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[Eberron] Raider's of Xen'Drik

Tor L'Tha

First Post
X, Barbarian, Search +0/Spot +2/Listen +0, Flatfooted AC 18

As LT informs Plate and X about the Sahuagins in the water he wheels his longsword asking LT “creature jump on deck?” “me not swim...” As LT goes with the warning X bends over the fairlead (side of boat?) holding his sword in one hand and some ropes that belongs to the mast with the other, and carefully looks on the Sahuagins, taking their size and looking for their 'soft spot'.
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Mortachi Human Cleric Search+1, Spot/Listen+2 FF AC 15

Mortachi begins to don his armor and grab his gear. In a strange way he is almost glad they may be under attack. The initial excitement of their journey having faded to boredom. He heads for the deck a determined look on his face.


Groswen Anamne, gnome akashic 3, search +11, spot +1, listen +8, ff AC 14

With the rain and the choppy seas, Groswen stayed below deck only coming up to join Jherod in his revisitation of lunch. The soggy weather has dampened even her spirits. She mostly stays out of the way and listens to any conversation. As word reaches the captain of the sahuagin, Groswen looks up from the book in her lap to the captain across the room where he had been playing cards. She watches his reaction, trying to find out how he will deal with this new threat.
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First Post
Xarut, Elf Wizard 2, Search +5, Spot +5, Listen +5, Flatfooted AC 10

Xarut has been spending the rainy days mostly inside, going through the book he bought, and generally doing nothing of importance of exiting. When LT mentions the Sahuagins, Xarut reaches for his longbow and also takes his cloak. He tells Veran to stay inside and follows Mortachi outside, after waiting for possible orders from the captain.
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Takis - Druid 2, Search +2, Spot +8, Listen +8, Flatfooted AC 17

Takis checks his weapons and rushes up behind Xarut.

"If they move to attack, there must be a fair number of them. They must be able to see our numbers. How bold are these sahuagin?"


Ulytash Human Paladin of Freedom (24/24hp, ffAC 14) Search, Spot & Listen +1

Ulytash rises from a cross-legged position, ending his meditation, the others in the cabin moving more briskly at word of the sahuagin. His handcrafted greatsword already in his hands, he strides to the deck, ducking his head under the many low beams. He watches the crew and the Clockwork 10 move about with trained precision, keeping his focus inward upon The Great Light.

Psionically Focused (take 20 while meditating)


Lurker (sort of)
Hobbes Shifter Barbarian 2, Search+1, Spot-1, Listen+5 - Flat-Footed: 14

Erekose13 said:
She goes over to her companion after the captain leaves and asks, "What was that all about?"

"That was about the ship that has been on an intercept course that now seems to be following us. It seems they are called the Kaarnathi and the ship they are using is the privateer Dawnspear. With only one ship to our three I would not worry too much about them. The only thing I might be a little concerned about is that they are crewed with the dead so they have no need to sleep, eat or rest while we do. If I were you I would go get some rest while you can." At which point I will go below deck and immediately falls asleep.

Upon waking I will join the rest of my companions in the forward cabin for some entertainment and some much needed food. Upon hearing LT's notice that there might be enemies in the water around us I make my way to my cabin to gather the equipment I will need and head towards the deck. I would ask the Captain where he would best need my skill with sword and my bow and then search the waters and sides of the ship for any unwanted boarders.

Lobo Lurker

First Post
"Belay those weapons!" shouts the captain. "We don't know what they're about yet" He walks cautiously up to the rail and surrupticiously leans over it. He begins speaking in some watery, gutteral language. From the tones, it seems to be a question.

An answer is heard from below. The captain nods to a crewman and a rope ladder is hung over the side. At your questioning gazes he says, "...don't want thier claws scratching up my ship."

A nightmare creature covered in pale blue scales emerges over the side of the ship. Razor-sharp needle-like teech fill it's maw and it's eyes are black like the heart of the abyss. Wicked three inch claws tip the creature's hands an it's gills flare in the pouring rain as it gazes at you all in turn. A crude leather harness holds a pair of javelins and a trident and it wears a shortsword strapped to it's thigh. It opens its mouth and speaks in that strangly gutteral language again.

