He tilts back his drink and gulps it down. He spins the empty glass in his hand as he thinks. "We," he gestures to his men. "were hoping to open relations with the people here in Nightstone. Trade our skills for shelter a little gold. But now it looks like no one is here to negotiate with. You said you were here to meet someone, but I haven't seen a single body, they too seem to be missing, then? I wonder if we should wait or go looking for any signs of them?"
He shrugs and the pours himself another drink. "One night won't hurt I suppose," he adds with a grin.
[sblock=Outside near the stables]
Fareon finds a good spot to hide, that is near a knot hole that he can put his ear to.
Two men inside the stables:
"... ha ha ha! This is going to be to easy. The whole place is abandoned." a mild toned voice nearly cackles. The jingle of tack and creak of leather also fills the air.
"Not abandoned there is that half-orc and his friends." a lower, gravely voice comments.
"Bah! Four of them versus the Seven Snakes. Holkin will put that armored orc in his place, see that he don't." the first man says dropping something heavy on to the ground. (probably a saddle)
"He'll try to 'suade them first. Might be they could be allies to us." the second man states as fact.
"Pity that then. I was hope'n on the way here we might find a few men with backbone to try and stop us. Been awhile since I took the defiance out of a man.... to long."
"Fareon," a loud whisper comes from around the corner. "What are we going to do?"
Wilhelm sees no one until he speaks and then he sees the small black wolf look around the corner of the stables straight at the man without truly seeing him.[/sblock]
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