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E-Tools: Implementing PrCs


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Has anyone implemented non-DMG prestige classes yet? Would you be willing to share what you learned?

I need to enter the Eldritch Master PrC for one of my characters and I am looking for advice.

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I've not done it myself, although I keep intending to, one of my players has a devoted defender. However, someone the fluid message board has...let's see if I can find the message...Aha:

Originally posted by Colossus on Fluid's Boards
Yeah, you heard me correctly. It took about fifteen minutes to design "Sword Guy". First I'll tell you what he does, then I'll tell you how I did it!

Sword Guy is just an advancement from the fighter class, like a master of swords. He has a d10 hit die and no magical abilities. He gains a feat at each level advancement. (I USED SOME USER-DEFINED FEATS!). He is available to human fighters with a base attack of 5 or greater. Not a great one, but I was able to do it in a few minutes!

And here's how I did it:
I opened the database in access and started with the info class table. This table governs the most basic of class features. I simply entered what I wanted and closed the table. (If you know access, it's really straight-forward) Then I moved down the line for all class related tables.
Let's take "info class features", for instance. Go to the bottom, and select your prestige from the classid drop-down. Now enter the level at which his feat becomes available. Next, select the feat from the list. Feats that require GUIDs may screw up. If you use one that doesn't, you just crtl-c crtl-v the 0000 guid The data field is specific to certian feats.

Seriously, Fluid did a great job on a logical database. I think I'll try an FR prestige that doesn't break any DM rules and see what I can do. If I succeed, I'll upload the adjusted tables so others can see how it works. This is a good interim fix while Davin works on his really neat utility.

(btw, the utility he refers to is a module in ET Helper, Davin is working on one to edit prestige classes...I don't know how long it will be before that's finished...)


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Of course, as always, make a backup before starting any mad changes. ET Helper is fairly handy for making the backups, or if you don't want to use ET Helper, you can simply make a copy of the access database file. :)


The Laughing One
Doh! Why didn't i see this sooner? Anyone any luck yet with the +1 casterlevel thingy that's giving everyone a headache?

This is the main thing that's missing from E-Tools at the moment! *Starts digging for his copy of E-Tools*


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Excellent. Thanks for the reference. I may wait for ET-Helper.

I don't know access at all but it doen't look that bad for someone who has experience with other RDBMS's like Oracle/Sybase/MySQL.

Good call on the db backup. I would probably have forgotten that step!


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:). It's easy to forget. When you're making changes to stuff, you're not thinking about what might go wrong, but just about what you want to do. :)

I'm really tempted to go tackle Devoted Defender this evening. So much to do, so little time! :)


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How To....(long)

Whee. I'm having fun. I've entered Devoted Defender into the database. Most of it was pretty straightforward.

I'm going to write down a broad outline of how to do it here, but please keep in mind I regard it as a draft! ;) (The order of this may seem counter-intuitive, but I chose it so that you don't have to hop table to table, instead you create the things that will be referenced by another table first).

0) Read the Prestige Class thoroughly to make sure you understand all it's weirdnesses. ;)

1) Look for things that e-Tools calls "Feature Groups" in the devoted defender, there are three of these, for example:

Defensive Strike (which initially has no bonus, and then progresses to +1, +2, +3, and finally +4 at 10th level)

Deflect Attack (progresses from +1 to +4)

AC Dodge Bonus (progresses form +1 to +5)

If the prestige class has something like that, you'll probably want a Feature Group added to the table "lookup Feature Group". A very straightforward table with 2 fields: an id field (just make it one bigger), and the Feature Group field. For Defensive Strike, I made the Feature Group "Defensive Strike". I'd keep it obvious like that unless there is a duplication issue. :)

2) Next, I'd probably take care of the info Features table (do not confuse with info Feat!)

The info Features table has about six fields:
1st) Id (make it one bigger than the biggest)
2nd) Guid (let access generate this for you)
3rd) Name. If the feature isn't one of the ones you identified needing a "feature group" then you simply put the feature name here, such as "Harm's Way", "Uncanny Dodge" etc.
If it's a Feature group one, you'll want something like this: "Defensive Strike +%d". The %d will be the number that's filled in later on.... :)

4th) Feature Group: If you've defined a Feature Group for it, fill it in here, otherwise, put "None"

5th) Type: Usually None, Feat if it's a free FEat, Favored Enemy if it's the Favored Enemy feature, etc. Look at the other records to get an idea of what goes here for your feature.