The captain replies and then turns to a crewman. "In my cabin is a small chest made of red-laquered wood. Bring it to me." The crewman runs off and the captain turns to you. "This is Kr... Kyr.. Kyl... Arg! I can't really say his name in common, but he's from the Redclaw tribe and these are thier ancestral waters. We're going to offer him some 'tribute' and his chieftain might decide to grant us safe passage."

The crewman returns shortly with a small 12'x9"x9" chest. The captain opens it and withdraws an ornate, and ancient looking, kukri from the box. The blade is as dark as slate and the pommal wrapped in red leather. A yellow jewel is set into the pommel as a counterweight. The captain swings it a few times and it begins to glow and spark. He tosses it to the sauagin who deftly catches it and gives it a few experemental swings. Apparantly he thinks it's good enough as he jabs it into his harness and dives over the side. He croaks something loudly and one-by-one the sahuagin disappear.

"He thinks that his king will appreciate the fine gift we've given him and has advised us to leave these waters as soon as me we can, lest his king desire more 'tribute.' Sahuagin eat flesh... it is good that he did not ask for one of you."

* * *

That night, the sounds of distant battle can be heard over the constant drizzle. The owls cannot fly as the clouds are too low and the rain too persistant. The captain sequesters himself within his cabin with his mysterious guest for the rest of the evening.

Come morning, he remarks that the sahuagin apparantly did not appreciate the gift that the Kaarnathi gave them.

Two days later the rain finally breaks... but the wind dies as well. The captin breaks out a laquered box and opens it. Inside are two wands. "Each ship carries a couple of these." he says. Pointing one at the sails and intoning some eldritch words in a strangely familiar language, a blast of wind gathers itself and fills the sail. You can see tiny figures on the other ships doing the same. "It's only good for about 10 hours, so hopefully the wind will come back soon."

Unfortunately, the wind does not come back soon and the captain is forced to use 6 more charges before the Osprey reports that its wand has died. The Wavedancer reports that it's wand is good for one maybe two more uses before it too dies. So the ships stay there, becalmed, for another day and an half before a weak breeze finally ruffles the sails again.

The crew, in a jovial mood, throws a party that evening to celebrate thier returned luck. Salted pork, fresh fish (you're sick of this by now) in an orange sauce, and red wine make for a fine meal.


Mortachi Human Cleric Search+1, Spot/Listen+2 FF AC 15

Mortachi tries to make the aqantance of a few crew members, especially those who have made the crossing before. He was startled by the sahuagin and at a loss for how to deal with them. He would like to be better prepared for the next unusual event. So he converses with any who will talk being a good listener and trying to make the speakers feel important.


The Captain, Rik and Rezzin are sitting around a table in the drow's quarters playing cards. The chips are all heavily leaning towards Rik, as Rezzin cares little about the winning or losing, and more about the camraderie that sailors all have towards one another. Besides... anything to get out of the rain is a wonderful thing.

'I'll call the pot. And I'll take three cards pleas--'

Suddenly, there's a knock at the door and a voice from the other side.

'Captain, there are sahuagin in the water.'

The Captain nods, then gets up and excuses himself from the table to go up on deck. Rezzin considers whether or not to go up as well to lend assistance... then realizes the warforged are all up there as well. He turns to the changeling and gives him a crooked smile.

'Eh. I'd probably just get the in way. Let those walking rainbarrels handle things, right? You still in?'

And he picks up his hand and waits for Rik to deal him his three cards.


A number of days later when the incessant wand use has burned the small wooden sticks out and the ships all wait for a slight breeze to return, Rezzin goes up on deck to check things out. The bestilled waters look beautiful... all blue and smooth... but he knows that this is deadly to sailors. He shakes his head and turns to Mortachi, who is wandering the deck looking for conversation. He grins at him and shows off the blue mark he bears.

'Got the right dragonmark for what we need... just wasn't blessed with the right power out of it. We need a cloud of fog to sneak away from people, I'm your guy... but a blast of wind to get these ships moving? We're out of luck I'm afraid. Too bad the Cap didn't hire on more members of House Lysander, rather than all these moveable garbage cans, eh? Heh heh...'

Voidrunner's Codex

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