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Echohawk's Collector's Guides Index


Shirokinukatsukami fan
Sorry for making you update all the links twice in one month! The rebuild of ENWorld just seemed like a good opportunity to move the Guides over to the wiki. Morrus has also pointed out that I can do some fancier formatting on the wiki, which I'll investigate in due course.

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Shirokinukatsukami fan
I've updated the 4th Edition and D&D Next Collector's Guides to take advantage of the formatting offered by the wiki. The 4th Edition Guide was rearranged a bit in the process. I hope the updated format makes for slightly easier browsing.

Also new is a section in the 4th Edition Collector's Guide covering international releases of 4th Edition products. In the process of adding that, I stumbled onto the Chinese Collector's Edition set: 龙与地下城典藏版, which I would buy right now if I stood even the remotest chance of successfully navigating Amazon.cn's check-out system...

I'm pretty sure I didn't find all of the international 4th Edition releases. If you know of any other translations, or spot any missing books, please let me know.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
These guides (plus my own attempt at a Pathfinder one, which pales in comparison to Echohawk's hard work) can now be accessed directly via the REFERENCE dropdown menu in the main navbar at the top of every page.


i do not see the official content from athas, birthright, planescape, spelljammer, ravenloft, or mystara, on the 3.5 list.

was there a particular reason for skipping these sources?


starting simple, for example, the athas.org dark sun books. athas is the licensed source of 3.x dark sun materials as per WotC, which license has never been rescinded.

birthright, spelljammer, and planescape all have similarly licensed sites and pdf releases.

the mystara site has declined to produce anything new for certain reasons.

the ravenloft site was official until the license was sold and some sourcebooks produced by SSS, but may still be worth listing due to the period of being the official source, having produced product during that period, and it being still available for download.

i believe there was also a dragonlance site, but since WotC released their own product, their specific license is likely no longer valid.

i can provide the other sites upon request.


Shirokinukatsukami fan
All of the content you've mentioned there is already included in the various Collector's Guides in some form or another.

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