community of other fair-orcs and a few humans. His grandmother happened to be one of those humans, and since his mother died in childbirth, she was the one that watched over him. Grim enjoyed spending time with her, listening to her stories, and helping her out any way that he could. It was a bit difficult for her raising a fair-orc, but she did her best to show Grim both sides of his heritage. Grim wasn't too smart and therefore not interested at all in any kind of "book" studies, but he was of course attracted to fighting and brawling, especially when around the other fair-orc children. All fair-orcs are strong, but Grim was known as one of the *very* strong even from an early age.

When Grimhild was just about reaching adolescence, he remembered his grandmother calling him to her bedside. She was very frail and sick looking, but had a big smile on her face. Sitting on her lap was a very nice pair of black leather gloves, with iron rivets running down the backs of them. She told Grimhild to take them and wear them with pride. He did so and ran out to play/brawl with the other children. That would be the last time that Grim saw his grandmother alive.

Grim was tore up about loosing his grandmother, she was the nicest person he had ever known, and he thought it wasn't fair that she was taken away from him. Grim ran away into the woods on his own, crying and mourning the loss of his grandmother. He wandered for a long time, crying and thinking about her, he just kept walking, and soon it became nighttime. After a while more still, and his belly starting to rumble from being hungry, he realized that he was lost and didn't know where he was. He wasn't *entirely* lost though, for *something* had "found" him. Out from behind a bush, a large (to a child, really it was an adolescent itself) black bear stood up on it's hind legs and roared a massive roar! All thoughts of his grandmother gone now, the only thing on his mind was survival, Grim dashed to the base of a fallen tree and tugged at the stump, intending to pull just a piece of it off to use as a club, but instead Grim pulled the entire stump out of the ground! He had not known strength like *this* before! With more important things to worry about though, like the large black bear rushing towards him, Grim grabbed the stump with both hands, turned and swung it, solidly connecting with the bear's skull. It knocked the creature down, but *not* out! As Grim was moving over to pound it into the ground with the treestump, it lunged at him, clawing and biting at his chest. With one mighty shove, Grimhild pushed the creature back off of him, and once again brought the treestump crashing into it's body, this time connecting with it's ribs. The creature looked hurt, and Grim was also hurt pretty badly, but there was no time to think about that, he had to finish this. The bear made one more wild swing with it's massive paws, connecting again in the same spot in Grim's chest, at the same exact instant that grim brought the treestump crashing down on it's skull with a massive double-handed overhead swing, crushing it's bones against the ground. The enemy was defeated, and Grim had fought bravely.. that's what he remembered thinking as complete blackness fell over him and he passed out on the ground next to the bear's corpse...

Grim awoke sometime later, with a splitting headache. He opened his eyes and saw that he was laying on the ground next to a large furry animal. He lifted his head, which had been resting on a rock with alot of blood covering both it, and the side of his face, along with his chest. He struggled to remember what had happened, but after sitting up and seeing the treestump, the battered bear corpse, and his own wounds everything slowly came back to him. With the extreme rumbling of his stomach, and the fact that the sun was once again setting, he figured about an entire day had to have passed since his fight with the bear. He was pretty weak feeling, but was able to move around and collected some wood for a fire, he had to eat something, and the bear would be good eating. He ate till he was stuffed and once again thought of his grandmother and her stories.. he wondered how he was able to defeat that bear, and how he was able to hoist around that entire treestump. He drifted in and out of sleep that night, dreaming about listening to his grandmother's stories, and awaking in cold sweats.

