D&D General #Dungeon23


0X.12: Dungeons of the Whisperers

Form: Subeterranean cells and torture chambers below the Temple of the Godecho.

Lighting: Dim torchlight and faint bioluminescent fungi.

At First Glance: The dungeons beneath the Temple of the Godecho are damp, dark and full of pain and sorrow. Rows of small cells line long hallways that lead to chambers where all manner of tortures occur. The cultists down here enjoy their work, for they themselves likely suffered it to prove their allegiance upon arrival in Whisperdale or reaching an age of maturity.

On Further Inspection: The cultist jailers are commanded by Goaler Qalm, a massive man whose fat bulk belies great physical power. This sadist is a true believer in the Godecho and faithful servant of The Rasp Baleful. He proves his faith by commanding his jailers to torture him every fortnight, an act in which he takes vile pleasure. No one escapes the dungeons of the whisperers unless Gaoler Qalm deems that they are true hearted or have been thoroughly broken by his tender arts. He is not infallible, however, and is so convinced of his own ability as a torturer that he can conceivably be fooled (after enough blood and tears have been spilled).

Secrets: Among the half dozen or so wretched prisoners in the dungeons is a feykin witchwyrd named Arto Dreeb. Dreeb came to the underrealm of the Godecho accidentally while exploring beneath Parenix Manor just like the characters did, and if freed will help them as best he can in the quest to escape. Unfortunately, his wings and hands were shattered by Gaoler Qalm during his tortures and can neither fly nor weave glamour,

Treasure: There is little of worth in the dungeons except for the trinkets Gaoler Qalm keeps from those who have been brought to him. These fetishes range from wedding rings to teeth and eyes. Though of little monetary value, they would serve as potent reagents in necromancy and other dark arts.

Connections: There is no escape route from the dungeons except back up into the Temple.

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Dungeon Master of Middle-earth (He/him)

12. This 20’ x 20’ room is empty.


I love the atmosphere your writing evokes for Dungeons of the Whisperers @Reynard ! That's some juicy gaming goodness!

Finally caught up. Last area I relied on Castle Oldskull vol 1 and the 5e DMG, and wrestled with a puzzle I didn't have time to iron out. This area was much more streamlined and I relied more on the Actual Dungeonmastering document by Lungfungus - keeping it simpler helped me make it more evocative.

Anticipating getting swallowed by midterms this week, so going through the waves of falling behind / catching up. But one thing you'll notice I'm doing is leaving little blanks...e.g. 02/07 there's a teleport trap...I dunno where it leads yet, so I left it blank and gave myself a "margin note" reminder to come back and fill that in (e.g. for a previous "margin note" about a missing spelljammer helm in Tuerny's Tower, I placed that helm in PA2: Vorgaroth's Helm in my current room cluster).

02-06 princely armory.jpg

02-06 and 02-07.jpg

02-08 and 02-09.jpg



I love the atmosphere your writing evokes for Dungeons of the Whisperers @Reynard ! That's some juicy gaming goodness!

Finally caught up. Last area I relied on Castle Oldskull vol 1 and the 5e DMG, and wrestled with a puzzle I didn't have time to iron out. This area was much more streamlined and I relied more on the Actual Dungeonmastering document by Lungfungus - keeping it simpler helped me make it more evocative.

Anticipating getting swallowed by midterms this week, so going through the waves of falling behind / catching up. But one thing you'll notice I'm doing is leaving little blanks...e.g. 02/07 there's a teleport trap...I dunno where it leads yet, so I left it blank and gave myself a "margin note" reminder to come back and fill that in (e.g. for a previous "margin note" about a missing spelljammer helm in Tuerny's Tower, I placed that helm in PA2: Vorgaroth's Helm in my current room cluster).

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Thanks! My stuff for this is straight up first draft discovery writing so it will be a little disjointed and rough but I am enjoying the process. If I go the distance I'll spend '24 actually honing it into a cohesive publishable adventure.


Room 85 - Trail to the Beach

This 120' long unlit natural tunnel irregularly varies between 12' and 20' in diameter with several good places to hide and set ambushes. Lowest in the middle, there is a 20' long stretch that gets up to 5' deep in mucky water (around 2' deep at the cave walls).

The east exit of the tunnel slopes gently upward into the burial chamber of Arne Frodeson (#83). At the west end there is a rise and fall of about 3' before opening into the huge lake cavern (#86). That western entrance has the dim light glow of the cavern beyond and a bit farther into the cave there is still a faint glow (counting as heavily obscured - but enough to lead someone out).

Nothing permanently dwells in the tunnel, but there is the chance of running into something out hunting (roll d10; if multiple locations are given then roll among them giving an equal chance to each).

1 - A Giant Crab hides in the pool B.
2 - A Cave Fisher has spread filaments from C1 to C2.
3 - A Carcolh is hunting the western half of the tunnel and is waiting in one of C1, C2, or C3.
4 - An Eachy is hunting the tunnel and awaits in one of A, B, C1, C2, or C3 if it is expecting new arrivals to the lake, and in B if it is expecting those leaving it.
5- A Cloaker hunts from the dark of the tunnel, comfortably hiding in the ceiling of B or C2.
6 - Both 1 and 2
7 - Both 1 and 3
8 - Both 1 and 5
9-10 - Nothing this time

The things that could be encountered are not particularly cautious, but even the least intelligent among them will not suicidally go after something that has taught them a profoundly violent enough lesson.

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The Carcolh (CR4, Large Monstrosity) and Eachy (CR6, Large Fey) can be found in Izegrim Creations's "Twilight Fables". See D&D 5E - Twilight Fables Now Publicly Available! or contact @Sacrosanct to get a copy.

Room 80 - Fishing Shack

The entrance to the end of this short 10-foot wide test passage has water-proofing (tar) covered locked double-doors that is sealed with an arcane lock (DC 15 to pick or break open without the arcane lock, DC 25 with it).

If they aren't currently being used, it holds the gear of the fishing crew in ____ for use in the lake (#86): three partially disassembled tripod mounted harpoon ballista (without the trigger mechanisms or torsion springs), the harpoons, several 200' silk ropes, two large strong nets, and four ten foot polls to help carry them. Two tripods and one net are typically used at a time.


The next room created (#81) is in post #565 D&D General - #Dungeon23 .
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Bill Zebub

“It’s probably Matt Mercer’s fault.”

2.12 Mine Head
  • First Glance:
    • Two gaping square holes in the floor
    • One of them has some kind of wooden framework built over it
    • Large wooden wheel adjacent to the wooden framework
  • Closer Look:
    • A platform is suspended below the framework. A few hours of engineering work might get the hamster wheel and elevator working again.
    • Careful inspect (skill check) suggests there was once a similar contraption over the south shaft
    • Metal ladders attached to the sides of shafts descend into the depths


Day 44 - the crew quarters

The Star of the North's crew quarters were underwater. I made a quick dive to see if there was anything useful left to discover. But apart from debris, abandoned hammocks and an unusable kitchen, there were only fish and other small sea creatures that had already made this part of the ship their new home. There is no trace of the crew here either. But the hole in the hull is huge. What could have caused the ship to break apart so easily?

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