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Encounters with the Supernatural


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Andrew D. Gable said:

I tried it and didn't have quite the dramatic experience I was hoping for, but did experience some weird sensory things: sharp pains running up and down my right leg, my left leg involuntarily twitching (only once), and a feeling that I can't describe except as waves under my body. I also had a vision of a lion, though I dunno how that has anything to do with it.

No need to stop at only once (well, except for the sharp pains). It is a weird tapping into the subconcious that nobody can explain. Why is that symbol a trigger? I cannot say what the lion means. I have heard of people feeling they were wolves, bears, and other animals. The waves are a fairly common experience.


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Andrew D. Gable

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Oh, another of my weird dream-experiences (most of my sleep and dream-related phenomena are long past) was a recurring dream which concerned a woman named Eleanor. She had dark hair, slightly longer than shoulder length. In the dreams, I always had a feeling that I was madly in love with her, but there was always also a feeling of sadness, too. I'm not quite sure what this meant: oddly enough, one of my relatives (one of the children in the first generation of my ancestors to come over to the States from Ireland, so probably around 1900) was named Eleanor.

Of course, one could also argue that it was a bit of a premonition, as a few years after the dream started there was a similar experience to this...the girl's name wasn't Eleanor, though, but I guess it does sound like it, vaguely.

Andrew D. Gable

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hellbender said:
No need to stop at only once (well, except for the sharp pains). It is a weird tapping into the subconcious that nobody can explain. Why is that symbol a trigger? I cannot say what the lion means. I have heard of people feeling they were wolves, bears, and other animals. The waves are a fairly common experience.

I'll have to try it again sometime and see if I experience more. All told, the leg pains weren't really *that* bad.


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For a long while, i had a strange affinity for my DM's cd player. I would do something loud, like bang my head on a doorframe, or stomp, and the thing would turn on and off. We checked the plug, had other people try, everything. It only worked when I didn't mean to make a loud noise and then didn't notice that it changed until someone mentioned it.

Just reading this thread I know I won't sleep well.

Lets see... i sort of got into wicca/paganism a while ago, but I couldn't really find anyone to talk to about it and my family never really discusses religion, so its more of a deeply personal religion for me. I don't really feel comfortable telling anyone about it. And I haven't either. I only say that I march to a different drum, or somesuch. I actually feel weird talking about it here, but I know that ENworld is a really accepting place, and that it's effictivly private as well.

Anyway, its actually kind of nice, because I developed a really strange affinity for cats and ravens. Not anything overt, but ravens always act up when I'm around, cawing and flying around, and cats ALWAYS brush my legs and let me pet them, even one that "hates" everyone and claws at them. Strangly, dog's hate me, or at least like the taste of my skin.

I've always had a huge fear that something will run up at my window and scare the daylights out of me, but its never happened exept for my sister doing it, so... i guess its ok. But it MIGHT!

When I was little I was afriad of the dark, so my dad would help me invent devices that would keep the monsters away, like a net in the ceiling, and ladder pushers at the windows. Only about a month did I actually ask about it and learned that my dad had, in fact, not installed those things. It really surprised me, and freaked me out as well.


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In reality, I have very little primary exprience with anything even vaguely resembling the supernatural. But there are a few things I think i can add to the discussion...

This might me a little off this OT OT, but much like the strong spiritual experiences several of our pagan, wiccan, and hindu friends have reported, the very first time I took communion in the little methodist church where I grew up, I felt a great weight settle over me...not oppressive in any way, just....odd. Very spiritual, even though I was 9-10 when it happened. No voices, no flashing lights, just a profound sense of presence and comfort from something beyond myself. Interpret how you will.

Also, a UFO. When I was 7-8, a friend and I were playing outside at 9 o'clock on my family's farm in South Dakota. For some reason, I looked across the highway, and noticed a HUGE glowing object settle into a filed probably a mile and a half from my position. It was orange-ish, and to the best of my recollection, looked kind of like the colliseum in Rome...but glowing orange, and not as tall. (stupid, eh?) for years, I dismissed it as a dream, not a memory, since in my middle-school years, I was REALLY into UFOS, Bigfoot, Nessie, and all that. When I was a senior in High School, I was telling the story with the caveat that it was probably just a dream, and the guy that I'd been playing with when I was 7-8, pipes up, saying, "No...I remember that. You went inside to ask your Mom what it was...the thing took off, straight up, while you were inside. I was freaked...I thought it was a dream, too..."

