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Elemental's Story Hour: Updated 30 /5


Another update will be coming quite soon. This is my PC as she currently stands--level 5, ECL 8. And I know the sheet isn't in standard format, but I find this one I came up with easier to find stuff on. It should be pretty self-evident what everything is.

A note on skills--the GM let each PC pick three nonexclusive skills to become class rather than cross-class skills.

Usha Lalita Halmarond

Race: Half Human / Half Brass Dragon
Type: Medium-Sized Dragon
Class: Fighter (4) / Rogue (1)
Alignment: Chaotic / Good
Deity: Sune

Attributes: STR 22, DEX 14, CON 18, INT 16, WIS 12, CHA 16

Skills: Jump 6/22, Swim 6/12, Climb 6/12, Handle Animal 2/5, Ride 3/5, Diplomacy 5/8, Speak Language (Dwarven), Sense Motive 4/5, Spot 4/5, Intimidate 3/6, Listen 4/5, Tumble 7/9, Search 3/4

Languages: Common, Iluskan, Draconic, Dwarven, Giant

Feats: Strong Soul, Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Whip, Iron Will
Bonus: Blind-Fight, Quick Draw, Close-Quarters Fighting

Saves: Fortitude +9, Reflex +5, Will +5

Initiative: +2
Melee Attack: +10
Ranged Attack: +6
Damage: +6

AC: 24 (touch 12, flatfooted 22)
Mobility Penalty: -1
Hit Points: 59

Immune to fire, sleep and paralysis, breath weapon (60ft line, 3d6 fire damage, Reflex save, DC 17 for half) 1/day, claw and bite attacks, natural armour (+4), darkvision (60ft), +1 to save vs energy drain or death, bonus feats (3), sneak attack (+1d6).

Speed: 60ft
Face: 5x5ft
Reach: 5ft

Longsword: +11, 1d8+7 S damage (19+, x2) No miss chance vs incorporeal targets.
Light Flail: +11, 1d8+6 B damage (20+, x2). Can disarm (+2) and trip. If trip fails, can drop weapon to avoid being tripped.
Whip: +7, 1d2+4 S subdual damage (20+, x2), 15ft range (weapon stays in hand) Can disarm (+2) and trip. If trip fails, can drop weapon to avoid being tripped.
Composite Longbow: +7, 1d6+4 P damage (20+, x3), range 110.
Bite: +10, 1d6+6 P damage (20+, x2)
Claw: +10, 1d4+6 S damage (20+, x2)

Experience: 10,990
Next Level At: 15,000


Weapons: +1 Ghost Touch longsword, MW light flail, MW mighty (+4) whip, MW mighty composite (+4) longbow, 36 arrows.

Armour / Shield: MW mithral breastplate, darkwood shield.

Miscellaneous Magic Items: Boots of Striding & Springing, Headband of Ferocity, 2 potions of Bull’s Strength, 4 potions of Cure Light Wounds

Mount: Heavy horse, saddlebags, bridle, riding saddle

Miscellaneous: Flint & steel, backpack, bedroll, rope, climbers kit, waterskin, 2 sacks, 3 days rations, 1 vial holy water.

Money: 474 GP

Loads: 1-173 lbs (Light), 174-346 lbs (Medium), 347-520 lbs (Heavy)

Current Load: 91 lbs

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Dear Diary:

A lot has happened in the last week. After we got back from the undertunnels, things calmed down a bit. Blue was patched up by the resident nurse, a dwarf who is a cleric of Berronar. Though there was some awkwardness when good old Estivan kept referring to her as a man. Must have been the facial hair that had him confused.

The loot was sold off for a tidy profit. Given the damaged state of my chainmail, I decided to seel it and go for something lighter—a mithral breastplate will fit the bill well, and it will look a bit nicer, to boot. It should be ready in a couple of days—I also requested some protective magic. A batch of potions, a new weapon, some magic boots to make me faster, and an enchanted headband that should keep me on my feet longer in a fight round out my haul.

A hundred or so did go into a donation to the church of the cleric—the least I could do, after all.

Something that we still haven’t been able to do is get anyone to identify that dwarven axe. Apparently, the expert on such matters is away on business. Given the shock Silver took, no-one wants to be the one to take it out of the bag—that thing hates dragons (it was made to kill them, so that makes sense) and apparently, that category includes us.

