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Enemy Among Us (DM: Stringbean2142, Judge: TwoHeadsBarking)


First Post
[sblock=Kendrick]Actually, Atlas just knocked Rayn out, so unless you want to perform an autopsy on a live man, you may want to shift that investigation to one of the archers. I've left the identity of the body (or bodies, if you're handling all at once) up in the air for now.[/sblock]
[sblock=Bell]No need for the acrobatics; there's a ladder on the back of the building. The amulet is the source of the magic you and Veruzak picked up in the square, and is an amulet of protection. It's a neck slot, and +1 to all non-AC defenses.[/sblock]
[sblock=Veruzak]Now that you know where to look, you can feel that presence under the earth at will but can't make anything of it from here.[/sblock]
The Square

Bell's brief initial search of Rayn reveals an amulet stuffed roughly into his pants pocket, the chain broken as though had been ripped off violently.

After Kendrick gets directions to the herbalists, and as the rest of the party is preparing to follow the investigation, one of the villagers walks up to the group and says, "Elder Frin, something's wrong. Rayn and the archers, they were on the same patrol, but Naineil was on a separate patrol from the other three, and Hob's wasn't never on a patrol. He stayed at his cabin, sayin' he needed to work his field."

Frin's face scrunches in concentration. "Hmm, that's odd." He looks at the others. "I wonder how Hob became involved. He lives alone now, but maybe something at his cabin...? I can show you where it is on a map, if you want to investigate it."

[sblock=The Next Step]Ok, I'll need to know where everyone in the party is headed. Rayn, Naineil, and Hob are not waking up soon, probably not until the next day in-game. Going to the cabin and back will take all day, as will investigating the bodies. There's also anything else you can think of. As I said, the choice is yours.

Keep the party together, or split up if you want, but there is a hidden timetable you're working on. I tried to hint at that with the cut-away after the fight, but just to make sure you're completely informed I'm blatantly saying it now. Things you may find today might not be there tomorrow. Likewise, things might not be there yet today that show up later. Kendrick's already moved to investigate the bodies and has made some progress, but I need to know what the rest of you do.[/sblock]
The Herbalist's Basement

Kendrick's intial examination of the bodies reveals very little amiss, beyond the obvious causes of death. One skewered boy, one smashed head, and two exploded brains. He does find markings on all four bodies at the temples, the base of the neck, and behind the ears. These marks are very, very light, and almost seem to resemble minor burns of some sort. The hair is gone in these areas and the skin is smoother than the surrounding tissue.

[sblock=The Bodies]Ok, your Perception gave you the information above, and while it's not a success it does give you an ongoing +1 to checks involving the bodies.

Your Nature roll misses unfortunately even with the +1, as nothing on the bodies strikes you as matching anything you know of that could cause this behavior, and now there are only three bodies left. Also Perception is done; there's nothing more simply looking can accomplish in this task.[/sblock]
[sblock=The Investigation]2 SUCCESSES

- Three months ago, animals start acting up. It starts in forest, spreads to farms and village.
- Three weeks ago, a farmhand named Rand entered the Sea Foam Tavern and started attacking people. Was killed by a blow to the head.
- A week ago, Krill Kol enters the villages screaming about sparks and strange people before passing out. Has no memory of event on awakening.
- Six days ago, two people killed by an eight year old boy named Mart. Boy subsequently killed by Lt. Rayn.
- Patrols sent out to investigate. Eighteen men disappeared and one was found killed, apparently by a member of the guard. Lt. Rayn was one of the men who disappeared.
- Veruzak may have found something...
- Whatever is going on caused two men's brains to explode.
- The bodies of the victims so strange marks on the temple, neck, and ear areas.

Possible Actions:
- Talk with Krill Koll about his episode.
- Talk with the witness that are still around of the events.
- Investigate the bodies of Rand, Mart, and the archers. Arcana, Nature, Heal, or give me a good reason for something else. Different skills may reveal different things.
- Talk with Rayn and the scouts once they have regained consciousness[/sblock]

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First Post
Atlas moves to Elder Frin and accepts the badge. He is about to join Kendrick to the herbalist's basement when he hears the conversation of his employers.
" I will lead a group to this cabin you speak of Elder Frin. Who will join me? " and he looks at the rest of the group for any volunteers. " I know it might be unwise to split our team but I think it important to follow this lead "
Even though it is important to examine the bodies, I think Atlas would like to check that Hob's cabin out. Who wants to join him? He wouldn't go unless at least 2 others will join him.
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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Dissapointed in his failed search, Martelai goes out of the cabin and hears Atlas' words.
"Remember, Annie, always be good to people, whoever strange they are. You never know when you'll need something special in the future. My name is Martelai."

"I don't think I can be useful in examining the bodies. I'm more live people man then dead body or book worm man. In Bacarta one finds it useful to have all kinds of contacts, but those are usualy living. I'll join you Atlas."

OOC: Stringbean, I just suggested Dungeoneering, Martelai doesn't have it, altough he is alienist. Strange, but I thought Arcana covered those too. I guess it's something of 3.5 legacy. May do some shuffling around on leveling up.

OOC2: I too don't think it wise to split, but maybe we can leave only one or two (Heal/Arcana) to look after prisoners and examine dead bodies so most of the party goes? But those behind need to agree of course. I'm reluctant to leave Rayn and others living in the village without us to keep them isolated.