So, either we shared the same dream (which would be paranormal, too) or we had a kinda close encounter.

Lastly, there are HUNDREDS of ghost-stories centered around Washington, DC--where I live now. When I was an intern on Capitol HIll, ghost stories ran rampant...most centered on the Capitol Building, itself. Among the most commom were stories about a shadowy cat-thing (alternatively described as a panther, or a distinctly feline humanoid) Supposedly the thing lives (unlives?) in the basement level of the capitol, and has attacked guards at night. The story was that it was seen on the night of Sept. 10, pacing the halls, and that it appears before major tragedies, as a rule.

Then there are the stories of the ghost of a murdered representative haunting a stairwell, killed during duel in the 1830s. (I don't know if the whole story is true, but there was a Rep. from Tennessee murdered around that time...seems the Rep. was sleeping with someone else's wife, and got killed for it.) There's also stories of how the capitol building's foundationa nd corner stone were laid in occult masonic ceremonies (I suspect that this one is crap--although the crypt level in the capitol is genuinely creepy...the center room IS shaped like a pentagram)

Across the Potomac, Alexandria, VA has something like 25 well-known haunted sites, none of which I have ever been to...d@mmit.

Hope that helps...genuinely creepy thread....will copy full text when I get home from work.


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Here is a site based ghost story:

Over in Canton (Michigan), there is a road which is haunted. Many years ago, before this city was developed, a lady was driving down this road with her relativily newborn baby. (Not sure on whether it was a boy or girl.) Sometime during the course of her drive, another vehicle started to follow her, a vehicle with only one headlight. Not wanting to stop, she kept driving and slowly became more and more terrified. Finally her car stalled over this bridge on a very lonely stretch of dirt road.

Before this had happened, she managed to put some distance between herself and the other vehicle following her, she promptly got out with her baby and proceeded to run in the woods. The man that had been following her with one headlight also got out and proceeded to follow. This was done very easily since all the joustling had awakened the baby and started to cry. The mother fearing for her babies life and hers, stashed the baby up in a tree as best she could and attempted to draw the man away from that tree.

Now the man caught her and proceeded to rape her and eventually kill her. When he finished with her, he went after the crying baby.

Today, if you drive down that road and go very slowly (time of day does not matter), a one headlighted vehicle will appear in your mirrors and you can also see it if you look directly out your back window. Due to the distance involved, that headlight will never catch up with you unless you were to stop and get out of your vehicle. One thing to note is, that if you do stop your vehicle, the light does come closer. Another part of the story is if you get out of your vehicle while it is on the bridge and shout, "Mama, Mama, let me hear your baby cry!!!," you will hear a crying baby.

I have witnessed the one headlight, but never the crying baby. My friends and I tried the second part, but we couldn't get it to work. My theory was that you had to have the one headlighted vehicle following you while you did this, but my friends wouldn't try it. All in all, it is a spooky part of the road, especially at night.


The_Universe said:
There's also stories of how the capitol building's foundationa nd corner stone were laid in occult masonic ceremonies (I suspect that this one is crap--although the crypt level in the capitol is genuinely creepy...the center room IS shaped like a pentagram)

With as many of our founding fathers who *were* Masons... this one might not be as far out as you'd think. I wouldn't know how to confirm it though.


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Who keeps the metric system down? WE DO!

Well, the masonic part is true, and verifiable. The occult part is probably not, however, as most masons I know are (relatively) harmless. :D

Interestingly enough, as part of the ceremony, in which the the "first stone" was laid for the capitol, there was a supposed to be a time capsule buried beneath it.....and the capsule was supposed to be made fo GOLD! They tried to dig it up in 1976, but couldn't find it. The speculation is that one of the masons came back that night, dug up the gold box, and had himself some drinkin' money for some time!


I'm a huge skeptic. After I saw a PBS Nova special on UFO's, it basically killed any truth I might have seen in them.

I've always wanted to see a ghost or have a paranormaly experience but I haven't. I guess I give off too much negative energy like that one PC class in Rifts.

My wife claims to have seen her grandmother after she died at the foot of the bed. But I don't believe her. I think she was dreaming.


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