6th) HelpText: Some descriptive text shown to the user when clicking on the feature.

3) Next Stop: "info Class"
Many fields here, most are self explainatory. Id you make one bigger, the guid you let access generate for you, Name is the name of the class, ClassType should be Prestige Class for Prestige classes, PlayerClass for a new core class, or NPC for a new NPC class. HitDieType, d4,d6,d8,d10,d12 as appropiate. AgeCat is for determining the base age (not relevant for Prestige Classes). The next three checkboxes determine the saves...checked, it's a good save, unchecked it's a "poor" save.

One that may be counter-intuitive is "BaseAttackMultiplier"

If it' has the "Best Attack" (like a fighter), put a 1. If it has "mediocre (sp?)" attack, put .75 (like a cleric), if it has the "poor" attack (like a wizard), put .5.

The next six fields determine the relative priority of the stats (I'm not sure what this is used for, but I used the other classes as guides ;)

SkillPointsPerLevel should be obvious. Unless you have class that is like the Loremaster, ignore "ClassSkills" and "ExclusiveSkills". The next three fields after that determine starting gold (not relevant for prestige classes, set to 0, d1 and 0)

Next few fields are fairly self-explaintory, they control the various spellcasting abilities of the class. I've not done a magic-using class yet, so I don't know of any weirdnesses here.

Shortly after that, there is a few checkboxes determining proficiency in various proficiency groups. If you're working with a class that has a list of specific weapons, like the druid, you'll need to visit the "info Class Weapon Proficiency" table.

After that is a series of fields I don't fully understand yet, but appear to be related to "Monster Advancement" (feats/level, skills/level, etc.)

4) Whew. Still here? Next Step: info Class Features
The first is the "ClassID". This is the name of the class that you put in the "name" field of the "info Class" table.

The 2nd is the Level that the character "receives" the feature that you're entering.

The 3rd is "FeatureID" which you'll want to put the exact same name you gave the feature on the info Features table. If you put "Harm's Way" put "Harm's Way", if you put "Defensive Strike +%d", don't leave out that +%d...it must match! :)

The 4th is the "Data" field. If you are adding a feature to the list that is a member of a feature group, you'll want to put it's variable data here. For example, for the Defensive Strike feature, I entered Defensive Strike 5 times, each with a different number in the data field.

The 5th is the "DataGuid" field. Usually all 0's (copy from another). If you're confident it works identically to another, you may want to copy that guid instead (for classes that have a feature in common, usually)

The 6th is a "notes" field, which appears to be a "notes to self" type of field.

After that, it's pretty straightforward:

If there is alignment restrictions, visit "info Class Alignment Restrictions" and add a row or two as needed...NOTE this differs from a prestige classes "required" alignment. See "info Class Requirements" for that (below)

info Class Skill Usability is a simple list of "Class" and "Skill". You'll want an entry for each skill the class has as a class-skill.

info Class Requirements is where you set feat, skill requirements, Race requirements, etc.

This is one of the few places I ran into trouble. I couldn't discern how to deal with the "Weapon Focus (any)" requirement of the devoted defender, so I've left it out for now. The Arcane Archer has a similar requirement (Weapon Focus (any bow, not crossbow), and I note that it's not on this table either. I suspect they ended up writing a bit of code special for the AA.

Otherwise, the table was fairly straight forward:

Id: ClassId/Name (same as one on table info Class)
Requirement: type of requirement: race, alignment, skillsimple, featsimple baseattack
Race: If it's a race requirement, race goes here, otherwise "none"
FeatId: If it's a feat requirement, the feat goes here (has to match then name on the "FEats" table
SkillId: If it's a skill requirement the skill name goes here (has to match the name on the skills table)
Alignment: If it's ....I think you get the picture. :)

Data: If there is a numerical requirement (usually skill or BaseAttack requirements) it goes here. Devoted Defender need 4 in spot, so I put 4 here when I was entering the spot skill requirement.

Whew...that turned into alot more typing that I expected, but hopefully that gives everyone a better insight on how to tamper with their database to add a prestige class. :)



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Well, I did it. :D
I added the shifter prestige class from Master of the Wild.

Thanks for the help Feaelin! :)

I had a problem with info Class Requirements.
There was no way to do the pre req of spell caster level or the polymorph self, wild shape. so this is what I did.

I created a new feat called Shifter PreReq.
I made it a special feat and then went into the info Feat Class Prereq Table and added entries for Wizard, Druid, Sorceror, and Ranger. I set it the appropiate level where they get 3rd level spells and wild shape / polymorph.