Grim awoke in the morning with a foggy head. He was feeling much better, but his thoughts where a bit clouded. He looked down at his chest and saw two deep scars running in an "X" shaped pattern across his muscles. This sparked a memory in Grim's head! He remembered his grandmother telling him about very old gods, and he remembered *this* was one of their's holy symbols! Grim struggled hard to think about it, and after a while, he remembered! This was the holy symbol of Grishnaak, the old god of strength, war and luck! Of course, it all made sense now! THAT must have been how Grim was able to defeat the bear! Perhaps his grandmother had even asked a favor of Grishnaak in the afterlife to help Grim defeat this foe! Grimhild stripped more meat off of the bear's corpse for breakfast and some for lunch and dinner too, cooked it all up, and began to find his way back to his small town, all the while trying to remember everything his grandmother had told him about Grishnaak, but not before grabbing the treestump that he used to defeat the bear and carried it with him - just incase anything else decided to think HE looked good to eat on the way home!

On the journey he remembered now that when his grandmother gave him the gloves, she had told him she created them for him, and she had named them Grishnuul, that they would make Grimhild even stronger than he already was, for they where infused with the power of the god Grishnaak!

Grim finally returned home and when he did, he carved a wooden disk out from the treestump he brought with him that he had used to defeat the bear. He took this to the blacksmith and had him burn two deep "scars" into the wooden disk in an "X" pattern, creating his own holy symbol to Grishnaak.


Grimhild grew up to be a strong warrior since then, and the wounds in his chest healed but left a slightly visible scar. Grim kept "remembering" more and more things about Grishnaak and how great he was, but nobody else had ever heard of him. Nonetheless, Grimhild believed and always wore his gloves, and the wooden disk he had carved, and he did things to increase his strength even further, such as moving around large boulders, plowing fields, and practicing his fighting skills. He would also periodiclly carve new scars in the shape of an "x" all over his body.. this served to pay homage to Grishnaak, and also toughened up his skin. Grimhild would spend time eatch day devoting himself to what Grishnaak stood for (strength and war), and also "asked him" for ways to show everyone else that "he" was for real.

Soon, Grim began being able to close his wounds after he cut them into his skin (the x shaped cuts he made in his skin) by putting his hands over the wounds and channeling the energy of Grishnaak. He found that he was able to cast other spells as well, and at least one of his childhood friends that he had grown up with believed that Grishnaak was real and that is where Grimhild was getting his powers from.

Grim had reached adulthood, and with the money that he had saved up from working odd jobs and helping people with the spells he could cast, he set out to be an adventurer, to wage wars and win fights and kill evil foes all in honor of Grishnaak! He ended up making friends with a few other wanderers and nomads, but one stood out in particular, a small, funny little man with hairy feet named Fizzlewick. Fizzlewick and Grim partnered together and picked up jobs wherever they could. Grimhild told Flizzlewick that he needed Grim around because he was small and weak, and even though he could cast powerful spells from his fingertips and crawl through small holes and "find" things of great value alot, (especialy when walking through towns!) he still needed Grim's protection. Fizzlewick told Grimhild that he needed him around because Grim was too impulsive, often crude, and had "no book smarts" as he called them, and that Grim shouldn't talk when Fizzlewick was negotiating a new job for them!

The two became good friends and would often tell eatch other stories. Grim would of course talk of his grandmother, the bear fight, and all about Grishnaak. Fizzlewick would listen to Grim (as others tended to ignore him) and told his own stories, about the land that he came from, the Green Isles. He would talk of how the dragons came and some people stayed and went underground, and others fled. This talk of dragons always interested Grim, for he felt that would be a great fight to win to honor Grishnaak, a fight against a mighty beast like a dragon!

The two where quite successful in their adventures as well. They helped people solve all kinds of "dangerous" problems that they had, and where even starting to get a small name for themselves. While listening to music and watching dancing girls at a local tavern, the two where contacted by a runner with a message. It seemed that an exotic merchant had just set up shop in town in an old abonded building that he was renovating. While he was organizing his wares in the basement and going through the old things that where left down there, suddenly one of the "chests" struck out at him! One of his gaurds rushed in to attack the thing and he managed to get away but saw that his gaurd was not so lucky! The merchant had another gaurd, but dared not send him down into the basement alone, and so was looking for anyone that could help him with his problem.