Hergal has continued to enquire about his book—I’ll say this for him, he doesn’t quit easily once his mind is set on something. More questions about my mother. All the talk about my family life keeps making me recall growing up with Khalid—and from there wonder what I could have done or noticed to cause things to turn out differently.

As well as that, staff from the college have been looking down the tunnels…

“…..ah yes, a Banelar, Estivan was asking about it earlier, he's down with Professor Hammerfa right now.” said Albion. “But a Banelar is mostly a underground creature, with maybe some swamp and mountian habitats, although usually near river and minor settlements that they can corrupt, enslave, and prey. They usually have an association to and worship Bane, hince why the're such evil bastards."'.

“....thank you. I'll go talk to Hammerfa.” Usha replied, and turned to leave.

"He's down where you guys were yesterday. Oh, and the professor wanted to tell you that Ogerud wanted to talk to you and your merry band at some time."'.

With a nod of acknowledgement, Usha went back down the tunnels she’d helped explore yesterday, and eventually coming to the underground lake, found Estivan climbing into the lake and saying "Well, I don't see any passages or any way for this thing to get in. Say, do those Banelar's have a particular dislike for Dragons?

"The one we killed probably does.” said Usha. “What's happening here?"

"Hey, would you mind holding this lamp up so I can start working on it?" said the other man, an old, bespectacled wizard. He was cut off by a splash as Estivan jumped into the lake, and gave a sigh that was becoming familiar to Usha as the trademark sound of anyone that spent too much time near him.

"Never had that happen when I walk into a room before." she said. "You're Professor Hammerfa? What is this?"

"Ah, not much but a little dissection of this sucker.” he replied. “Might want to see on Estivan though."

Estivan had started splashing around in the pool, finally seemed to twig on that he’d find looking under the water easier without a heavy backpack, and so took it off, and threw it at her. She stepped aside, and let it hit the wall with a crash. He finally stopped playing around in the water, and came out.

"Well now we know where they come from. That could be an opening to somewhere deeper.”

"The thing that bothers me is this.” she replied. “Whoever destroyed that village used fire spells. This thing didn't."

Right on cue, there was the glare. "That’s right, and that thing doesn't have legs. Remember we saw clawed foot prints with the tail marks...”

"Which weren't the skum."

"Something else destroyed the kobold village.” he said, pointing to the Banelar, seemingly too wrapped up in his own throughts to notice she’d just said pretty much the same thing.

"I don't know.” said Hammerfa. “If there was a true opening to the Underdark, this place would be crawling with fungus, and illithids and other nasty things, so it probably isn't a big opening, or it might be flooded as well?"

"Well, if we want to look through the tunnels underwater, perhaps one of the wizards could summon something aquatic, and send it through there to have a look? A water elemental, maybe?" she suggested. The only reply was the odd squelch and unpleasant organic sound as Hammerfa continued dissecting the darktentacles.

"You know, if I inherited my father’s ability to breath water, I might have searched it myself." said Estivan unhelpfully.

"And maybe get tipped over a waterfall or eaten by something down there?"

"It might be a great adventure, but thankfully, I didn't inherit it. I'd hate being more like him.”

"What, was he polite and well-mannered?"

No, you wench. He was a black hearted perverse rapist, vilely evil, with out a shred of decency, moral character or redeeming qualities.

Usha closed her eyes, and counted to three. Some people were so blind. "Well, I've got an evil brother, so we're even in that respect. Oh, and call me that many more times, and you're going under that lake again, head first. I'll work with you if I have to, but show a little respect. Understood?"

"Respect why should I respect a low born....."

Usha glanced at the lake behind him, calculating how much of a push he’d take. But no, he was unexpectedly looking embarrassed. "You are right....”

Hammerfa pulled his head out of the guts of the creature, putting something purple and shiny into a specimen jar. "Well I'm more than likely to stay down here and carve this big guy up. You two can head on up if you want, but as you do, tell Albion to stop by. That and you guys should go and talk to Ogerud, said there was something important he wanted to tell you."

"Yes, Albion mentioned that."

Estivan spoke up, looking profoundly uncomfortable. “My actions toward you and to the nurse yesterday have been disgraceful of me.”

