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[Eberron] Raider's of Xen'Drik

Tor L'Tha

First Post
X, Barbarian, Search +0/Spot +2/Listen +0, Flatfooted AC 18

X sees the days go first full storm then some days later not a single breeze is to be seen.
He can see Xarut walking around the deck looking at the sails then reading a big book for some hours, looking again at the sails saying some words that turns in a little PUFF! Sure a magic formula that went wrong. He looks over to Plate that stands as firm as the mast he want to ask her about her fine blade but the look she has does not encurage him to take initiative. Groswen always with journal and notepad writing all things of interest, the dimension of the ship the numbers of crew and their names, the kind of cloudths, the kind of fish in the ocean and such.

Ankh-Morpork Guard said:
Eventually, he wanders back on deck, for the first time taking special interest in the many warforged. To none of them in particular, he says, "Such interesting creatures...I sometimes wonder if I see more than just emptiness within those eyes. How much more are you than walking metal?"

X feeling that Rik was talking to him answers “X speaks for X” “many feelings in metal and wood” he then looks at Rik like as he had made all clear. Sudently Hobbes shoots a shark in the water almost being pulled of the ship he rushes towards Hobbes taking the end of the rope “I wil help” he then helps hobbes to pull the shark onboard. As they pull togheter he says “taste good?”

pulling the shark
+ str 3 = 20
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Lurker (sort of)
Hobbes Shifter Barbarian 2, Search+1, Spot-1, Listen+5 - Flat-Footed: 14

Wow whatever these things are they sure can pull! I did not know they were so strong and with the look of all those teeth glinting in the sunlight, falling in would not be in my better interest. Being dragged to the side and half my body sticking over the water does not make me feel good. Then suddenly I find myself back on board as "X" helps me pull the shark on board.

"Thank you X." Rapping my knuckles on his shoulder in thanks, "I would not have liked the idea of becoming that things breakfast. Hopefully this was worth it and these things are good to eat."

Tug of War with Shark=17)

(+2 aid another from X and I get a 19)

Lobo Lurker

First Post
With X's help Hobbes is able to pull the shark up on deck. That night, the ship's cook whips up a fine shark stew for everyone, which is a nice change from the normal fried fish & chips that he normally serves.

While everyone is busy eating in the galley that night, you all hear an inhuman scream that suddenly gets cut off! The strange felinoid's head comes rolling down the ladder/stairs leading up to the deck.

Plate & X: [sblock] The strange felinoid that has been spending it's time in the rigging above you now likes broken and bloody at your feet... or rather, most of it lies broken and bloody at your feet.
Looking towards the bow of the ship, you see the hunched, dark, & mishappen shapes of sahuagin racing toward you, hurling the magical glow lamps that light the deck out into the sea as they come. A trio of them charge you while the rest are intent on whatever it is that they are doing. In the bow area, a large shape moves through the darkness on many legs.
The three jab thier tridents (1d20+4=17, 1d20+4=16, 1d20+4=19) at the two of you (two on plate, one on x) as well as break past your defenses (1d8+3=4, 1d8+3=5) with thier needle-filled maws. The tridents break past your defenses as each of you sustains a blow. Thier bites, however, scrape along your chassises and don't cause any damage.
X takes 4 damage
Plate takes 3 damage (after DR)

Battlefield Situation:
Largely unknown. You were busy eating your fine dinner meal when a head rolled down the hatch and a strange scream was heard. You are likely unarmed (i.e., berift of your main armament & armor unless you have a very good RP reason to have it with you (clerics have thier holy symbols and wizards's thier spell componants) and unarmored with an unknown foe outside... why didn't the warforged warn you?

Hobbes 19
Unknown Thing 17
X 16
Plate 16
The Crew 15
Xarut 14
Rik 13
Groswen 12
Rezzin 10
The Sahuagin 10
Takis 7
Mortachi 4
Ferrix's PC 4+? (put your pc in the rogue's gallery thread please)
The Clockwork 10 2
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Tor L'Tha

First Post
X, Barbarian, Search +0/Spot +2/Listen +0, Flatfooted AC 18 HP 26

“TO ARMS!!!“ is the only thing X makes to scream before he is hit and slightly injured. He turn against the sahuagin that hit him attacking him with his longsword X sahuagin 1 5+3=8
He feels the anger of making a bad blow, anger that soon will be rage. He yells
“MANY ON BOW!” “LOOK UP AT MAST!” He lifts his Shield waiting for the sahuagin's next move.

ooc: must we post in order of init?
can X see plate? are all lights out? is it possible for X to spot the place where the now decapitated felinoid's was?
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Lobo Lurker

First Post
Tor L'Tha said:
ooc: must we post in order of init?
can X see plate? are all lights out? is it possible for X to spot the place where the now decapitated felinoid's was?
No, you don't need to post in order of initiative.
The light sources on the front half of the ship (bow) are extinguished, but there is still moonlight.
You know that the felinoid usually lounged in the rigging of the mast ahead of you, fairly low.
Yes, you can see Plate, she's right next to you.

X doesn't hit automatically. ;) He needs to roll to hit. Sahuagin have an AC of 16.


First Post
Xarut, Elf Wizard 2, Search +5, Spot +5, Listen +5, Flatfooted AC 10

When X's shout reaches his ears, Xarut jumps up and rushes to get his bow and sword. *Just when there's a change in the menu, we have to abandon the food. But this seems serious, if the enemy is already onboard.*


Guest 11456

Plate, Warforged Fighter 3 : Atk +9; AC 18; HP 36/38

In a single fluid motion, Plate draws her sword from her back, swings it and hits (1d20+9=24) the sahuagin that damaged her. The sahuagin's chest is ripped open by the grievous wound (2d6+7=10).
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Mortachi Human Cleric Search+1, Spot/Listen+2 FF AC

Mortachi is startled by the sudden action. He casts Shield of Faith upon himself and moves toward the deck in haste. He ponders going for his armor and weapons, but decides that it might be more important to get to the fight.

OOC: AC currently 14 or 12 flat footed. I just realized that my character sheet has the dex bonus in the wrong column. I'll fix it.


When the cry reaches the galley where Groswen is currently enjoying a light snack, she follows the others out and decides that it might be best were she armed in case combat has broken out. In that case she heads to her cabin to get out her gear, grabbing her crossbow, bolts and strapping on a dagger.

Voidrunner's Codex

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