Level Up (A5E) Dungeon Delver’s Guide Available in PDF

With the current OGL uncertainty, we have brought forward the digital release date of the DDG from March to now. The PDF is available from our online store. The hardcovers are still scheduled for March. The Dungeon Delver's Guide is a resource for Narrators that want to create compelling and deadly mazes and lairs, and adventurers who want to venture below and return to the surface alive...

With the current OGL uncertainty, we have brought forward the digital release date of the DDG from March to now. The PDF is available from our online store. The hardcovers are still scheduled for March.


The Dungeon Delver's Guide is a resource for Narrators that want to create compelling and deadly mazes and lairs, and adventurers who want to venture below and return to the surface alive.

  • New archetypes, heritages, and cultures, from ratling filth druids to dolppelganger spell spinner warlocks
  • New gear, spells, mounts, and magic items to prepare your adventurers against subterranean threats
  • Dozens of clever traps, tricks, and puzzles that challenge players instead of punishing them
  • How-to guides for building satisfying underground adventures
  • A quick dungeon-building system that lets narrators -- and characters! -- build unique, thematic dungeons and lairs
  • Premade dungeons for characters of any level, ready to drop into an existing campaign
  • A guide to the haunted cities and midnight seas of Underland, the weird realm beneath the earth

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I don't intend to play 5E any longer due to WotC's behavior, but I bought this in support of ENP.
Important to remember that this isn't a 5e supplement. It is a Level Up product that can also be used for 5e. Level Up is an entirely distinct system with 5e compatibility, not 5e homebrew. I've had nothing but seething disdain for WotC for years and this is a distinction that I have found very important and I think will be relevant to more people now.


I don't intend to play 5E any longer due to WotC's behavior, but I bought this in support of ENP.
That's fair enough and your choice, but I'm not sure that the creatives (the ones who actually designed 5e) have anything to do with this corporate move under the new leadership. Like every other prior edition, can still continue to use old material (5e) for games without buying anything new.

The LevelUp monster book was so good, I'm picking this up to see what they've done for dungeons.


That's fair enough and your choice, but I'm not sure that the creatives (the ones who actually designed 5e) have anything to do with this corporate move under the new leadership. Like every other prior edition, can still continue to use old material (5e) for games without buying anything new.

The LevelUp monster book was so good, I'm picking this up to see what they've done for dungeons.
Does it really matter if the people you may like at a corporation had nothing to do with a choice? Yes there are people without a say who would be more ethical there and that sucks but the only thing that matters to a corporation is profit, and using the good people they employ as shields to say they will suffer just makes it even worse.

Did those creatives have a say when Zac S, known serial sexual abuser and transphobe was brought onto the 5e team and specially thanked? Did those creatives have a say on pretending to fire Mike Mearls (and then promoting him!) instead of any real consequences for being an accomplice? Did they have any say when Orion Black was hired as a token diversity hire and given no agency to actually work on the game in their MONTHS of being there? Did they have any say when Graham Barber's carefully crafted adventure designed to avoid and subvert racist and colonialist tropes in fiction was so heavily edited into exactly that that he asked for his name to be removed from the product?

At the end of the day, it doesn't terribly matter, because those things happened and people kept giving money to WotC hand over fist so it had no reason to make any meaningful changes. People attach a significant chunk of their identity to a Hasbro subsidiary, taking any criticism of them as a personal attack no different than Muskrat fans, and then act surprised when they try and undo the OGL. The only thing that speaks is money, and any "But" that results in 'Keep playing 5e/Keep buying WotC products' only ever says "Your actions will not prevent me from giving you revenue, keep going".


I was speaking specifically with playing, not buying. Playing the game doesn't magically keep said corporation afloat when you're not giving them money.

There isn't a great reason to have ill feelings to the design of the game itself.


Does it really matter if the people you may like at a corporation had nothing to do with a choice? Yes there are people without a say who would be more ethical there and that sucks but the only thing that matters to a corporation is profit, and using the good people they employ as shields to say they will suffer just makes it even worse.

Did those creatives have a say when Zac S, known serial sexual abuser and transphobe was brought onto the 5e team and specially thanked?
I did a quick google and it says they were allegations. Pretty serious thing to accuse somebody of if they haven’t been convicted of anything in a court of law. I think it is in poor taste to highjack a thread about a roleplaying game book with this sort of gossip. Same with the Mike Mearls stuff. He did a good job with 5th Edition and as far as I know hasn’t committed any crimes. You’ll probably attack me now…saying I am a scumbag sympathiser or something (I’m not).

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