First Post
Lighting a brand new pipe, Veruzak rejoins the group. A long draw later he states, I go where Bell goes. another short draw and, Catein, The other body is on top of that roof... Veruzak nods in the direction, his tone isn't so much giving an order, or making a request, it's as if stating fact he knows will provoke response.


Veruzak plans on following and protecting Bell, both due to her new status as a member of the IAC, and his recent discovery of her bloodline.

By the by Stringbean, Veruzak is actively logging in his brain, who owns what. If he finds a plot of land, or abandoned house that is experiencing these issues, he will claim it as The Institute for Arcane Ciphers, and bar public entry due to safety concerns. The site will be designated research. Keep that in mind if Hob dies, if he doesn't have next of Kin, his house is going on the list of holdings for the IAC.

Splitting is fine, and if Veruzak new Martelai was in The IAC, he might want to keep him close as well. But as of now, his character is interested mostly in Bell, and keeping her out of trouble, he doesn't much care about the townsfolk, and he isn't worried for the other party members...
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First Post
[sblock=ooc]I'm assuming that Bell managed to get the amulet in her hands before Kendrick scooped the body away. I'm basing this off the fact that she managed to identify it.[/sblock]

Bell slips the amulet into her backpack and looks around at the gathering crowd. There certainly is allot to do. And Kendrick has already walked away.

Veruzak said:
Lighting a brand new pipe, Veruzak rejoins the group. A long draw later he states, I go where Bell goes. another short draw and, Catein, The other body is on top of that roof...

Bell gave Veruzak another concerned and odd look. I'm not sure we should be keeping our Acanists together. . . oh but Mr. Martelai will probably be fine.

"I think we should go see this cabin then."
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Mal Malenkirk

First Post
[sblock=Rayn]I edited to show that Rayn was alive. That means he is roped up spread-eagle on a bed for inspection. Very pulp fiction.[/sblock]

[sblock=Hob's cabin]Damn it, I jumped the gun with these autopsy. Who better to send scouting out an isolated cabin than a ranger?

How much time do I take with my inspection of the bodies? It's only superficial, after all. I am not actually performing an autopsy, I don't have the heal skill.[/sblock]

Kendrick's intial examination of the bodies reveals very little amiss, beyond the obvious causes of death. One skewered boy, one smashed head, and two exploded brains. He does find markings on all four bodies at the temples, the base of the neck, and behind the ears. These marks are very, very light, and almost seem to resemble minor burns of some sort. The hair is gone in these areas and the skin is smoother than the surrounding tissue.

-''Uh.'' Kendrick looks suspiciously at these tiny marks on and around the skull. Then he takes his helmet, which he had removed for the inspection, and places it back resolutely on his head.

-''All right, so that's that; I don't take out my helmet for as long as I am on this damn island!''

He then head outside to share this bit of information with his colleague.


First Post
" Very well friends, let's us gather our things and soon be off to Hob's cabin " and the warrior suddenly discovers he still has a arrow stuck in his thigh. “ I suggest we take a short rest before continuing “and he grabs the arrow and breaks it, leaving the arrow head still inside. This would not seem as a good idea for most creatures due to possibility of infections but then again, he wasn’t quite normal. Funny crackling sounds emerge from him and his strange markings glow brightly. From the wound flows the metal that once formed the arrowhead before all of the injuries he suffered during the battle close, leaving only a slightly more roughed skin then the rest of the body. Here Atlas grabs his backpack pulling out a odd rock and starts smoothing out the surfaces of what was his wounds.

“ Before we leave, do you need any assistance with these men Elder Frin? “ He points at Kendrick dragging Lt. Ryan, Hob and Neineil to the herbalist “ I presume you have facilities to keep them, preferably in separate rooms or cells until they have been questioned and cured of their affliction. This is something Captain Yurian should be able to handle “ Atlas face turns to one of concern “ During the attack he got injured?! “ he rhetorically asks the Elder “ What condition is he in? And does his spouse know? “ and he looks over his shoulder to look at the house where Yurians wife is at “ One last thing, we saved a softling whom I put in that house. He was badly injured but he should live. Perhaps you can take a look at him when we are done here? “
Spends a healing surge to get max hp's


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"Keep an eye on anyone who was injured in this attack. They may become violent if this is some kind of disease. Be careful."

As they gather together:
"Atlas, that goes for you too. If you notice anything amiss, speak immediately so we can address the problem."


formerly roadtoad
Catein accompanies Kendrick while he does his examination on Rayn, assisting with the proper and safe restraint of the mad lieutenant during Kendrick's work. Catein is also making sure that Kendrick does not further injure the man unless he becomes a threat again.

Upon returning, Veruzak tells Catein of another body on the roof. Catein seems uninterested. "If he is dead, he is not a threat, and I am not an undertaker."

As the group readies for the trip to Hob's cabin, Catein is uneasy. "I would like to make sure these men can be controlled when they come to, but I would also like to make the journey to this cabin in case of more victims similar to them. I daresay that were it not for my influence this past battle, we may have had more dead men on our hands. Please, team, in the future you should focus your energies on those who are still threats, not whomever I have disabled. But, I digress. Team, are we all heading to the cabin or shall some of us stay with these men? I will stay if need be."
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