The Sea Spear reaches the cliffs of High Dock as the sun finally touches the water of the horizon. The tributary of the Ardeep river cuts through the cliffs and the outpost proper is some sixty feet above the sea level. Buddy groans at the sight of all the stairs.
Veradda and the captain talk to a man on the docks and you are all ushered off to the crisscrossing staircase leading to the outpost above. Everyone that is except Therysilla, the quite drow becomes very forcefull about the safety of the half-elven explorer. After a moments argument Veradda relents and allows the paladin to accompany her as her bodyguard.
After giving the remaining group their finally instructions and answering any remaining questions they have, the skiff sets off between the two looming cliffs and up the River Ardeep towards Nightstone.
Tired from what has been a long day the group of treasure-seekers head off to bed (as there is no tavern/inn in High Docks yet), knowing the will need all the wits and strength come the morrow.
Treasure of the Broken Hoard
designer: Shawn Merwin
The skies are blue and the sun is warm as you follow the trail off the Trade Way that finally leads you to the cave entrance Veradda mentioned held a piece of the Cult of the Dragon's stolen goods.
The day started off with a poor meal of porridge, bacon, and bread, but when you were shown the cart Veradda had stocked for this treasure hunt, your thoughts are she had spent as much gold as she may have hoped to find. It took almost all morning to inventory and then repack the cart, but it seemed well worth it. Then the group hooked up Merrybuck to the cart and then set out.
During your trip other travelers you met claimed to have seen evidence of giant activity: rune-covered boulders, huge footprints, and missing livestock. You saw none of that evidence and thought it may all have been the overactive imagination of scared farmers and merchants, until now.
Pulling up the cart and tying off the reins you notice the muddy ground before the huge cave entrance. The prints of many bare feet are everywhere along with what can only be a pair of bare giant footprints, nearly four feet in length.
All prints lead to the cave.
Please list prepared spells for this new day in your next post, thanks.