EN World photos - post yours! (was "Secrets")

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Malessa said:
With all the mocking and nastiness going on, I'm almost afraid to do this... but... here's me. This is NOT what I look like when I first get up in the morning.

Wow and I thought atractive female gamers were a myth - except of course for my sweetie. I love you hun.

(she lurks here sometimes)


First Post
Drew said:
Oh, and to be fair (and keep this game alive) here I be, my work picture. That's not my shirt.

I think I see an alphalpha sprout in the back there.

If we keep this thread going until sunday night I'll post a pic after I have my players take one, heck I'll post my whole group up here - we're the real motley crew.

Buddha the DM

Here's me with my sword....


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First Post
Buddha the DM said:
Here's me with my sword....

You acctually look kind of like one of my players, except you look just a bit more like the love child of alistar crowley and the stay puff mashmellow man.


First Post
Drawmack said:

You acctually look kind of like one of my players, except you look just a bit more like the love child of alistar crowley and the stay puff mashmellow man.

whoa! retract the claws there mackdaddy!!


Just so we're clear - if people are going to post their photos here, NO derogative comments about peoples' looks. None. These threads are fun, but razzing people about their looks is way too Junior High for my taste. :D


And just to contribute, from Left to Right around the table, it's...

Eric Noah, typically stylish AND unflappable.
Piratecat (me!), giving Eric an attractive and complimentary set of head appendages.
Morrus, giving me bunny ears, that utter bastard!
Mark, looking Evil. Hot Italian Beef indeed!
Morrus' friend Inconsequent-AL.
KidCthulhu, remarkably un-squid-like.
Nemmerle, looking too cool for words.

Geez, three admins on one side of the table - no wonder everyone else is leaning away from us!


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First Post
Piratecat said:
NO derogative comments about peoples' looks. None. These threads are fun, but razzing people about their looks is way too Junior High for my taste. :D

why does this rule come out only after buttercup starts in on my ears? :p


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