Now the next step I guess is I could add it as a class feature to all those pre-existing classes, but I think I will just make my players spend a feat. That way I can make sure they actually selected the polymorph spell for their spell list. And I don't mind if this feat shows up on the DM tab. :)

Oh, here is a stat block for ya (using Eric Noah's new stat block sheet)
Aera: Female Elf, High Drd5/Shifter2; Medium Humanoid ; HD 5d8+5 (Druid), 2d8+2 (Shifter); hp 49; Init +3; Spd 30; AC 19; Atk +4 base melee, +7 base ranged; +5 (1d6+1, +1 Scimitar); SQ: Elven traits (Ex), Immunity: Sleep (Ex), Low-light vision (Ex); Class Features: Druid: Secret Language: Druidic, Spells, Druidic armor, Druidic weapons, Animal Companion, Nature Sense, Woodland Stride, Trackless Step, Resist Nature's Lure, Wild Shape (1x/day); Shifter: Greater WS (Small or Medium, humanoid shape), Greater Wild Shape (1x/day), Greater WS (animal, monstous humanoid shp); Racial Features: +2 Will bonus to Enchantment spells; AL N; SV Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +6; STR 10, DEX 16, CON 12, INT 12, WIS 15, CHA 8.
Weapons: +1 Scimitar.
Armor: +2 Leather.
Shields: Darkwood Shield.
Animal Empathy +9, Concentration +9, Disguise +7, Knowledge (nature) +9, Listen +7, Search +3, Spellcraft +8, Spot +6, Wilderness Lore +9.
Alertness, Endurance, Multiattack, Shifter Pre Req.
Spells Known (Drd 5/4/3/1): 0 - Create Water, Cure Minor Wounds, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Flare, Guidance, Know Direction, Light, Mending, Purify Food and Drink, Read Magic, Resistance, Virtue; 1st - Animal Friendship, Calm Animals, Cure Light Wounds, Detect Animals or Plants, Detect Snares and Pits, Endure Elements, Entangle, Faerie Fire, Goodberry, Invisibility to Animals, Magic Fang, Obscuring Mist, Pass without Trace, Shillelagh, Summon Nature's Ally I; 2nd - Animal Messenger, Animal Trance, Barkskin, Charm Person or Animal, Chill Metal, Delay Poison, Fire Trap, Flame Blade, Flaming Sphere, Heat Metal, Hold Animal, Lesser Restoration, Produce Flame, Resist Elements, Soften Earth and Stone, Speak with Animals, Summon Nature's Ally II, Summon Swarm, Tree Shape, Warp Wood, Wood Shape; 3rd - Call Lightning, Contagion, Cure Moderate Wounds, Diminish Plants, Dominate Animal, Greater Magic Fang, Meld into Stone, Neutralize Poison, Plant Growth, Poison, Protection from Elements, Remove Disease, Snare, Speak with Plants, Spike Growth, Stone Shape, Summon Nature's Ally III, Water Breathing.
Spells Prepared (Drd 5/4/3/1): 0 - Detect Poison, Guidance, Light x2, Resistance; 1st - Calm Animals, Cure Light Wounds, Entangle, Faerie Fire; 2nd - Charm Person or Animal, Delay Poison, Resist Elements; 3rd - Speak with Plants.
Animal, Wolf: None Animal, Wolf ; CR 1;Medium Animal ; HD 2d8+4 (Animal); hp 13; Init +2; Spd 30, 50; AC 14; Atk +2 base melee, +3 base ranged; +3(1d6+1, Bite);SA: Trip (Ex); SQ: Scent (Ex); AL N; SV Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +1; STR 13, DEX 15, CON 14, INT 1, WIS 12, CHA 6.
Skills: Hide+3, Listen+6, Move Silently+4, Spot+4.
Feats: Weapon Finesse.


First Post
Slick idea, Therigwen, using a feat to "mimic" the the requirement for the spell. I assume you allow the Players to go to -1 feats at the appropiate time (since the feat is something they're "in reality" getting free as a class feature)?

I guess I need to figure out how to do Dragon Disciple next!

Hmm. Anyone have any thoughts on how to export this stuff so it can be easily added to someone else's db?


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Feaelin said:
Anyone have any thoughts on how to export this stuff so it can be easily added to someone else's db?
I'm working on stuff to both edit and import/export class information, but it'll be a while before it's ready.

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