"If you're looking for me to disagree with you at some point, I won't. Actions speak louder than words, if you want to prove your true face isn't the mirror opposite of the one I can see." She turned and left.

….and that was where we left off. Not sure if I should be relieved that he’s not completely impervious to reason, or annoyed that I didn’t get to stick a fist in his face.

I also tried reaching out to Mr Blue….

"Blue, are you in there?"

"Yeah. Come in."

Usha walked into his room. Mask back up. She’d replaced it before the nurse had seen his face the previous day.

"I just wanted to say thank you. You did well down there yesterday. The other thing is that when Carudan was trying to save your life, we saw your face. I'm assuming you didn't want that to happen."

He hesitated. "Its okay. Did anyone else see me?"

"No, I put it back up on the way out. But if you don't mind me asking, why?"

"The guild that trained me and I had a bit of a disagreement. I left without there permission and currently hiding from them. That’s why I don't use my real name. Just my alias of Blue Dragon."

Privately, she wasn’t sure of the wisdom of that. Concealing a distinctive face, yes, that made sense. But then adopting a name that pretty much stated what you were…..

"At first I assumed it was for a different reason. You've seen how messed up Carudan is about his parentage, I assumed it was the same thing with you."

"No. Nothing like that. This is more for my safety then anything."

"It just seems a pity to keep your true face hidden, no matter the circumstances."

"It doesn't bother me. I have spent a lot of time in the shadows. Besides I have other concerns that are more important then showing my face."

"It still seems a bit of a waste. Well, so long as you're happy with it, that is what matters. If you want, you could probably find a magic item that changes your appearance. Which reminds me, you'll want to talk with Silver about your share of the things we pulled out of the hole."

“How was that for timing?” asked Silver, coming into the room. “I’ve got coin pouches for everyone.”

….another enigma. He seems decent enough, but the nasty little voice inside my mind wonders if his pursuers are entirely unjustified. Still, never let a resource go to waste—I’ve been learning a few of his skills over the last week. I may have skin that could stop a spear, but I’ll be facing worse things than spears, and I’ll need agility to help me stay alive, as that snake-creature proved.

I say snake-creature, and I thought it to be a naga, but according to Albion, it was something else—a Banelar. I hadn’t ever heard of them, but apparently, they’re servants of (surprise, surprise), Bane. I can tell you, when I heard that name, my blood ran cold (and no, that’s got nothing to do with my reptile side, thank you very much). It makes me worry, too. Would a servant of the Black Hand be holding a grudge against the college just for breaking his sleep? I doubt it, there will be a bigger picture.

There always damn well is.

At some point, I started talking about these other four people and me using the word ‘us’. Not entirely accidental, that. You see, the Dean recently called us to his office….

"I hope you're feeling better than the last time we met." said Usha. The five of them were in Ogerunds office, the most expensive and lavishly decorated in the college.

He looked embarrassed. "I'm sorry about that. But please rest assured I have done my best to make sure something like that doesn't happen again. But where are my manners, please have a seat."

"I'll stay standing, thanks." said Silver. Usha took a seat, as did Blue and Carudan.

"Well, although I dismissed your offer earlier last night, I've had some time to think and bring it up with the rest of the chairmen. Usha, I was just wondering if that offer might still be standing?"

What offer….oh yes, that one.

"It could be."

"It's just with the Skum, that mess over in the woods, and several other occurrences around here, I've been thinking that we... might use some extra security around here. Now the entire board hasn't approved it, but from those I've talked to, they see you as a very valuable resource we would be crazy to simply send you away."

Mercenary work. That sounded good.

"I'd be willing to, certainly, especially if you've got servants of Bane nestling under the university. What terms were you thinking of?"

"Well that's what I was going to ask you. I was thinking something like 50 gold a week salary with at least a 5 year contract as security consultants and emergency troubleshooters?"

"Something shorter term, maybe. I like it here, but I don't want to get too committed. How much involvement were you thinking of?"

"Well, if its just five years. I doubt I would grow bored or tired of dealing with wizards in that time." said Silver. He’d certainly changed his attitude on ‘book magic’ at some point, then.

Estivan spoke up. "I would accept this offer, including the 5 year term. I am still very young and which my Draconic blood, who know how many years there will be in my life.

