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I have a group of 5 party memebers
2 members @ lvl 8
3 members @ lvl 9

They encounteres a vrock (CR 9) A Cleric lvl 8 and 4 lesser clerics being a CR3 for the group.

What would be the Encounter Level for the group?
I'm playing 3.0

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The 5 party members have no bearing at all on the encounter level (EL). Assuming that the clerics add nothing to CR (e.g. core PC race), then the total EL is about 11.

3+3 (two clerics) = 5
3+3 (two clerics) = 5
5+5 (four clerics) = 7
8+7 (main cleric + four clerics) = 9
9+9 (vrock + five clerics) = 11

All in all, it should be a tough fight for the heroes. The high EL (higher than 9), is made slightly more problematic by the number of foes, making it more dangerous than a normal EL 11. However, the lower level of some of those foes makes it slightly less dangerous, probably evening out at a reasonable EL 11.

You should expect at least one PC in the negatives, possibly dead. If not, expect some significant injuries unless they are expecting and are well prepared for the fight. If the bad guys are well prepared instead, then you should expect an HPK.


The encounter happen already and I still have not dished out the E.X for it.
The group walked over the encounter. They lost a few H.P's from the main fighters.
The reason for this is I use 1d6 hero points in a 4 in half hour session and I will remove the hero points as they are to unbalancing in short time we play the game.
I will modify the EL to 10 just cause it was easyer then I thought it would be.


Danjin Masutaa
HBK - the Heart Break Kid, Shawn Michaels.

If you encounter one of these monsters, you must make a DC 17 will save or start laughing at his silly pants



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