• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Pathfinder 1E [Dreamscarred Press] Ultimate Psionics Kickstarter!


Knight of Solamnia
Curse you, Dreamscarred Press, for giving us even more awesome material - in hardback and an option for color!

*shakes fist*

Fine, I shall help fund your little escapade, but I won't like it. Not one little bit.

Okay, I might like it a little.

Just a smidge. Hardly worth a notice.

Okay, fine, so I like it a lot! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Thanks, Dreamscarred! :cool:

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First Post
You're going to have to think of more stretch goals.

I will say, the ability to just add names to powers or pitch powers is a very cool add-on.

We have stretch goals well beyond our current level - we just had to shuffle things around to make sure they were feasible and for balance. :)


First Post
We just broken through the $8000 stretch goal - the inclusion of the Forgeborn psionic race shall commence! We will be adding them to our Advanced Psionic Races playtest as well as including them in Ultimate Psionics.

In addition, we've made it possible to buy additional copies of the different printed books as add-ins.

What's the $12,000 stretch goal? A Game Mastering section giving information on how to introduce, run, and use psionics from the GM's perspective. Included will be things like - how to handle players who want to nova, to adjusting the rules to fit your playstyle, to different levels of psionic-magic transparency, to integrated treasure tables, and more.

Check out the Ultimate Psionics Kickstarter today!
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First Post
We're working on developing the Forgeborn.

The best information I can offer at the moment is that they are an intelligent psionic construct-based race. The specific details of them will be forthcoming once we have them fully developed.

And thanks to all of your support, we are now over $9,000 toward our Ultimate Psionics kickstarter! Advanced race options for all the psionic races will be included in the book!

We are closing in on Hero Lab / PCGen files being made!

For our backers, there is a backer-exclusive update (in case you have alerts turned off).

Finally, we'll also have updates on the limited availability tiers later this weekend!

Check out the Ultimate Psionics kickstarter today!


First Post
We are over 100 backers and to celebrate, we are adding a surprise bonus. We have had lots of questions about a psionic race from 3.5 that has seen far too little support. As a thank you, we are going to add the race from which we took our company name - the Dreamscarred - into Ultimate Psionics as a fully-supported race.

Our next stretch goal, at $12,000, is to add a Game Mastering section to Ultimate Psionics.

And our newly-revealed stretch goal at $16,000 is the first that is exclusive to the limited edition book - we will add the entire Psionic Bestiary to the limited edition book. Those of you getting the limited edition will still receive a copy of the Bestiary as part of your reward.


First Post
So, we are essentially done with our first week of the Ultimate Psionics kickstarter, with another 5 weeks to go.

In that first week, we shattered our initial $2500 goal, included psionic character sheets for all backers of $20 and up, included a 32-page introductory adventure, upgraded all the artwork to color, included the Psionic Items of Legend series into the book, increased our art budget, added two new playable races, included the psionic race advanced options, and added PCGen and Hero Lab files.

We are only $536 away from also adding a Game Mastering section to the book.

5 weeks to go - what's it going to look like when we get there?

Join in the Ultimate Psionics Kickstarter and come along for the ride!


First Post
We have broken through $12,000 and are going to include a Game Mastering section! The good news is that I'd already been working on this for a while before this project as a potential standalone book, so a good chunk of it is already sketched out.

I can also announce the next stretch goal at $18,000 - psionic archetypes for all the core classes (no guarantees on the APG and beyond core classes).

And let's just say that since $20,000 is such a significant tier, that stretch goal is also very significant. :)


First Post
We are over $14,000 toward the Ultimate Psionics hardcover - which means we will be producing psionic item cards similar to our psionic power cards for all the psionic items in the book! Everybody $20 and up gets the PDF included at no additional charge.

And, I can also announce the $20,000 stretch goal - Wayne Reynolds will do the cover / poster artwork, even if nobody selects the $1000 reward. Now, IF we get backers at that $1,000 level AND we hit $20,000, we have a bonus goal in mind.

With less than $6000 to go and over 30 days to get there, it looks like Wayne will be doing the cover art - but keep getting the word out and let folks know about the Ultimate Psionics Kickstarter!

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