Dwarven Sayings


Steeliest of the dragons
"You've Gnomed it up"- to take something- a mechanism, a plan, a meal, a relationship, anything- and make it needlessly complex. (It may or may not still be functional.)

"You're just poking the troll" a reference to trollish regenerative capabilities, it means to use a temporary solution to a problem.

"All ale and no ore" someone who talks a lot about his wealth but seemingly never has any, a miser, mooch or con

"All ale and no steel" someone who can talk a good fight- especially in a bar- but is a poor combatant, a blowhard coward

All of these are great. I especially like "gnomed it up."

And from upthread:
"Gneiss" is inspired!

And "Don't tell me how to dig a hole" is also a good one...gave me a chuckle.

Must spread some around, unfortunately.

I'll also throw in here another vote that "halfling-made" is a great one.

In the same vein, I'll add: "Stop being kobold." or "You're acting kobold."-conniving, sneaky, cowardly, or dishonorable. Could apply to any matter, but especially when referring to combat.


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Staff member
"Golddigger" someone very good at finding the best (of whatever). Another term non-Dwarves seem to consistently misunderstand.

"Pumice" slang for an orator whose words are of little weight. Someone who speaks a lot about the trivial.

"Gnome-nosed" a slang slander against an unattractive dwarven female - likely to end in a brawl (which often ends in a wedding).

"Your mother is a goblin!" - enough said

"My mother's beard is longer than yours!" - meaning the dwarf thinks you are too young or inexperienced.

"Tree miner" - a quick reference to an elf said in mixed (non-dwarvish) company when a straight insult would be less than prudent.

"I'd rather mine trees!" - Never!

"When Grumush becomes my patron!" - When Hell freezes over

"Slag!" - Dwarvish curse

"I've never met a human I couldn't ignore" - comment on the human lack of long term thinking.

"A gold nugget the size of your fist is less impressive when held up next to the vein" - Don't count your chickens before they hatch

"Humans and halflings are like overgrown children, unfortunately they are children that know how to swing weapons." - Dwarven commentary on the younger races.

"A hammer or pick can be used in war or peace, but an axe is only for blood!"

"Worse than a troll's breath!"

"Elves are like mold, they are quiet, soft and slagging everywhere!" - commentary on the elvish race

"The dead don't lie." - hold your tongue (with the implication that if you don't you won't need to.)

"As useful as a mud fortress!" - worthless

"Copper and gold both shine!" - all that glitters is not gold.

"Even a pebble has it's place." - Dwarvish moral to a child's parable - meaning size doesn't always matter.

"Puffballs or Stems" - meaning either is fine or whatever, (refers to mushrooms)

"You hit like an elf" - derogatory term meaning you are a sissy.

"Fool's gold is still metal" - Every cloud has a silver lining.


Staff member
"Tourmaline" or "Spinel" (depending on region): when used as a referent to people, it means they are not what they seem; are disguised; concealing something, because both gemstones are found in so many varied colors, they have often been used to substitute for other, more valuable stones.

"Fulgarite" or "Petrified Lightning": someone who was formerly unremarkable but who has been transformed by events into something unusual and rare. Named for the kind of glassy stone created when lighting strikes sandy earth and fuses it.
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Staff member
"Traded ore for Orcs"- you've made an extremely bad deal

"Greased the handle of your axe (or hammer)"- a bad situation is about to get worse

"Has your forge gone cold?"- are you some kind of idiot?

"Sand or Grit"- it makes no real difference to me.


"A giant's wedding" - a hullabaloo, a chaotic situation. Can be used to describe a tavern brawl, a disastrous melee, or a good party (or all three at once).

"A troll's gift" - a white elephant, an unwanted responsibility

"There's never just one goblin" - can be used either in an exasperated, "when it rains, it pours" sense, or as a word of warning when less sensible folk are ready to let down their guard.

"Chant without drums" - empty talk, bluster, especially hollow saber-rattling

"Gone over the mountain" - either literally far away or figuratively a little crazy, out there

"A fellow with two clans" - someone untrustworthy, a double dealer.

But: "a dwarf for all clans" - a universally liked and trusted individual, a man for all seasons

"Bread without beer" - something incomplete or insufficient

"An ettin's secret" - common knowledge

"An ettin's marriage" - a situation in which too many people are involved; too many cooks spoiling the soup; the presence of a third wheel

"You should get some sun." - Take a long walk off a short pier. Go away.

"You don't forge steel in the home fire." - to encourage daring and heroism.

"Stale air" - Old hat

"Words on paper" - a meaningless statement, a promise without value

"Iari's well" - Pandora's box, or a situation with no foreseeable resolution.

"Fishing in Iari's well" - engaging in a hopeless endeavor

I love "Shale!"


Steeliest of the dragons
"A giant's wedding" - a hullabaloo, a chaotic situation. Can be used to describe a tavern brawl, a disastrous melee, or a good party (or all three at once).

"A troll's gift" - a white elephant, an unwanted responsibility

"There's never just one goblin" - can be used either in an exasperated, "when it rains, it pours" sense, or as a word of warning when less sensible folk are ready to let down their guard.

"Chant without drums" - empty talk, bluster, especially hollow saber-rattling

"Gone over the mountain" - either literally far away or figuratively a little crazy, out there

"A fellow with two clans" - someone untrustworthy, a double dealer.

But: "a dwarf for all clans" - a universally liked and trusted individual, a man for all seasons

"Bread without beer" - something incomplete or insufficient

"An ettin's secret" - common knowledge

"An ettin's marriage" - a situation in which too many people are involved; too many cooks spoiling the soup; the presence of a third wheel

"You should get some sun." - Take a long walk off a short pier. Go away.

"You don't forge steel in the home fire." - to encourage daring and heroism.

"Stale air" - Old hat

"Words on paper" - a meaningless statement, a promise without value

"Iari's well" - Pandora's box, or a situation with no foreseeable resolution.

"Fishing in Iari's well" - engaging in a hopeless endeavor

I love "Shale!"

I've apparently "run out" of XP for the day...I'll get you tomorrow.

These are BRILLIANT!...Are you a dwarf? Just checking.

"He's gone over the mountain" is my personal favorite. hahaha.

"Words on paper" strikes me as a particularly dwarven sensibilitiy...

They're just ALL good!

Well done. Sorry I can't XP til tomorrow.
--Steel Dragons

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