Grimhild instantly wanted to know how in the world a treasure chest could "attack" someone, but Fizzlewick calmed him down and told him they would go and take care of this.. he told Grim helping an "exotics" merchant could mean *big* riches! Grim was in need of new equipment as his current belongings where getting a bit battered, and REALLY wanted to see this "fighting treasure chest" and the two headed off to meet the merchant!

Fizzlewick of course did the talking and negotiated payment in the form of some of the merchants "exotic" wares, and the pair, along with the merchants other gaurd, headed down into the dark basement. The gaurd carried a torch in one hand to provide light (he couldn't see in the dark, which Grim thought was funny and laughed to himself about), a sword in the other, and a crossbow on his hip. The three entered the basement and the gaurd pointed to the "chest". Sitting next to it was a single, half melted boot.. the gaurd said it belonged to the "other" gaurd. When the light shone over the entire chest, it sprouted legs and arms! Grim was completely amazed and charged the treasure chest drawing his greatsword. Fizzlewick yelled at him, but there was no stopping Grim, he struck the chest and it made a very un-natural sound, but Grim noticed that the cut he made in the chest didn't entirely want to let go of his sword, and that part of it closed up after he had struck it. Fizzlewick was busy casting spells at the chest, little magical darts shot out of his fingertips and flew around the room crashing into the chest, which it recoiled from eatch time they hit it. The gaurd moved forward, set his torch down on the floor, and attack it with his longsword. He found that when he struck the chest though, his sword was stuck fast to the chest, and he could *not* pull it off! He retreated and pulled out his crossbow and began shooting at it. Grimhild was still up in the front, wierd blobs would shoot out of the chest and slam into him, but he stood fast and continued to attack it with his greatsword. His sword would stick to the large chest at times, but he'd be able to pull it off. Fizzlewick had cast all of his spells and was now up with Grim attacking with his rapier, stabbing into the chest.. one of his rapiers was stuck to the thing, and he had pulled out his back up.

The chest shot out with one of it's "arms" and hit Fizzlewick, grabbing onto him and pulling him into itself.. Fizzlewick was now *stuck* to the chest! The gaurd had run out of crossbow bolts, and in frustration, picked up the torch off the ground and threw it at the chest. It recoiled in what seemed to be fear and screeched another loud, un-natural sound! Grim had to do something, this "fighting treasure chest" had grabbed his friend Fizzlewick, and his greatsword was once again stuck to the chest's body! Grim noticed that the thing seemed to afraid of fire, and Grim had a stroke of brilliance! He reached down, picked up the torch and pressed it into his OWN chest, lighting his clothes on fire! Grim then reached out with both arms and jumped onto the chest! Grim stuck to the chest just as he had planned, and the treasure chest couldn't escape the fire! It let out one more loud, un-natural screach before crashing back down to the ground. Grim pulled himself, and Fizzlewick off of the thing, Fizzlewick looked badly injured. Grim closed his wounds, and his own, and made sure the thing was "dead" by hacking into it a few times. Once they where satisfied it was dead, they headed back upstairs.

The merchant was *very* greatful for their service, he had alot of valuable things in the basement that he wouldn't otherwise be able to get to! The merchant told them that he could give them both something of moderate value for their efforts. Fizzlewick stopped the merchant and told him of Grim's "bravery" (which Grim smiled widely about!) and that he was willing to give up his share of payment so that Grim could have something special if the merchant had it. The merchant said he had *just* the thing, and, with his gaurd in tow for safety - just incase - he went down into the basement to retrieve something. Grim followed him down after a moment of thanking Fizzlewick for being nice to him, and his eyes widened as the merchant pulled something VERY exotic out of a long, narrow case. From a "bubbled metal" (like the metal had been dipped in acid) scabbard, the "exotics" merchant pulled out a completely black (hilt and blade) Greatsword! It was like nothing Grim had ever seen before! It was like the whole thing was smoked/scorched to it's black color! The pommel was seperated from the sword by a pair of black bat-like wings, there where Jet (black) jewels at the very bottom of the handgrip and in the center of the "wing" portion, and the blade looked absolutely perfect and *very* sharp! At the very tip of the blade there looked like there was a very small hint of green color. The merchant presented the blade to Grimhild and told him this was a VERY special sword indeed! It was carved completely from a tooth from a very old black dragon! It was just as sharp and hard as steel, it was perfectly balanced.. it had been imbued with a magical swiftness and sharpness, and moreso, since it was made from the tooth of a black dragon, everytime it was used to cut into something, it would leak acid into the wound, just like the black dragon's feared breath weapon!