"Are you searching for a shorter term contract or a more flexible 'free' time or vacations?"

"Both, ideally. Tell me what I'm expected to do first." said Usha.

“Mostly helping to make the campus safer, keep nasty magical things like those Skum from messing about, telling us how to beef up security, and handling a few... sensitive situations where we can not spare our own personnel. As you noticed, we only have one security personnel, Marius, and you commented on how effective he is..."

Presumably, Marius had been that guard at the gate when they had first arrived.

"A year, and we'll see how it goes after that. After all, one of us might have become sick of the other by then."

“Only that amount of security, and you are that far out on the fringes of civilisation…..”

"I know, but we didn't have enough money after setting up the college, paying the professors, and getting the supplies for a professional guards or a small mercenary company. But as you have proven, you are quite a better investment."

….and so, dear diary, it might be a longer association with the college and these people then I assumed. I’m not happy at being locked into any contract, but it’s tolerable. And given their less than extraordinary role in stopping all the incursions so far, I doubt the wizards could stop me if things deteriorate enough for me to just get up and leave. Not that I think they will, mind.

Edit: Missing deity. Don't you hate it when that happens?
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First Post
Intriguing basis for an adventuring group! I think I may well read more of this (don't have the time right now since I need to prepare for a gaming session of my own tonight). I think it's quite innovative to go for an entire group of half-dragons, must be fun to play and the other players wont accuse you of being a powergaming munchkin :D


Carnifex said:
Intriguing basis for an adventuring group! I think I may well read more of this (don't have the time right now since I need to prepare for a gaming session of my own tonight). I think it's quite innovative to go for an entire group of half-dragons, must be fun to play and the other players wont accuse you of being a powergaming munchkin :D

First non-me poster. Yay! :p

The all-half-dragon thing was the GM's idea. It's a change of pace, for sure, and it's certainly been helpful for creating a bond between the characters, though things have come to a bit of a crux lately, what with the vampire and all......


First Post
Well, I've just read through it - I especially like Usha's rather sarky comments :) The idea of a whole band of half-dragons is definitely rather innovative and new. I noticed that the cleric is half-emerald - are there any rules for half-emeralds anywhere or did your DM just knock them up himself?


Carnifex said:
Well, I've just read through it - I especially like Usha's rather sarky comments :) The idea of a whole band of half-dragons is definitely rather innovative and new. I noticed that the cleric is half-emerald - are there any rules for half-emeralds anywhere or did your DM just knock them up himself?

It was a pretty simple conversion--just give them an immunity to sonic energy, and a breath weapon equal to the 'Young' age category of the dragon, everything else about the template stays the same. Since it was an energy type rather than a more exotic form of damage (like the topaz' cone of dehydration), it wasn't that hard.


The contract was finalized. For 50 gold per week, make sure the students and teachers had a comfortable working environment. No monsters, no thieves, and no invading armies of barbarians. Details varied. Usha didn’t want to be tied down for more than a year, and Carudan wanted to lease some land nearby to build a chapel. And the conversation also moved onto the underground lake.

"Yes, professor Hammerfa said he sent one of his boys down there with two potions of water breathing, and he reports it just goes into an underground aquifer, until his first potion ran out. Nothing more hostile down there than some fish that nibbled on his toes."

"Is it linked to that swamp the kobold village was in, by any chance?" she asked.

“I have no idea, but I’d doubt it.” he replied.

"The reason I ask, is that if that monster had no way to the village, there might be something else out there that did torch it."

"Hmm, that is rather disturbing news..."

Usha didn’t know much about magic, having mainly heard stories and legends. One, which she was becoming dissuaded of, was that wizards were chosen for their great intelligence.

Estivan spoke up. "I would suggest you fortify that area where the passage is found and post guards down there, as well as restore the rooms in the area, because as recent events suggested, it is currently a possible threat to the college."

"It might be a good idea if we sent another expedition into the passage. If it does lead to the swamp, then we will need to fortify or watch that area as well." said Carudan.

"Unless one of you can permanently breathe water, I don't see how something like that could happen."

"That talent isn't one of the thing my accursed "gifted" me with. which is unfortunate.” said Estivan.

