Edge of Space [WEG Star Wars]

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Nam Jo engaged the hyperdrive and the Nautolan Star lurched for a moment, and then began hurdling through hyperspace.

The journey from Thessp to Starforge Station would only take a day, relatively short compared to some of the longer runs a smuggling crew might make. But, hyperspace was always uneventful.

"Ugh, this is so boring!" Is the way Quin chose to express it - multiple times.

Fortunately, ZED was prepared, and chose this day to help the rest of the crew prepare for the meeting with the smuggling lord Icaron. He set up a make-shift conference table in the port side cargo hold and gathered them all around for one of their meals.

"As you all know" the droid began in his usual droll voice, "we are on our way to Starforge Station to meet with the smuggling lord Icaron."

A holoprojector beam shot from his chest and landed on the table in front of him. The image he was showing them was of an asteroid, moving through space, with a star port built into the side of it. Next to that, was the image of a near human man, hair pulled back behind his head with a well-groomed goatee on his chin. He wore a perfectly pressed suit.

"I assume we're all familiar with Starforge Station, so no need to go over it in any detail. If there are questions, please ask after we've finished the meeting."

He zoomed in on the man.

"This is Icaron. His smuggling organization is large, well-run, and prepared to take on a variety of different jobs. Small and large. Dangerous and mundane. Whatever the situation calls for, you can bet he has a ship that can handle it.

"He has asked us, specifically captain Jo, to meet with him for reasons unknown. I've checked all of our records, and none of us seem to have had any interaction with him, or any of his close associates, so we have no reason to believe this is some kind of set-up. I've looked into his past, and it seems that when he intends to do harm to someone, he lets them know well beforehand, so this meeting is likely either a business as usual type meeting, or it could be that warning. Either way, no reason to believe there is imminent danger to any of us on the part of Icaron.

"The most important thing for this meeting is appearance. Icaron is famous for his meticulous nature, and has several times called off jobs because his crew of the people he was working with seemed unprepared or sloppy. If we are to make a good impression on him, we all need to be at our best."

He changed the focus of the projection to the third sublevel of the station, and a circle of blue surrounded a particular location.

"This is where we'll be meeting him. I'll be going, along with Captain Jo, Mr. Pearce, and Ms. Serrah. Mr. Lennik and Ms. Quin will stay behind with the ship-"

"Aw, man! I wanted to get out and see Starforge, captain!" Quin interrupted.

"-but will have time afterward to conduct any business they might need to."

"Oh, sorry."

"We have about twelve hours before we reach the star port. I suggest we rest up. Any questions?"
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Devan thinks slightly before finally shaking his head. "Can't think of anything right now," he says. "I'm going to go ahead and turn in, though. Let me know if anything needs to be done."

This sure is getting interesting..." he thinks as he heads towards his bunk.


"In that case," ZED shut off the projection "let's get our rest."

The rest of the flight was uneventful. Mostly it was spent sleeping, and preparing to meet Icaron. An hour before the ship was scheduled to emerge from hyperspace, a light came on in the cockpit, and a small tone binged througout the Star.

"That's the signal to start getting ready, boss." Stegg announced. "Those going to meet Icaron, start getting prettied up. Quin and I will take her in from here, and wait to hear how the meeting goes."

Just under an hour later, the crew again sat around the make-shift conference table. ZED had a shine to him, as he had Quin help him get a bit of dust and wear polished off.

"Are we all prepared to go, Captain?"


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"I'm pretty much ready," Devan says as he checks the gas level in his blaster pistol before returning it to the holster on his hip. He takes the light jacket that he had layed on a chair when entering the room and quickly throws it on. He gives a slight shrug and motions for the entrance ramp.


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Serrah has used the time to rest and then to prepare herself.

She has put her armor vest on and shouldered her blaster rifle. The pistol is holstered at her side, and her smaller weapons hidden under her clothing.

The bounty huntress is ready to go to the meeting.


The Nautolan Star glided softly into Hangar Bay 7X on Starforge Station, and Stegg Linnek's voice wafted over the comm.

"Here we are. Good luck, you guys."

As open and lively as Novak's Landing was on Thessp, Starforge Station's corridors were equally cramped and dismally lit. The flourescents flickered as Nam Jo, Devan Pearce, Serrah and ZED made their way through the drifting asteroid toward their meeting place - the personal suite of the smuggler Icaron.

Clusters of spacers were scattered here and there, surreptitiously eyeing the new crew as they passed by, and a not-so-subtle Trandoshan could be heard whispering: "Newcomerss. What do you think bringss them to Sstarforge?"

Undeterred, ZED directed them to the suite where they were let in by a large Reigat in a perfectly pressed suit from his homeworld. He checked the Star's crew on his datapad and gestured for them to take a seat in the sitting area, which was adorned with several low-backed orange chairs, which seemed to be a bit out of date.

The room was small, but neat. The chairs, there were five in all, sat around a low glass coffee table which had nothing on top of it. There was a couch along the southern wall of the room, made of the same orange material as the chairs, and a few pieces of artwork on the walls, but otherwise nothing. There were two doors, one the crew was just let in and another along the far wall.

The Reigat stood, arms crossed, by the door. He didn't glare, but politely kept an eye on the guests.

After a moment of silence, the farther door opened, and a pink-skinned man the crew recognized as Icaron emerged, leading another man of the same hue with a hand on the small of his back.

Icaron smiled at the man. "Thank you for coming by. I'll give you a call later this evening to finalize our plans. After my meeting." He gestured at the crew seated in the chairs.

"Of course." The other man nodded. "I look forward to it." And he turned and left, giving the slightest nod to the Reigat as he passed him.

Icaron turned and quickly looked the crew over, and nodded simply.

"Well now, let's talk business, shall we? Is anyone hungry?"


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"Thank you, but no," Devan says with a polite nod of his head. "I can't speak for anyone other than myself, but I'm not all that hungry."


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Serrah has taken one of the chairs to sit down, while they were waiting. Her Blaster rifle is hanging leisurely from the chair's back rest. When Icaron addresses them, she smiles and shakes her head lightly.

“Hungry? No, not really. But I would take a bite, nonetheless, unless noone wants anything, of course.”

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