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[Eberron] Raider's of Xen'Drik


Takis - Druid 2, Search +2, Spot +8, Listen +8, Flatfooted AC 17

Takis returns to "his" garden for the evening. Once there, he lets out a call for Faulk and then looks for the groundskeeper. Once finding him, he says, "I'll be taking my leave in the morning. I do not know how long I will be away or, for that matter, if I will be returning. I thank you for your kindness during my stay. Before I go, walk with me..."

Assuming the groundskeeper does walk with him, Takis proceeds to give him a "tour" of the garden, giving him specific instructions on how to care for the grass, flowers, trees, and so on. Things like, "These crysanthemums will stay healthy if you make sure they are watered once every other day. Note, I said every other day. Too much water will drown these delicate creatures. Also, make sure to keep any..." - and so on.

Faulk likely returns midwaty through the walk Takis takes with the groundskeeper. I presume the groundskeeper has seen Faulk a few times by now and is not taken aback.

The next morning, Takis collects his things and heads to Pier 17B. He beckons Faulk to follow.

At the pier, Takis quickly determines he might as well get on the boat right away to start getting used to the new environment. If Lady Navanna is still there when Takis arrives, he takes no more notice of her than anyone else he sees. Unless she makes a point to introduce herself or some such, he does not give her any specific acknowledgements. This isn't because he's rude, but rather because he doesn't know better. (The houses and their social relevance holds little meaning to him. He's had some interaction with members of House Vadalis, but not much else).

Once on the ship, Takis looks for Hobbes and settles next to him.

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Lobo Lurker

First Post
DEFCON 1 said:
'All righty Cap! Ya wanted me... now you got me! What would you like first? I know I was hired for all this... adventurer... crap... but I'm a sailor tried-and-true. So while the rest of these lubbers can stand around with their staves up their behinds... I want some real work to do. Whatcha need? Swabbing the deck? A hand up in the crow's? Coiling the rope? It looks like the Fury's been modified quite heavily, so I'll take on whatever you will give!'

Fharod'den laughs. "There will be plenty o' time fer drudgery come morning tide." The captain shows each new arrival to a shared cabin full of bunked beds stacked three high. There is a communal closet and a small table capable of seating four persons. Plate and X are not assigned quarters as the Captain figures that they can store their stuff in an equipment locker and stand on deck all day and night.

Roughly 4 hours before dawn, a trio of bronze plated warforged appear on the gangplank and request permission to board. The captain grants it and they introduce themselves as Glass, Dodger, & Jher. Dodger immediately makes his way to the crows nest where the others assure you that he'll stay until the voyage is completed. X and Plate are asked to stay near the masts where the deck is strongest. Jher makes his way to the bow and takes up position spotting while Glass makes his way to the aft platform and stays there. LT stays near the pilot's house so that he can be nearby in order to coordinate his band with the captain's orders should he need to.

The sounds of the city start dying down just after midnight, when Jherod, Marianna and a handful of aides arrive. He greets the captain and each of you, then moves off to meet LT before retiring for the night.


Guest 11456

Plate, Warforged Fighter 3 : Search -1, Spot -2, Listen -2; FF AC 18

When Plate is instructed to stand near the masts, he moves to the mast with the crows nest atop and stands next to it.

"Very well."


Mortachi Human Cleric Search+1, Listen/Spot+2, FF AC 15

Mortachi staked out a top bunk when he came aboard to stow his gear. He packs his things in the closet so as to use as little of the space as possible, but his armor is a bit bulky. He goes out to enjoy a fine meal and returns full, happy and ready for sleep a half-hour before it is time to sail. On his way back to the ship he finds a bakery that is just taking the first oven-full of goodies out for the morning and buys an assortment. He picks up a few smoked sausages as well. He waits in the shared cabin with the pastry and sausage for his new shipmates.


Groswen arrives on deck in a huff despite having used the lifts to reach Cliffside, she was still out of breath from the long walk. She takes her gear down below decks to the cabin she has been given and takes a bit of time jotting down any notes that she can think of before their charge arrives.

[ooc: did I get anything from the Akashic memory search?]


