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Drowquest [4e] Raiding the Road (Hiatus)


First Post
Nashquiri will remain in his defensive position at the front of the room, continuing to assault the minds of his foes, hoping to distract them enough to thwart their attacks. This time he re-focuses on the guard.

Move: n/a
Standard: Cast Illusory Ambush at gvs will; psychic damage (1d20+4=9, 1d6+4=7) if it hits -2 to all attacks until my next turn. Nope!
Minor: n/a

[sblock=Mini Statblock]
Nashquiri - Male Drow Wizard 1
Initiative: +2, Passive Perception: 12, Passive Insight: 17 Darkvision
AC: 16 Fort: 12 Reflex: 13 Will: 14
HP: 25/25 Surges: 7/8 Surge Value: 6
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: Unused
Powers -
Illusory Ambush
Scorching Burst

Burning Hands
Cloud of Darkness or Darkfire

Flaming Sphere

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First Post
Raelyn strides boldy forward, taking up the position Vorgrym just vacated (OOC - move). "You are finished, goblin scum. Prepare to taste death." (OOC - vicious mockery hits will 20 (unadjusted) for 6 damage, chief gets -2 to attack rolls until end his next turn)

[sblock=Raelyn Stat Block]
Raelyn, Drow Bard 1
Init +1 Perception: 10 Insight: 10 DarkVision
AC 17 Fortitude 13 Reflex 13 Will 15
Hit Points: 21 / 28 Bloodied: 14
Healing Surge: 7 Surges per day: 9 / 10
Action Points: 1

At Will
Melee basic +4 vs ac; 1d8+1 damage
War song strike +7 vs ac; 1d8+4, allies who hit gain 3 tmp hp tsnt
Vicious mockery ranged 10 +4 vs will; 1d6+4 and -2 to attacks tent

Encounter Resources
Cloud of Darkness OR Darkfire
USED Hunter's Quarry
USED Majestic Word One
USED Majestic Word Two
USED Shout of Triumph
Words of Friendship
Use second wind
Use action point

Daily Resources
Stirring shout


When Vorgrym misses, the shaman yells “Stab him!” and the chief does.
Javlix hurtles the shaman down on his chief, knocking them both to the ground.
He is left clinging to the statue with one hand and takes a moment to recover. Javlix can see that there is a little platform built into the dragon with a door in the south wall. His spider manages to clear its eyes and is ready to return to the fray.

Djaar follows up and stabs the prone chief.
The chief rises to his feat and cuts down Vorgrym “Not any more. Who is licking death now?"
The shaman gestures and the purple fog rolls into the corner of the room. The two goblin leaders stand back to back, ready to take all comers. This is the endgame for leadership of the goblin tribe. (OOC: everyone gains a +2 moral bonus to hit)

The goblin guide finally succeeds in hitting the last guard with the flat of his blade. “I got him I’m the new goblin champion!” He begins to dance and caper.

OOC: [sblock]
GC @vorgrym ac22 (9 dmg) ; @vorgrym AC19 (8 dmg)
Javlix grapple -13+3=16; Thrown attack CRIT 5 damage each.
Athletics to remain on statue 11+7=18; athletics to climb down 7+7=14 (no progress)
Spider saves with a 13. ; gg @g ac17 (3 damage) Raelyn, are you granting gg temp HP ?
Status [sblock]
Goblin Chief @-98hp (marked, bloodied, mocked)
Cloudkill (shaman) @-5hp
Goblin guide @-20hp (bloodied) +3 THP??
Raelyn @-7hp
Vorgrym@-32hp/27 (prone, dying)
Djaar @-5hp
Javlix @-15hp (bloodied)
Saereth @-10hp


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Drisdhaun moves to 85,85 (move), calls to Vorgrym "You would shame your heritage by letting a goblin cut you down, stand and finish him" (Inspiring word , Vorgrym can spend a healing surge and gain a bonus 4 hitpoints of healing, minor).

He then looks at the goblin chief and yells "finish him" as a ray of murky darkness flies from his hand illuminating him for the Drow (Dark Fire 27vs Reflex, minor, the Chief grants combat advantage and cannot benefit from concealment till the end of my next turn)


First Post
Vorgrym stands, Drisdhaun's call inspiring him to stand once more. He lashes out at the chief with his blades. His short sword connects again, but his parrying dagger glaces off the goblin's own weapon.

The warrior feints with his dagger, distracting the chief for a moment. He thrusts with his short sword, but the weapon is dodged by the quick goblin.

