Starfinder Ed Starfinder-1-01

"Pleased to meet you, Tisi. Let's not arrest anybody." Tara's little mote of light pulse, and she corrected herself. "Let's not arrest anybody just yet."

She kept her eyes out for the creature, approaching it calmly and carefully, trying to identify it - or barring that, to at least get a good picture of it.

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The head of the ship responds to your Comm ahh I honestly don't care. It's up to you. But, you're going to really make those kids sad if you kill it in front of them....

The kids listen to your plea and the little girl begins to come around to your side. We can try. We'll keep it from running out of the room to make it easier. He's a friend, but he don't listen much!

OOC: The kids will keep it cornered in a room, but you've got to catch or kill the creature. what happens next?

"If capture is a priority we'll need an energy cell and a cage," Tisi says in her quiet voice. Her head ticks to one side slightly, and she adds, "There is a problem. We do not know how large the cage should be."

She focuses on the children.

"How big is the creature?"

"A cage shouldn't be a problem once we know how big it is..." Tara gets on comms and begins doing mental math as to how much a cage will cost and how quickly it can be made out of assembler.

The kids look at you and say He's this big! They say opening up the hands to show you its an arm span across and about two feet high. The creature is about the size of a dog. It's a dog with big teeth, but that doesn't mean it wants to bit. If it hasn't eaten a kid, then it most likely won't bit you, unless you make it....

Kyle set up a trap with a battery cell as the Android girl suggested. A box, a stick, a bait and a cable.

"Ok kids, now if you want to help, call your friend and be ready. "
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Absalom Station/Master of Stars
Round 0

Ashlyn waited with the others as they set the makeshift trap for the creature. She hoped they could capture it peacefully, for the sake of the children, and move it somewhere where it wouldn’t cause too much trauma for the children.

[sblock=Actions and Rolls]

Stamina: 7/7 HP: 10/10 Resolve: 5/5
EAC: 12 KAC: 13 CMD: 21
Fort: 0 Ref: 0 Will: 6
Healing Channel: 1 Resolve point: Self: Move; Touch: Action; All w/in 30’: Full
Healing Touch (1/d): 10m, 5 hp/L
0 (DC 14): Detect Magic, Fatigue, Stabilize, Telekinetic Projectile
1 (2/3 DC 15): Mind Thrust, Mystic Cure, Lesser Remove Condition
Conditions: -2 ranged attacks and skill checks for 1 hour

You set up a simple trap. The kids then call their friend whistling. The creature looks spotted with different grays, browns, and blacks. It has an enormous toothy grin and looks like a dog drown by a toddler with a large tail. It comes up and you spring you trap! With that impressive roll, you catch the beast! The kids cry in surprise. You have the thing and it gurgles sadly at you from its impromptu cage. What do you want to do with it?

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