Starfinder Ed Starfinder-1-01

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Absalom Station/Master of Stars
Round 0

“We didn’t come down to hurt anything,” Ashlyn assured the children. “And we know no one is supposed to be down here. That’s why we were sent. What are you doing down here?” she chided gently.

“What is this friend you speak of?” Ashlyn asked. She hoped it wasn’t dangerous, for the sake of the kids. She glanced toward the other room and then back to the kids.

“Why don’t we go talk just outside of here,” she told them. It would be best to get them clear of here if a fight did break out.

Ashlyn moved to usher the kids into the corridor outside the room.

Diplomacy: 1D20+6 = [1]+6 = 7
Perception: 1D20+8 = [11]+8 = 19
Sense Motive: 1D20+8 = [11]+8 = 19
Sense Motive: 1D20+8 = [11]+8 = 19

[sblock=Actions and Rolls]

Stamina: 7/7 HP: 10/10 Resolve: 5/5
EAC: 12 KAC: 13 CMD: 21
Fort: 0 Ref: 0 Will: 6
Healing Channel: 1 Resolve point: Self: Move; Touch: Action; All w/in 30’: Full
Healing Touch (1/d): 10m, 5 hp/L
0 (DC 14): Detect Magic, Fatigue, Stabilize, Telekinetic Projectile
1 (2/3 DC 15): Mind Thrust, Mystic Cure, Lesser Remove Condition
Conditions: -2 ranged attacks and skill checks for 1 hour


First Post
Tara heard it first. The merest suggestion of a footfall, timed to coincide with the distant rattle of an air processor turning on. However, it was Ashlyn who found out who was approaching so quietly, as she herded the children out into the hall. As she did, she came face to face with a surprised android. Check that, a surprised armed android. However, those pale eyes dipped quickly to the kids and seemed to perform some calculus. The solution to the equation involved stuffing the pistol back into her jacket though, so who could complain?

"Are you one of the others?" she asked in a quiet voice.

[sblock=Mystery Android] 1A4erFF.jpg[/sblock]

Stealth [roll0]
Perception [roll1]
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"The other - I'm not sure. We're Starfinders. Not really, you know, finding stars at the moment, unless they're teeny ones, but - " She wiped off a bit of fire suppresant foam and tried again. "I'm Tara. Who're you?"


First Post
"Starfinders, yes. New. I am to join you."

The android extended a hand.

"Tisi," she said, pronouncing it 'tissy.' "Are we apprehending the child?"


Kyle spots the creature. Its got an extremely large mouth and it takes off into the room. You can take off after the creature!

Tara sneaks off becoming almost invisible to everyone. She see the creature and can also bolt to grab it.

Everyone else begins to talk to the kids. It doesn't go well as the clam up and watch you intently.

OOC: Are you going to run after the creature or attempt to make friends with the kids again?


As the others keep the kids busy, Kyle follows cautiously the creature into the other room while keeping his aim on target.
Using his ComLink: "Fitch - this is the Lamplighters Squad. We got a xenomorph here. Do you want it dead or alive?"
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Absalom Station/Master of Stars
Round 0

Ashlyn pulled up in surprise as she ran into an android pointing a gun at them. But then the android holstered it.

“One of whom?” Ashlyn asked.

It seemed she was sent to join their little group. “At the moment, we have a creature cornered,” she explained. “The kids claim it is their friend, so maybe it isn’t hostile. I was just getting them clear for the moment, just to be safe.”

Ashlyn knelt down to the level of the children. “You say it is your friend,” she said. “So tell us how we can safely capture it, so it doesn’t get hurt. If it feeds on power, that is dangerous to the ship. We do not want to hurt it, so anything you can think of that will help us will be better for it.”

Diplomacy: 1D20+6 = [9]+6 = 15

[sblock=Actions and Rolls]

Stamina: 7/7 HP: 10/10 Resolve: 5/5
EAC: 12 KAC: 13 CMD: 21
Fort: 0 Ref: 0 Will: 6
Healing Channel: 1 Resolve point: Self: Move; Touch: Action; All w/in 30’: Full
Healing Touch (1/d): 10m, 5 hp/L
0 (DC 14): Detect Magic, Fatigue, Stabilize, Telekinetic Projectile
1 (2/3 DC 15): Mind Thrust, Mystic Cure, Lesser Remove Condition
Conditions: -2 ranged attacks and skill checks for 1 hour

Voidrunner's Codex

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