EN World photos - post yours! (was "Secrets")


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Tallarn said:
Heck, it being Xmas and all, here's a picture of me too! Now you can mock the pair of us, thus saving time and effort!

No jest here you could be the twin borther of a deceased friend of mine.

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Drawmack said:

No jest here you could be the twin borther of a deceased friend of mine.

I was in Pittsburgh airport once, and someone told me I was the exact double of someone they knew. I was a little worried, since I'd never been to Pittsburgh before. You're not the same person, are you?


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Nope only been to Pittsburg airport once and then I had ten minutes to make my adjoining plane all the way across the terminal, not a fun 10 minutes.


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only 2 folks from the boards, jester and tarchon, have actually met me, but this is what i look like when i get up in the morning....
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whoops, try again, smaller...


  • arlo2.jpg
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With all the mocking and nastiness going on, I'm almost afraid to do this... but... here's me. This is NOT what I look like when I first get up in the morning.


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