D&D General Druid lich?


I'd start by cribbing notes from the Defilers of Dark Sun. Druids are supposed to nurture and protect life, so a lich-equivalent Druid is one who's inverted that relationship. They're a parasite who drains the life out of nature to empower themselves. Around their lair plants wither, animals sicken, and water turns putrid. All to extend their life and raise their might.

Maybe they lie to themselves, claiming it's for a Greater Good so they can accomplish something momentous. Maybe they've gone full megalomaniacal, and feel that this is just the natural next step up from hunting for food. Whatever the case, they're a walking blight that sucks the life out of nature where ever they go.

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A suffusion of yellow
I used an evil level 18 Lich who remained almost permanently in whirlwind form and used Storm of Vengeance to snipe at enemies while he remained back in his sanctuary

I've also done a druid who became a tree and then learnt to extend its conscious control in to the surrounding plants and animals of the forest

and then the Fungal Lord linked to a broad mycelium network and promoting rot and decay

not necessarily Liches but


Yeah I wanted to involve the Gulthias tree in some way. The lore of the tree is really cool to me.
If you really want to lean into the vampiric blight aspect, I think it would be really cool to have the "immortality" of the Druid Lich come not from regenerating at a phylactery but instead from having some distributed net of consciousness shared by everything from a full-grown blight to a single patch of rot, making exterminating the lich a continuous problem when they can spread through the water, the air, and the roots.


Staff member
When I think of a lich I think of someone seeking immortality. How would a druid do that? Two things that come to mind are fungi, who have strange connections we don't really understand and could send out spores when killed to reproduce; and the forest that is all part of the same organism, connected through the roots.
Funny you should say that. My first thought when I saw this thread’s title was a Druid who got too chummy with some kind of fungus.

And several years ago, I posted about an awakened tree that was from a clonal species in the “Campaigns in a Nutshell” thread linked in my sig.

Here's an interesting fact: Aspen Trees are a clonal species- they can spread by runners. One of the largest organisms on Earth is an Aspen grove in Utah’s Wasatch Mountains that has 41,000+ trunks.

That inspired this:

No Man's Land:

5000 years ago, a druid (whose name is lost to humanity...) of great power picked a large and remote island devoid of human life as his home, choosing a grove of aspen trees his most sacred space. At some point, he chose to cast Awaken upon one of the aspen...and the entire grove came to life! He had forgotten that Aspen spread by runners...the entire grove was actually one plant- and now it had a mind equal to his own. He trained it in the ways of the druids.

Eventually, death found the druid, but his greatest student lived on. Eventually, the Aspen grew enough in power that it began to experiment with Awaken itself. First, it made other Aspen and a few other mighty trees as self aware as it was, forming the Green Council, each a druid, cleric or mage in its own right. They, in time and in turn, granted awareness to some of the animals of the forest...bringing them into a society ruled by the Green Council, each day's food created by powerful magics.

As decades passed, the island became a great druidic haven, but still unknown to man.

1000 years ago, Man came...and he was not ready for what he found. The animals and trees welcomed those who resembled the one who had made their haven possible, but the ignorant sailors who found the island hunted for food for their journeys, and were driven back by the island inhabitants. The sailors returned to civilization to tell tales of the mysterious island to the East, where both animals and trees thought and fought as if men.

The Council's research of the civilized world (directly and through its awakened, shapechanged agents) has brought them much information about the destructiveness of man...and also solutions as to how to fight back. Those shapechanged agents often lived lives among the so called civilized men, bringing their children, natural shapeshifters, back to the island. The Council did much the same.

Now, the island is inhabited by more than trees and awakened animals. Alongside them now live natural shapechangers and other curious hybrids of man and beast or beast and plant...all members of an insular society on the island.

And they are leery of Mankind's intent.

(In game terms, the island is inhabited by Awakened Trees of the Green Council (each with 20 levels of some combination of Druid, Cleric, Wizard or Sorcerer, some with Epic levels); Awakened animals (any class, Rangers and Druids most common); Anthropomorphic Animals (see WOTC's Savage Species); Shapeshifters (see WOTC's Eberron, but instead of being linked to Lycanthropes, they are linked to Druids); and Woodlings (see WOTC's Monster Manual III).


Staff member

Update: not quite a clonal tree like the aspen, this massive cashew has nonetheless become a small forest/grove unto itself.

This opens up new climates for a campaign similar to the one I posted years ago.

It also illustrates the potential for a Druidic grove to be based in an urbanized area.



Another 3E lich Druid.

Voidrunner's Codex

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