Grimhild was completely ecstatic about this and took the sword from the merchant, bowed and thanked him greatly! Grim took a few practice swings around the room, and looked at the very slight green tint at the tip of the sword, it seemed (to Grim at least) that the sword was leaking acid! Grim offered up a small prayer to Grishnaak and used the tip to carve another "X" scar into his body on his leg. The blade caused a burning sensation where it had cut, it was true what the merchant said about the acid! Grim proclaimed that he would name this sword Venomtooth, and he would use it to cut down combatants in honor of Grishnaak.

The three returned upstairs to find Fizzlewick reading through one of the exotics merchant's books. He smiled at Grim when he saw the sword, thanked the merchant, and asked Grim to tell him all about the sword as they left. They began walking and Fizzlewick told Grim they'd be moving on to a new town, they'd done all the jobs to be had in this town. Grim just shrugged and started telling Fizzlewick about his new sword, but he noticed something different about Fizzlewick, he was wearing a ring that Grim had never seen him wear before. Fizzlewick just smiled and laughed as the two kept walking.


The pair went on to a larger town and did many different "odd jobs" there, and even though they paid well, most of them where pretty boring to Grim, there wasn't much battle, and when there was, it was pretty easy for them, and what's the challenge in that? They did pay well though, and Grim had even saved up enough to buy himself a well-crafted set of Magical Full Plate Armor. It was custom-fitted to him, and had a marvelous dark-grey finish to it (compared to others that Grim had seen and not liked that where all bright and shiny). After being in this new town for a while, Fizzlewick came to Grim one day and told him that he was in a bit of trouble. ALOT of trouble, and that he'd have to "dissapear" for quite a long time. It would most likely be boring, alot of hiding and disguising who he was. Unfortunately, he told Grim that he couldn't come with him. He didn't want to get him involved in the trouble, and that Grim isn't really good at hiding anyways, and since there wouldn't be any fighting or battle, it would be *really* boring for Grim.

Grim was saddened by this news, he liked Fizzlewick. Fizzlewick told Grim not to worry about him, and that he'd see him again another day. Also, he told Grim that if it was adventure and wars and battles that he was looking for, he could always go to Fizzlewick's homeland of the Green Isles. Grim liked the sound of that, remembering all the stories that Fizzlewick had told him, and he tought about all the dragons there that he could do battle with! Armed with his sword Venomtooth, Grim figured it would be a good, fair battle!

The two said their goodbyes, and Grim set sail off for the Green Isles.. he didn't entirely know where he was going, just that he was bored where he was at, and he needed some battles to do to honor Grishnaak! The Green Isles.....

Venomtooth: +1 DragonFang Greatsword (acid dmg)
This magical (+1) Greatsword was carved entirely from the tooth of a black dragon. It is a smoked/burned black color, has Jet jewels laid into it with a pair of carved black dragon wings seperating the hilt from the blade, and the blade has a very faint green tint at it's very tip that can only be seen if closely examined. It's almost as if it is dripping acid.
Upon striking a foe with this weapon, it deals 1 point of acid damage. This damage is treated as an extraordinary feature of the weapon.