Lurker (sort of)
After a few restful hours of sleep where a person shoudl sleep at night I grudingly make my way back into the city. Getting directions from one of the guards I amkemy way to the docks and the ship. Walking straight up the gang plank and on board I find one of the band as to where we will be spending the evenings resting. I inquire from the captain if it would be possiblt to sleep on deck as string down below decks my skin starts to crawl a bit. I inform him that I am able to see extremely well better than most humans at night and offer my services.
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First Post
Xarut, Elf Wizard 2, Search +5, Spot +5, Listen +5, Flatfooted AC 10

Xarut makes his way to the ship at dusk, stacks his equipment into the closet and takes his short nap in the early night if possible. After he's had his rest, he wakes up at sometime in the night, and spends his time looking around the ship. He's especially interested in LT and the other warforged, but doesn't want to bother them yet.
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Tor L'Tha

First Post
X,Barbarian, Search +0/Spot +2/Listen +0, Flatfooted AC 18

Tailspinner said:
When Plate is instructed to stand near the masts, he moves to the mast with the crows nest atop and stands next to it.

"Very well."

X follows Plate's example standing on the opposite side of the mast making the weight equal on each side of the skip.

Lobo Lurker

First Post
The night draws onward and everyone boards the ship. The crew is an assortment of hard humans, half-orcs, half-elves, and even some sort of strange almost-feral felinoid who tends to spend most of its time hanging amonst the lines and tending the sails.

None of you are required to work, though the first mate assigns you duties if you ask for them.

You soon learn from the whispering amongst the men that you are not the only guests on board. The captain has given up his own stateroom to a woman and her aides who are never seen on-deck. The captain tends to spend dinner-time with her and about an hour afterward. The sounds of a strange pair of woodwinds can be heard for about an hour or so each night after nightfall.

Surprisingly, the Lunar Fury is able to keep pace with and sometimes outpace the soarwood vessals. This should not be possible as the galleons have one more mast and at least 50% greater sail area than the smaller darkwood vessal. (OOC: Common knowledge for anyone familiar with wood, sailing, or trade).
Just after sunset on the 2nd day Dodger, the warforged manning the crow's nest, alerts everyone that two ships are on a rendevous course with the Lunar Fury. By morning, the Osprey, Wavedancer, and Lunar Fury are making good time with a strong wind at thier backs. Along with the two soarwood galleons was a trio of giant mauve-colored owls. Each of them makes a nest on the strange platforms built for them on the aft deck of each ship. At night, they take flight, along with thier riders, and keep a lookout.

On the sixth day of your voyage, a nasty thunderhead appears on the horizon and the winds start to slow. The captain spends the day with Jherod in the map room as they spend thier time replotting thier course.

News comes from one of the Osprey that they've spotted another ship far off in the distance. The sailors inform you that even if it's fast enough to catch up with your little fleet, it would be arriving for another day or so. You are left to your own devices for the moment.

Groswen: [SBLOCK] What exactly did you want to look into?
* Delving into the collective sea of memories, searching for noble family Vlad'dam... you find nothing. Nothing at all which is terribly wrong. It takes mightily powerful magic to excise information from the Akashic record. In recent memory you stumble across shadowy memories of slaving, prostitution, drug distribution, thieving rings, and public official briberies; but those memories are always shadowy and full of doubt (an insignia seen here, a name whispered there, nothing concrete).
* Doing the same for the Lunar Fury turns up all sorts of memories from simple pirating to daring raids across enemy lines. This ship was often used to ferry dispatches and secret messages between the Brelish navy and thier spies abroad. This is a known smuggling ship, though the captain and crew are good and thus tend to avoid altercations with the authorities.
The ship is actually of independent manufacture; built at the beginning of the Last War and has been captained by the dark elf known as Fharod'den ever since then.
* Fharod'den is a native of Xen'Drik who, as a boy, fell in love with sailing. A bitter rivalry and the loss of his childhood sweetheart to the chieftan's son of another tribe drew him away from his native homeland on a hand-built raft. He was soon captured by pirates and slowly took up the lifestyle.[/SBLOCK]
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Takis - Druid 2, Search +2, Spot +8, Listen +8, Flatfooted AC 17

Lobo Lurker said:
Along with the two soarwood galleons was a trio of giant mauve-colored owls. Each of them makes a nest on the strange platforms built for them on the aft deck of each ship. At night, they take flight, along with thier riders, and keep a lookout.

Takis is curious about the owls. Can he figure out who has trained them and if they're more than just your standard owl? (+11 for Knowledge-nature)

Voidrunner's Codex

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