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Dream job or Dream lifestyle

Dream Job or Dream lifestyle

  • Dream Job

    Votes: 5 9.1%
  • Dream lifestyle

    Votes: 50 90.9%

Old One

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Add me to the "Dream Lifestyle" proponents...

As one who has nearly starved to death pursuing the "Dream Job", let me assure you that proper exploitation of the "Dream Lifestyle" can enable you to craft a "Dream Job" that is uniquely yours ;)!

~ OO

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Dream lifestyle all the way, dude. You need to support yourself too, and you want a nice car. ;) Sometimes there are sacrifices to be made to support yourself or a family, but in the end it's worth the loss.


Dream Life Style no question about it. When you get 10 years older, have decided to buy a house or a bigger condo, maybe met that special someone, start considering having dependents (kids or 4 legged creatures or other), your parents start aging, your lifestlye tastes mature, you will be happy for the money.

As long as the work isn't soul sucking, there isn't a question of what to do here. Over time you will see that as you get older, money buys you time and independence, which you may think you might have as a minimum wage work, but you truly don't.

I was once a book store clerk. I busted my ass and made a little over minimum wage. This was when I was in my early and mid twenties. I liked my job, hated the money. I lived frugally and had lots of debt.

Now I am in big time trade publishing, the exact opposite side of the book retail market I once was. I work harder and get paid substantially more. Are there days when I would prefer just working in a bookstore and selling books to customers instead of selling books to various retailers that view the printed word as a widget in most cases? Yes. But I don't have to worry about health care, or debt, or car payments, or house payments. I can spend money at a drop of a hat, I can travel and take time off and not be crippled long term financially. I have savings that will hopefully aid and ensure my financial stability and health for me and my wife and any children we might have. My saving money now allows financial freedom for my kids so they won't have to bare the burden of health care later.

I know you are thinking, health care? You are a young and wonderful 28. Just give it ten short years. Things will start slowing down, and other things will start croping up. The money seem almost excessive to you now. But I think you will be happy with going with the cash in this situation and using your free time to find a creative outlet in something you are passionate about.

Best of luck to you on either decision. Sorry if I rambled in my less than poetic soapbox answer.



First Post
I wanted to wait until the ink was signed before I updated this thread. I took the Lifestyle job. I think it definatly will work out better. The salary is close 50k (3 times as much as the dream job , free medical, 10 dollar doctor visits, 2:1 401k plan, roll over sickdays and vacation days, free dental and a good work environment. THree of the 20 people who work at thep lace are gamers, I love that percentage.

The only downside is the pay once a month, which is just me figuring out how to budget. NOw I got the tough job of calling two places (I actually was offered another job that was equal in pay to the draem lifestyle but not benefits) and tell them I wont be working there.

I'm going ot have to google how to do that, never been in this good a sitiation before.


First Post
DonTadow said:
THree of the 20 people who work at thep lace are gamers, I love that percentage.
Yeah, isn't it great having fellow gamers around? Especially when one is a coworker in my department, two are leads in my department (in other words, they're in charge of me and my fellows), and the other is the Apple guy in the back of the store. I love this job! :D


First Post
Bestpart of the 2nd interview was when the HR guy asks me if I perform any military operations on the weekend. To which the Tech (gamer) guy says, and storming The Temple of Elemental Evil does not count.


First Post
DonTadow said:
Bestpart of the 2nd interview was when the HR guy asks me if I perform any military operations on the weekend. To which the Tech (gamer) guy says, and storming The Temple of Elemental Evil does not count.
Drat! I thought for sure that'd count!

Now all you need to do is start up a game with those guys, and you'll have a blast sharing inside jokes at work. :D

Dark Jezter

First Post
I'm chiming in a little late, but I'm with everybody else who says take the dream lifestyle job. Even a job I loved doing couldn't convince me to live in a near-poverty state.


First Post

And so the dream lifestyle job is coming to an end and regret sets in.. sort of.

So, two years later I resurface this thread for an update and yes I regret my decision. Though I think if this had been the true dream lifestyle job, I wouldn't. It just never lived up to what was stated in the interviews, which is my own fault for believing the hype. Boy do I wish I would have moved to Kentucky now.

So here's how it went down...
I was hired two years ago, with the nice salary and the understanding this this place had a low turn over rate. I also had specific job duties that matched my skillset perfectly. The lady who hired me was very nice but needed help with writing, understanding data and launching a marketing plan. Within three months of my hire this lady was fired, and fro mthat point on things were downhill. I have since seen 4 bosses, 3 presidents of the company and countless different staff come and go. Being a small-nonprofit, once the click that runs things doesn't like you they push someone out. It's actually quite horrible as Ive seen it happen 4 times this year alone. The Single person in human resources knows the marketing coordinator is racist, but despite consistent harassment her hands are tied because of the power structure.

That leaves me now, working for a new "close friend" hired as my boss whom has used racially charged words at me during meeting. Specifically addressing others in prefessional english while using black slang with me recently "btw this aint no diss". In my time here only 1 other minority has been hired in adminstration the last two years. I have since learned that the first president realized the lack of minorities working at the eye-bank and ordered a mandate to equally screen all workers. That''s been skirted and ignored since.

So the last two months I"ve enjoyed harrassment every day from my newest boss and the racist. everything from my lunch to my timesheet is scruitnized and micromanaged. I had a 30 minute lecture last week because I put last monday as my sick day and it was the monday before.

From a career point, i wish i would have taken the dream job for Toad and Troll. It seems to be going good for whoever was hired. Not that I have all regrets in the decision. I was able to save my money and buy a club which my wife and I run and is finally turning a profit. My wife was able to stay up here and get and continue her legal career which is going great.

Still it becomes one of those sweet life regrets that I wonder what would have happened if I moved to Corbin Kentucky.

Racism in the workplace is something no-one should have to deal with. I think you made the right decision based on what you knew at the time. How were you supposed to know that they would use nepotism to hire someone as your boss who doesn't like you due to something as insignificant as the colour of your skin. :( :mad:

Have you started looking for positions elsewhere?

Olaf the Stout

Voidrunner's Codex

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