Encounters with the Supernatural


Registered User
some more stuff.

My parents house is haunted.

Chairs have slid across the kitchen floor 5-10 feet.

Black fog has floated into rooms

Lights go on and off in rooms, both before and after an entire rewiring of the house.

and the winner so far.
reddish clear stuff driping down the walls of the stairwell, and I mean a lot of it. These three walls have no pipes or ventalation systems within them and are full insulated. My mother had the stuff analyzed at the local University by some friends, and it wasn't water, but blood plasma based.

Necco candy has repeatedly dissapeared, as well as amounts of 'Coke' beverage within bottles.


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First Post
orbitalfreak said:
On the subject of rings, I also dreamt about someone losing a ring, and the next day my mother found out that the diamond from her wedding band had fallen out. Other incidents have included getting mail that I wasn't expecting on any particular day (like my loan check that I recieved today; dreamt about it last night); I predicted through dream that my aunt would be involved in a vehicle accident; fires, floods, and hurricanes have happened after a dream that related to them; I've even dreamt of a few people passing away, before I heard of their death.
Ever seen that movie Sphere?
RingXero said:
and the winner so far.
reddish clear stuff driping down the walls of the stairwell, and I mean a lot of it. These three walls have no pipes or ventalation systems within them and are full insulated. My mother had the stuff analyzed at the local University by some friends, and it wasn't water, but blood plasma based.
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First Post
Ok, I'm a huge skeptic. Not to discount anything anyone here as sad, but even as I read these things, I'm still skeptical.


There are a couple things that make me really wonder. They're probably gonna seem really small and inconsequential, but for whatever reason, these things make me think there's more to this world than any of us know.

1.) I get deja vu...a lot. Nothing ever cinematic like dreaming of an accident or anything, but the sheer amount of times it happens really makes me wonder. It happened yesterday actually. I was talking to a guy, telling him a story, and someone said hi to me. My description is pretty vague, but that's to spare you the boring details. Trust me, though, every detail was the same.

2.) This is the biggest one, and yet by all measures the smallest one. I have this weird habit of causing street lights to turn off. I know it sounds absurd, but hear me out. This happens almost EVERY SINGLE TIME I drive when street lights are on. Now, of course not every light turns off, but almost every single time I drive a light will turn off or on.

This has been going on for about 4 years or so. It happens at all times, too. 8 in the morning, 10 at night, 2 in the morning. It happens when there's a lot of traffic, when there's no traffic. Rural areas, urban areas. I've picked this apart ad naseum trying to find a pattern to it all, but I can't, and that's a big admission from someone who's mind is so pattern oriented.

My friends thought I was nuts when I told them this. But now every time I'm with them at night and a light turns off, I point it out to them. Granted, it happens to everyone, and it happens to my friends also, but this happens almost every time I go out and there's a street light on.

The only logical (?) explanation I can think of is a certain emanation or sorts that everyone has, something that I think interferes with the lights. It seems stronger in me. That's not a good or bad thing, just a thing. I know that sounds crazy, but I can't think of anything else. It's just not plausible that these are all coincidences.


dave_o said:
3. More creepily, sometimes, though rarely, something runs across my backyard and slams into my back door. It sounds huge, like a full-grown person throwing themselves against my back door.

OK, that one gets added to the d20 Modern idea book as 'person who murderered the two little girls tapping on your window' :)

Have never had a paranormal experience. Figures.

Edit: No, Wait. RingXero reminded me: a friend and myself were driving to the D&D game in a beroom community about 15 miles from the city we live in. He was driving. It's about a flat 20 minute trip from my house to there; I'd driven it myself many many times. My friend even drives faster than I do. We left my house and went straight to the game. They wanted to know why we were late. It had been over an hour from the time we left my house until we got there.
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RingXero said:
My parents house is haunted... Black fog has floated into rooms
...reddish clear stuff driping down the walls of the stairwell... but blood plasma based.

OK, that has 'GET OUT' written all over it.


First Post
Angcuru said:

Ever seen that movie Sphere?

I knew you were going to ask that. ;)

More seriously, I have read the book and seen the movie. I know what you're getting at, but I think this is prediction, not causation. Well, I hope so anyway...


Gnome Lover
orbitalfreak said:
As such, I've been able to predict the course of a conversation, and know exactly the words that would be spoken in the next five or so seconds.

I have this happen on occasion as well, and it will give me goosebumps. Last time was last week, walked around a corner at work and had the strong feeling I'd experienced the exact same time before, and as I walked up to the nursing desk I knew exactly what the secretary would say to me, and she did.

*My mother and I share a brain wave-length, it seems. I know that when you are close to your parents, friends, lovers, whatever, that you get used to them and do things like complete each others sentences and such.

Agree with this, too. My wife and I are constantly picking up the phone to call each other and find the other one on the other end of the line, having just finished dialing the other without the phone having had a chance to ring yet. Now whether this is due to the fact that we are more likely to call each other than anyone else we know, and just due to the law of averages it will happen and we will notice it when it does I don't know, but it's still sweet and spooky when it does :)

edit: Oh, and my mother kills watches. She was hit by lightning on a camping trip we were on about 30 years ago, and ever since then she can't wear a watch. Whether it's a wind-up, battery powered, analog, or digital, it stops running after a couple of hours of her wearing it. She takes it off, sets it aside on the counter or table, and a few hours later it will be running again :)
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Andrew D. Gable

First Post
dave_o said:
1. When I was around three I was sitting on my springy horse, outside, in the back of our house. My sister, eighteen at the time, was out back watching me, and went around front to get our mail. I looked over my shoulder at the back door to the house, and standing in it was a seven foot tall shadow, for lack of a better term. It was man-shaped, and completely black, almost like an abyss. Being, y'know, three - I freaked, and it promptly vanished.

While I know with about 97% certainty that mine was a hypnagogic (?) hallucination, which is often associated with sleep paralysis, as it was in mine (hypnagogia is basically when half of your brain is still registering sleep and the other half is awake), I've often wondered whether something similar could occur during wakefulness. Maybe that could account for a lot of these late-night, roadside, unconfirmable sightings of Bigfoot and ghosts and such.

And I see Severion had his own encounter with hypnagogia. And that's a good question: what IS up with 3:00 AM? I recall seeing a few bits in Fate Magazine (I know, not that reputable...) that suggest this is a widspread thing, I believe there were some quotes from Ivan T. Sanderson (explorer/cryptozoologist) stating that things in the jungle got rather noisy at about that time...
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Gable - you mentioned your black shadow as part of the whole "sleep-paralysis" deal, so I'm guessing you're probably already aware, but that's actually relatively common among those who suffer from sleep paralysis. I'm no expert or anything, but I researched the phenomenon and wrote a fairly in-depth essay on it about a year ago... a surprising number of those who have experienced paralysis while only borderline awake have reported seeing an absolutely black figure at the time or immediately after. A lesser number have reported actually being attacked by said figure. Hm.

Oh, and, sorry folks - I've got nothing personal to add to the thread. I think. I'll see if I can dig up anything creepy in the memory. :)

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