As the play begins, the party is regaled with Katrina's amateur analysis of the narrative points of the play, including what (in her opinion) is a ham-fisted attempt to parallel the story of Toteth Topec with the current struggle against Ragesia, particularly the various elemental sages who help the titular hero.
At the end of the second intermission, however, as attendants finish serving refreshments to the audience, they notice a figure who doesn't seem to belong, hurrying out of the theater towards the deck. Meanwhile, the performing bard sees Pickens Frankart, bleeding from the stomach, wheezing about the theft of the control ring.
Together, the team quickly understands what happened, and rushes to the deck, looping Katrina into their attempt to rescue the ship. While Giorgio activates the teleportation desk, the orcish defenders try to fend off the other heroes. In the end, the team overpowers Giorgio's protectors, who either fall or flee, leaving the bard to his own end. Despite a desperate attempt to flee, he is tracked down and stopped, saving those on the ship from a fiery fate.
In the aftermath, after the Wayfarer's Control Ring was recovered, the team finds a charred boat filled with burnt Shahalesti soldiers... who nevertheless might not be exactly what they seem. Headmaster Simeon Gohanach requests that they find Harbormaster Lee Sidoneth, to figure out how the hell this attack could have happened.
As the storm begins to intensify, they investigate the home of the hydromancer. Inside, they initially find surprisingly little, beside evidence of a hasty departure. A secret door is ultimately found, though, that opens into a makeshift Biomancy lab, complete with another corpse of a half-formed elf, presumably a failed experiment.
The Lyceum agrees to send forces to the shop of Paradim Dogwood, to find and stop any experiments he might be aiding in. Meanwhile, Simeon suggests that, this late evening, the team takes time to rest, in the hope of gaining new information in the morning...
SESSION NOTES: Near the end of the fight on the ship, Giorgio (sensing his own mortality) decided to dimension door away, with a mere 20 hit points remaining. The burning sky dealt him 19 damage... enough to BARELY survive! I was beginning to consider how to use him as a later villain, when one of the heroes cast Fly on the archer, who raced after him and sniped him from the sky, with a desperation disadvantage shot. Collecting his unconscious body (miraculously, Giorgio self-stabilized after 3 failed medicine checks) from a VERY CONFUSED ship in the harbor, they now have another captive to question...
Since Setales got away, I'm thinking of including him in the Pyromancer's Tomb fight. (Nira did too, but she's definitely in the wind)