Grishnuul: +2 Gauntlets of Ogre Power
These expertly crafted pair of black leather gloves have silver studs running down the backs of them. They grant the wearer extraordinary strength (a +2 bonus to Strength)

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First Post
just wondering if my post with Grim's stats and stuff shows up for everyone else? I had posted it last night, but don't know if anyone else is seeing it because of the board outage/upgrade last night?

(basically, haven't heard from you yet Evilhalfling :) ) I got out of work early today (thank god!) and took a nap. Got some things I need to attend to, and then I'll be back to finish the rest of Grim's stuff. :)


A few notes first, I have been slamed by classes and will have to cut posting down to twice a week, until I can get clear. I will make sure to post Saturday morning and Tuesday night (late) but I cant guarentee greater frequencey. - Sorry folks.

Character Selections:
• Kylala (Super Girl) Human Rogue/Sorcerer
• Grimhild (RedSwan78) Fair Orc Cleric
• (Azmodean) Human Monk/Cleric
• Aphram (Ferrix) Human Ranger/Dragon Stalker
• Hond Arvid (Mithran) Stout Barbarian
• Lareth (Isida Kep'Tukari) Elf Ranger : you might want to switch out a feat for DragonFoe (+2 to hit, +2 DC) vs dragons or DragonHunter (+2 AC & SV) .

Alternate : Mantrone (Lefferts) Human Warlock

So this is my selection base on Charater development. However azmodean missed the cut off to post his charater's stats, We will have to start without him.
Oh you should decide if any of you know each other already - I could see Lareth and Aphram having worked togeather before, possibly with the monk. There are realtivly few (unprotected) young dragons, and succesful hunters are probably aware of each other, at least.

Rogues Gallery Thread.

IC Thread Here : (eventually)


First Post

Grimhild is posted. :) I have a few more things to add to it (like his turn undead numbers.. they're horrible anyways.. lol!, and his appearance and more of a discription of his personality), but it's late, and I have to hit the hay.. heh

Sorry to see Lefferts didn't get in :(

As for having Grim know anyone, I'm cool with whatever. :) I was originally thinking of having Grim JUST arrive at the wharfs in Cillune on the boat from the other continent that he just left. I'm flexible with that though and could change it if need be? Perhaps the boat pulled in elsewhere, he asked about dragons, and someone told him to go to the wharfs in Cillune to inquire about the dragon problem....? What do you think Evilhalfling?

Oh yeah, and about Grim's background, I just sort of "went off" and got all into it and kept writing. If anyone *actually* reads all of it, let me know what you think! :) (if you think it's good or if I just suck.. lol! :D )



Redswan - if this was'nt clear fair orcs have replaced halforcs - ie same stats, and they look more like humans than common orcs, but they are thier own independant race. There is no reason orcs and humans should be able to crossbreed.
(even in tolkin there was magical assistance. )
oh right you also have Endurance as a Bonus feat.
edit: Half orc is used as slang however. And your background, aside from this detail is very good.

Lareth - did you want to swap out for a dragon hunting feat ? or stay more a generalist?
Dragon Foe + 2 to hit and spell DC vs dragons req int 13
Dragon Hunter + 2 ac & SV dragons req wis 13
they are from Draconomicon, and I wasn't sure if you owned it.
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Super Girl

First Post
Kylala probably shouldn't know anyone, actually, I would prefer it if she did not. She is the type to tag along just because the people are interesting.

Isida Kep'Tukari

Evilhalfling said:
Lareth - did you want to swap out for a dragon hunting feat ? or stay more a generalist?
Dragon Foe + 2 to hit and spell DC vs dragons req int 13
Dragon Hunter + 2 ac & SV dragons req wis 13
they are from Draconomicon, and I wasn't sure if you owned it.
I do indeed own the Draconomicon, but with my primary foe as dragons, I wanted to just be a very excellent archer, and let my role playing speak for my dislike of dragonkind.

Voidrunner's Codex

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