druid/rogue PrCs?

Fochlucan lyrist can fit the bill. It is more Druid/Bard but that can easily work. It gets full BAB, Full Druid/Bard spell casting. It requires Evasion so 2 levels of Rogue are an obvious choice.

If you have access to Spell Compendium there are quite a few spells that can make a Bard super sneaky and a pretty decent melee combatant, Druid is also not hurting in terms of self buffing, or weakening an opponent.

A full bab combatant, with drudic buff spells, druid dd's, and Bardic spell casting, summoning animals to get flanking bonuses, sacrificing Bard spells for Arcane Strike could be pretty potent.

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RangerWickett said:
Druid ninjas, using the shifter druid variant?
That's a rockin' idea, IMAO. You can be armored like a tank (assuming the availability of basic dragon hide) in human form but totally silent in animal form. And shifting is only a Swift action...

Shifter Druid/Assassin could be funny as well. Nobody expects a Death Attack from a stray dog, and then BAM! Swift Action to Bird Form and Move Action away in the same round!

Why is this combo so powerful? When playing a druid, I'd think going straight druid would be the most effective. I also have very low opinions of rogues for combat effectiveness. Mostly, their sneak attack is so difficult to bring into effect in a party situation.

Machiavelli said:
Why is this combo so powerful? When playing a druid, I'd think going straight druid would be the most effective. I also have very low opinions of rogues for combat effectiveness. Mostly, their sneak attack is so difficult to bring into effect in a party situation.

Its horribly efficient with improved feint and a good bluff skill...

Machiavelli said:
I also have very low opinions of rogues for combat effectiveness. Mostly, their sneak attack is so difficult to bring into effect in a party situation.

My experience is the opposite, finding that with cooperative party members, Flanking is an easy condition to achieve, especially w/ Tumble rule the way they are written. Factor in the party Sorcerer Improved Invis-ing the rogue(s), or the Blink spell, and SA becomes fairly regular.

Machiavelli said:
Why is this combo so powerful? When playing a druid, I'd think going straight druid would be the most effective. ... Mostly, their sneak attack is so difficult to bring into effect in a party situation.
(1) Everything is weaker than a Druid 20 with Wild Shape. Thus, this is presumably not a thread about combat optimization.
(2) It'd be easier to get flanking with the Shapeshift variant (due to Predator Form), if you have trouble with flanking (we never do).
(3) A Distracting Shot Ranger in the party (Ranger being somewhat of Rogue/Druid on its own, incidentally) lets you have Sneak Attack all the time.
(4) Produce Flame: The low-level Druid spell that lets you have iterative attacks with touch attacks! Sneak attack like crazy!

Do the abovementioned Fochlucan Lyrist with monk levels for evasion and you'll have a druid caster with WIS to AC and nearly all bard abilities.

Edit: Assuming alignment changes aren't a big problem.

DreadArchon said:
(4) Produce Flame: The low-level Druid spell that lets you have iterative attacks with touch attacks! Sneak attack like crazy!
Flameblade too! Only melee, but can be used more times than Produce flame.

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