Starfinder Ed Starfinder-1-01


As the doors to the Lorespire Complex slide open, a green holographic image of a middle-aged human woman shimmers into view at the center of the room. “Greetings,” it says. “I am Guidance. Please use the cheek swabs in the open receptacle to provide a genetic sample for Starfinder Society identification purposes. If desired, you may place your hand on the glowing panel to receive a subdermal implant further marking you as a member of the Society.”

OOC: Who entered the room? Describe your character! Who has the Starfinder Society summoned?

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One of the occupants of the room was Tara, who was a generally pleasant if businesslike woman with purple eyes, light skin and blonde hair; she was dressed for her job, in a thick suit of lashunta ringwear armor that looked secondhand, with a few dings and scratches in it. She swabbed her mouth obligingly, as a small glowing flicker of light appeared beside her head.

"It's procedure, I suppose. Not like I can't take the implant out," she said, seemingly to the mote of light, as she uncoupled a gauntlet and pressed her hand on the panel. "Yes, I know it'll hurt, it's just an option, is all."


Kyle rose an eyebrow, looking at the others and, recognising professionals, nodded with respect before laying his hand on the panel, "Yeah, right... More tracking..."

You didn't need much observation skill to guess Kyle qualifications, his outfit talked for him. The Armor beneath his burned suit and the scars on his head testified he was in trouble not long ago.

Always at the ready, he is a man of action, scanning everyone present in the room with his android eyes.

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Absalom Station/Lorespire Complex
Round 0

The next to enter the chamber was a human woman. She was beautiful, with long black hair and dark, soulful eyes set in caramel skin. She was dressed in a set of basic freebooter armor, but had an open white robe over it with symbols of Sarenrae.

“Ashlyn Anjuliz,” she announced to the computer. She took the cheap swab and deposited it to confirm her identity, and then placed her hand on the device for the implant. She winced slightly, but the sting wasn’t bad. She flexed her hand as she removed it and looked to the others in the room.

“Hello, and blessings,” the priestess greeted. “I’m Sister Ashlyn Anjuliz.”


"Pleased to meet you," said Tara, the mote of light bobbing along beside her as she shook the hands of the others present. "Bureaucracy, huh?" She waved at the machine.


Absalom Station/Lorespire Complex
Round 0

Ashlyn smiled at Tara. “Bureaucracy makes the worlds turn,” the priestess commented. “Very agonizingly slowly.” She looked at her hand. It had already healed. She flexed her hand a bit to work out the soreness.


After each have you has given a DNA sample, the hologram speaks again. “It is our pleasure to officially welcome you into the Starfinder Society. Today is the commencement of your new role as a Starfinder field agent. It is our tradition, at the end of the graduation ceremony, for new graduates to present themselves to the heads of our most prominent factions and complete a task at those leaders’ behest. This allows the leaders of these groups to become familiar with all new Starfinder agents, and it provides a constant supply of agents for handling situations in our holdings on Absalom Station. While these tasks were formerly symbolic, the heavy loss of Starfinder agents in the Scoured Stars necessitates that these missions become something more. Please treat any tasks given with the gravity you would grant any other Starfinder assignment. Once you have completed the faction leader’s desired mission, that leader will signal Guidance to indicate the mission is finished. Once all missions are complete, the PCs can return to the Lorespire Complex to finish their commencement and prepare for future missions. Do you have any additional questions? As the computer finishes this speech you all instantly receive a text file.

Voidrunner's Codex

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