D&D 5E EB's Storm King's Thunder - IC

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OOC: Yes if the attack falls around your AC (+4 I believe) as a reaction you cast the shield. For now I will ask, because you only have 2 spells to cast. But later on (say 3rd lvl up) it will go off and you can tell me whether or not that using it was ok

Fareon jumps quickly for such a little fellow, his wolf keeping stride closely beside him. Wilhem jumps back a bit to let him through then follows. Darian and Searinox come in after and Buddy brings up the rear because he was bisy tying off the horse (MerryBuck) to a tree limb.

Inside the huge cavern the dust has finished settling, four blue-skinned goblin sized creatures are just getting there breath back when Fareon enters. Four lanterns light up most of the cave and a pair of giant feet stick out from a collapsed tunnel, the giant they belong to is dead and buried in rubble.

The creatures see the party and yell out, "Eee Vaa!" (ooc: Lang. is Abyssal)


Darien moves forward (5R or 6R) and takes a defensive stance. He draws his weapons as part of the move.

"Looks like someone's harmed our cave, fellows."

Searinox moves parallel to Darian
"Technically it isn't ours yet."
He then waves his four dagger foci in the Air and small sigils appear around them before spreading across his arms and with a brief glow vanish again, leaving behind a thin silver/purple hue over his body.
He then motions to Devana ((Raven)) to fly up ahead
OOC: Moves to S7 and casts Mage Armor (AC 15)
Devana Flies as High as possible towards N6

Spell Slots
1st: 1/2
Last edited:


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Seeing his companions move forward into the cave, Wilhelm runs after them. He is surprised to see Fareon attacking the strange blue creature.

"Making friends?" the young warlock says to the halfling with a smile, then shouts in the Goblin language, "Surrender and your lives will be spared!"

Not knowing whether they will understand, Wilhelm decides to scare the small creatures with a particularly scary spell. He makes a grasping motion with his right hand towards the xvart Fareon was attacking, and a magical, skeletal hand with rotten flesh and rusty rings still attached appears before the blueskinned being and likewise grasps at it.

OOC: Move to U7, then cast Chill Touch to attack xvart at S15: [roll0] for [roll]1d8[/roll necrotic damage and target cannot regain hitpoints until start of my next turn.

Yes if the attack falls around your AC (+4 I believe) as a reaction you cast the shield. For now I will ask, because you only have 2 spells to cast. But later on (say 3rd lvl up) it will go off and you can tell me whether or not that using it was ok
Well yes, except that in this case the Shield spell is not a warlock spell, but a sorcerer spell (1/day) I got from a feat. Therefore it does not use a spell slot and can always be used only once per day.

That being said, I am perfectly okay with using Shield whenever I am hit, assuming I haven't used it before on that day.


Buddy, bringing up the rear as he nicked up his pants once more, stares at the little buggers.

“I would have thought someone would try to talk, but I guess we’re more the hit-first-think-never kind of people.”


Darian and Searinox move into the lighted cave, the bravo trying to use psychology on the strange goblin like creatures, but as Searinox notes (a glow of magic surrounding him), they seem unable to understand exactly what the noble is saying.

Fareon and Wolf charge forward, the halfling using the momentum to hurl a javelin through his target. The creature falls back the point of the weapon sticking into the ground and holds the blue creature hovering about a foot above the dirt.

Wilhelm steps forward and casts the most hideous of spells he knows to try and scare a creature if it fails to harm him. And grins at his success as one of the creatures runs for cover.

The remaining two swing their slings over their heads aiming at Fareon. But the halfling easily sidesteps the attacks.

Noted on Shield - will use it once per day on the first attack it could soak up.

Fareon killed your chill touch target, so I targeted a different creature. It missed the initial attack, gets no AoO though sorry, these creatures get free disengages.

Atk Fareon: 16, 6 both miss[/sblock]

OOC: Group is up.

Voidrunner's Codex

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