I pointed out examples of rogue and barbarian being used as such, but fighter, rogue, or barbarian are not jobs or professions, they are descriptions. A fighter is a knight, a soldier, a guard, or so on. They don't train to be "a fighter" because that isn't a profession, it's a description of how they do their job.I’ve seen it applied to boxers as a title.
Whereas cleric, paladin, ranger, druid, bard, THOSE are jobs. You train to be them. A paladin is a paladin, and paladin has a meaning in the world that "fighter" does not. Which was my point of illrigger. It doesn't feel like something someone would describe their job as. It feels like a description of how they do their job. Hellknight is a job. Illrigger is a nonsense word to describe a bunch of different jobs that all happen to serve Hell.