Starfinder Ed Starfinder-1-01

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"Well, I suppose it's necessary. I just figured the exploring-part would mean less of the paperwork-part." Tara scrolled through the datafile on her phone, and selected the Wayfinders without much hesitation. She nodded to her mote. "Yes, I was good at the paperwork, that's not the point."


Kyle tapped on Wayfinders. "Yeah. Tradition... Symbolic task... Is it a fancy way to tell us we are working for free?"
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The hologram says in a flat monotone All work for the society will be compensated as per standard.

OOC: We have two votes and they differ. Where would people like to go?


OOC: Ho ok. Let's go to Wayfinders. I miss understood. I thought we could all have different faction. (Playing Tomb of Annihilation at the moment) :)


Absalom Station/Lorespire Complex
Round 0

OOC: Yes, we can each have a different faction we champion, but we’ll eventually do all the missions. This is just picking the order, as far as I remember. Factions work a bit differently in SFS than in PFS.

Ashlyn opened the file that had been sent to her comm. The Exo-Guardians appealed to Ashlyn, but the others seemed interested in checking in with the Wayfinders first.

“Wayfinders are acceptable,” Ashlyn said.


"They seem neat, you know? Sorry I can't define my affinity further than that. Okay!" She rubs her hands together in anticipation. "What's the assignment? What strange new world are we going to map out?"


Absalom Station/Lorespire Complex
Round 0

“It sounded like we’re going to run around the station doing busy work until they get an idea of our capabilities,” Ashlyn said, recalling what the hologram had said. “Entry level work. But it sounds like there’s plenty of room for advancement.”

[sblock=Actions and Rolls]

Stamina: 7/7 HP: 10/10 Resolve: 5/5
EAC: 12 KAC: 13 CMD: 21
Fort: 0 Ref: 0 Will: 6
Healing Channel: 1 Resolve point: Self: Move; Touch: Action; All w/in 30’: Full
Healing Touch (1/d): 10m, 5 hp/L
0 (DC 14): Detect Magic, Fatigue, Stabilize, Telekinetic Projectile
1 (2/3 DC 15): Mind Thrust, Mystic Cure, Lesser Remove Condition


OOC: Looks like Wayfinders win by apathy! Ya!

Having voted, you head to the outer rim of the station. The station’s Armada can be seen from the shuttle’s view screen as it takes off, gleaming figures standing out against the emptiness of space. The Master of Stars immediately stands out from the rest, as layers and layers of scaffolding obscure its hull. Tiny lights flicker among the metal beams as distant figures weld plates and heat shields to the ship’s exterior. The shuttle smoothly glides closer until it reaches the starship’s docking bay, slipping through the magic field that keeps the hold pressurized with breathable atmosphere. As the shuttle doors open, a small drone flies in and pops up a holoscreen, displaying a harried-looking ratfolk. Finally, fresh meat! the ysoki exclaims over the screen, sounding pleased. Name’s Fitch—pleasantries over, time to get to work. I had some trouble earlier with the lights flickering on the ship, and now both the lights and computers have suddenly gone out on E-Deck. No idea what’s causing
it, but you work this job long enough and—
Fitch’s attention flicks to something offscreen, and she shouts Kirkath! The welding torch is not a toy! You wanna go in
the toddler’s pen with the other kids?
She snorts dismissively before continuing, Sorry, some of these little ones would cut off their own heads if I let them.
anyway, it could be some lunkhead screwed up the wiring, but that’s a pretty big system failure for a simple electrical short. I’d prefer to send in some people with combat training to scout it out, just in case someone or something is sabotaging the ship. If it’s nothing, great, get the power back on if you can. If there’s something
suspicious, use your comm units to report in to me. I’ll give you the access codes, so—Selicha! If you touch that panel I will staple you to the hull!
The screen on the drone cuts out, then flashes to display the ship’s schematics and the passwords for the computers on E-Deck.
Your ship docks and your personal comms display a way to E-Deck. What do you do next?


"Fixing stuff on E-Deck? Hmm." Tara looked vaguely disappointed, but got over it quickly. "Well, I suppose we do need to earn our stripes before they give us our own starship. Okay, I'm ready to go when you all are!"

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