[sblock=Actions]Move action to stand. Dual Strike. 21 and 10 to hit, 9 and 3 damage. Roll Lookup

Action Point! Distracting spate. Miss...with a 14. Roll Lookup

Initiative +3
Senses Darkvision; Passive Insight 12, Passive Perception 12
HP 10/27 3THP; Bloodied 13; Healing Surge 6 ; Surges Per Day 5/10
AC 18; Fort 15, Ref 14, Will 12
Speed 6
Action Points 0
:melee:Dual Strike(standard; at-will) ✦ Martial, Weapon
+8/+6 Main and Off-hand vs AC. 1d6+3/1d4+2 damage.
:melee:Footwork Lure (standard; at-will) ✦ Martial, Weapon
+8 vs AC; 1d6+6 damage and Vorgrym can shift one square and slide the target into the space Vorgrym left.
:melee:Distracting Spate(standard; encounter) ✦ Martial, Weapon
+8 vs AC. Hit: 2d6+9 and the target grants combat advantage to Vorgrym until the end of his next turn.
:melee:Lasting Threat (standard; daily) ✦ Reliable, Martial, Weapon)
+8vs AC; 3d6+6 and the target is marked until the end of the encounter or until Vorgrym is knocked unconscious. No mark can supercede this one.
Cloud of Darkness(minor; encounter)✦Close Burst 1
Effect: The burst creates a cloud of darkness that remains in place until the end of Vorgrym's next turn. The cloud blocks line of sight, squares within are totally obscured and creatures within are blinded until they exit. Vorgrym is immune to these effects.
Darkfire(minor; encounter) ✦Range 10; 1 creature
+6 vs Reflex; Until the end of Vorgrym's next turn all attacks against the target have combat advantage and the target can't benefit from concealment or invisibility


First Post
Raelyn continues his verbal assault, enumerating each and every flaw in the goblins' tacticsl (OOC: Vicious mockery hits Will 23 for 5 damage, (-2 attacks tent)), while taking a step forward (OOC: Move one square SE)

[sblock=Raelyn Stat Block]

Raelyn, Drow Bard 1
Init +1 Perception: 10 Insight: 10 DarkVision
AC 17 Fortitude 13 Reflex 13 Will 15
Hit Points: 21 / 28 Bloodied: 14
Healing Surge: 7 Surges per day: 9 / 10
Action Points: 1

At Will
Melee basic +4 vs ac; 1d8+1 damage
War song strike +7 vs ac; 1d8+4, allies who hit gain 3 tmp hp tsnt
Vicious mockery ranged 10 +4 vs will; 1d6+4 and -2 to attacks tent

Encounter Resources
Cloud of Darkness OR Darkfire
USED Hunter's Quarry
USED Majestic Word One
USED Majestic Word Two
USED Shout of Triumph
Words of Friendship
Use second wind
Use action point

Daily Resources
Stirring shout


Vorgrym’s clothes matted with blood stop Vorgrym from bleeding further.
Nashquri advances into the room and attempts to bring the fog to life around the chief, but is ineffective. Raelyn’s words are answered with an inarticulate growl.
Saereth bounds forward and bites at the shaman who has caused him such discomfort, but cant reach him in the fog. Javlix is distracted for a moment by his beasts unexpected attack, but still manages to swing himself down to the ground.

Drisdhaun’s words bring Vorgrym around, and the darkfire he throws clearly illuminates the chief. Djaar’s knife plunges into the chief’s neck and he falls, fountaining blood.

The Shaman makes a break for it up the stairs, taking a pair of vicious blows from the prone Vorgrym and the spider. From the top of the dias, he hexes Vorgrym – “ Come closer and Lord Maygrbut will eat your soul!” OOC: Vor will take 3d6+1 damage if he moves during his turn.

The goblin guide moves to cut off the Shaman.

OOC: [sblock] death save 13; Nashquari uses illusionary ambush 4+4+2-2=8v will
Spider – charge 7+5+2-4=ac10
OA’s Roll Lookup (12dmg) and Spider CRIT (11 damage); Cloudkill : 17will@ Vorgyrm
Cloudkill @-28 dmg. (bloodied)
Goblin guide @-20hp (bloodied) +3 THP
Raelyn @-7hp
Vorgrym@-17hp +3 THP (bloodied, prone)
Djaar @-5hp
Javlix @-15hp (bloodied)
Saereth @-10hp


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First Post
Nashquiri points his staff and a ball of shadows explodes next to the birdman and human. The shadows worm their way into the humans mind and he feels thousands of spiders crawling over him, affecting his mind. The wizard then calls down his innate ability to create a patch of darkness over the two creatures.

Move: n/a
Standard: Cast Grasping Shadows at B1 & H1, centered on 30, 85
Vs Will(Human); Vs Will(B); Psychic Damage (1d20+6=26, 1d20+6=17, 1d8+4=12)
Crit'd the human for 12 damage and he is dazed TENT (from staff) & slowed (power)
Hits Will 17 on Birdman for 12 damage as well, slowed if it hits as well.
If someone enters the area TENT takes 3 more psychic damage & is slowed TENT
Minor: Cloud of Darkness cenetered on 30, 85

[sblock=Mini Statblock]
Nashquiri - Male Drow Wizard 2
Initiative: +3, Passive Perception: 13, Passive Insight: 18 Darkvision
AC: 17 Fort: 13 Reflex: 14 Will: 15
HP: 28/28 Surges: 8/8 Surge Value: 6
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: Unused
Powers -
Illusory Ambush
Scorching Burst

Grasping Shadows
Cloud of Darkness or Darkfire

Flaming Sphere
Phantasmal Terrain
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