"But do rest assured, we will get to the bottom of this problem. Until then, we will post magical sentry wards around the area to make sure nothing nasty comes back."

Usha nodded. “Anything you want doing for the present?"

"Well I don't know, you're not on contract yet... You sure want to start early, eh?"

"It is a practical consideration.” said Estivan. “Since we have verbal agreement, it leaves us unofficially in your employ pending our making it formal. Thusly it is beneficial for both parties to start as early as possible.”

"I just asked because I was bored. But that too."

"Well I have heard that Lady Qu'foval has reported that some of his books have gone missing. Probably just students trying to get a greater edge over their peers, but it's quite an inconvenience to her..."

“Do you have any clue what sort of books are missing?”

"Mostly some of her advanced Illusionary books, nothing irreplaceable, but a bit expensive none the less."

"When were they reported missing, and when was the last time they were seen?"

"I don't think so, but I'm not that sure. We had them reported about two weeks ago which was about midterms, so we didn't pay it too much mind."

"Illusionary books? Interesting. I think things may be far more interesting then we thought. Good day, sir." said Silver, and then left. Well, far be it from the great sorcerer to actually explain what he was thinking once in a while.

"Well, look at where stolen books got us last time....."

After some more fruitless speculation it was agreed that Estivan and Usha would ask her about the books. But nope, apparently some of Estivan’s brooding related to her, and he had a question he wanted to ask as they were going there.

"I have a question for you. "Do you make it a habit of causing people to question beliefs they have had for a long time and question there perceived truths?"

The hell?

"Just the ones I consider wrong."

They entered the classroom past several students leaving the room. Silver was there already, talking with a beautiful female elf.

…..just a wandering sorcerer, good lady. Following the path of most elves and confronting evil as I find it. Besides how else can an elf encounter new and beautiful sights."

"And there goes the nice chat we were having."

Usha ignored that. After all, if you didn’t want people walking in on your conversations, you let them know what you were doing.

She turned to greet them. "Well hello there, I am amazed that such fearsome warriors can look so handsome...”

"Thank you.” replied Usha. “You are looking most radiant yourself. If we're interrupting something, we can come back later?"

“My associate and I would like to ask you a few question regarding your missing books.”

"A task which I was already in the midst of doing." said Silver. Somehow, Usha doubted that was all he’d been in the middle of doing.

"Oh, well then, what sort of use could those books be? Could then be used for nefarious purposes?" asked Estivan.

"Usha, are you sure this is the real Estivan?” asked Silver. “Too little glares and too much niceness."

Estivan glared at him.

"That's more like it."

"Well I know that there were no direclty harmful spells in those books, but they could give someone a nasty surprise.” said the Lady. “Might be useful for a prank or someone trying to get a night in a lovely lady's bed..."

"M'lady, forgive them. They have no enjoyment in taking their proper time with things." said Silver.
"I see, could they be used to any martial effect? Estivan asked "Or to hide things from people who seek?"

"Well I don't think so, really, you might be able to make a lead coin look like a gold one, but I don't know about martial..."

"Could they make anything else appear as other then they really are?"

Never quite got his head round the idea of ‘illusion’, then?

"More like marital spells, from what you said.” said Usha. “I don't suppose you have any prime suspects, to save me some work?"

"Well with what is in the books it's just basic and slightly advanced illusionary theory. They can make it look like anything roughly about the same size and shape as the original target..."

"Could it work on a opening to a tunnel or a door or some such?"

Usha sighed. "I'm sure you have some sort of safety system in place to stop things like that happening? After all, you two know much more about magic than I ever will."

"Well of course if they have no spellcasting ability they won't be able to do anything. I did have a lock or two on some of the books, but they could be open by an easy knock spell or some such."

Estivan looked at Usha. “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”

"No, I'm not. Yes, she is very pretty, but try and keep your mind on the topic in hand."

He glared at her in rage. Silver smiled to himself.

"I'm just a bit worried. I mean, you surely heard about what happened to Hergal because of his book."

"Yes, but wasn't that more of some sort of vendetta against him or something? Besides, these books have been around for centuries, and I've only written half of them."

"You're probably right."

"And what were these two threats in relation to my school or magic? I must have missed that some time down the line..."

Estivan spoke up. "Well, there isn't a direct relation, but those missing books could be of use to someone who possibly has similar desires to the last two threats. A loose threat like these books could cause some unforseen complications, which is why we are trying to find out where they are and what they are capable of."

"I think a link to the strange stuff that's been happening isn't that likely. More likely it's either a student or a conventional thief who figured they looked valuable. Just making sure that another skum isn't going to turn up in disguise or something like that." said Usha.

"If you can get my books back to me unharmed, that would be good enough for me. I don't really know or much care about these matters, honestly."

"Which makes sense. Good day, and thanks for your help."

Estivan caught up with her again as she was heading back to her room.

"I am sorry that I called it you a low born wench. Its was disgrace of me and a product of an emotion I didn't want to realize I had.”

"Thank you for apologizing. Most of the time, you're your own worst enemy. You're very good at what you do, you're not stupid, it's just the whole attitude you carry around that puts people off."

"I have realized that my "attitude" as you put it, not only dishonors me, but also my family. Indeed, my mother has in the past been disappointed in the past by it. I know I disappoint her more even now. This I do not want, and the reason for it is something my mother has been fighting since I was born."

Oh great, here comes the angst. "Well, don't agonise about it, do something about it."

"That is want I am trying to do now and what I have been trying to figure for the past six days. I just have a question for you that has been bothering me since I found that flood passage. What is it you see when you looked at me? What sort of face do I wear in your eyes?”

She sighed. Do I really want to go through with this? I don’t want to be the one responsible for making him even more annoying. At least the way he is, he’s good as the butt of a joke once in a while. But she couldn’t quite bring herself to come out with a barbed retort. Instead, she spoke from the heart.

"A face, which isn't really important. Behind that, someone who's too used to having people beneath him, and too used to looking at people's station over their true worth. Someone who's brave and stalwart, but at the same time, someone so humorless and arrogant that people don't compliment him on that for fear of bloating his ego still further. You expressed surprise that I follow Sune? It's not for the free love...not entirely. It's a doctrine of not being ashamed to be what you really are, and of cultivating inner beauty as well as outer." She stopped. There was silence for a few seconds, then Estivan spoke.

"Perhaps it’s a mask I should shed, for it is one too close to my father for my liking. Its seems in my zeal to become less like him I because more like him then I ever could have imagined.”

"I think one day, you need to find your father and sort things out with him. Using the sharp end of a sword, probably."

"I have planned all my life to deal my father the justice he deserve, but before that day I just need to realize the true meaning of the word, for I have come to realize that is the reason why my mother kept me and my step father help raise me, though why I won't know for a while.”


"Time enough for all of that later. For now, let's find Blue. You know I'd never have thought it possible, but you're almost tolerable."

They found Blue just outside the walls of the college, as the sun set. "I think I might have come across a good lead." he said. “The only problem is we might not be able to find the person."

"A thief that doesn't want to be found? Who'd have thought it?" said Usha in mock amazement.

"I don’t know if this man is the thief. Its just a lead I got. That all."

He was cut off by the rather unexpected sight of Carudan running towards them, carrying a limp body over one shoulder. It was an old man.

"You seemed like such a nice, quiet person, too....did he overcharge you and drive you into a rage?"

"I found him behind a large rock in the way down to the water passage. Something... drained him, of blood if not more."

At that point, the corpse suddenly lurched upright, and latched it’s teeth onto Carudan’s shoulder. He gasped in pain and shock, and managed to fling the thing loose. Usha drew her sword and stabbed at it. It struck at them with claws—where had they come from?--but after the shock of the initial attack was overcome, it was quickly overwhelmed and cut down.

"What on Toril is that cold handed touch of death thing?” demanded Estivan.

"Okay, my mistake bringing that thing up here." said Carudan.

“Carudan, what were you trying to do?" asked Usha.

"I was trying to get what I thought was a dead body identified. I assumed, if it was undead, it would have attacked me while I was still alone."

"Well, perhaps it just woke up.....that was a vampire, right?"

"That's as good a guess as any. Undead, certainly. I'll have to do some investigation to verify, but a vampire is likely, at the least"


First Post
Well I'm still interested in hearing more. I think I'm going to have to include a band of half-dragons in my NWN module now :)

Voidrunner's Codex

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