Enemy Among Us (DM: Stringbean2142, Judge: TwoHeadsBarking)

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ooc - I'd prefer you include Catein in the distribution of the gold as this happened in my game as well and it stretches believability a bit to say the PC would forego his share of the treasure just becaues the player stops playing. Anyways, good news there's a few adventures approved, 1 by myself, and there's 2 part-way through the approval process, 1 by pacdidj and 1 by RickRoll. Definitely enough work to keep you all busy, although the game JNC was concocting would've been fun...


First Post
OOC: Ok so if we're gonna treat Catein as if he was still adventuring lets give him the chainmail of shared suffering. Thats an item of significant worth that Catein could use. That could easily be his full share of the treasure.

Bell, Martelai and and Veruzak loose 66 gp.


First Post
OOC: PLease feel free to share what ever treasure Atlas got and his magic amulet. At the moment I won't be able to play 2 characters and will retire him. Thanks for the game, it was fun while it lasted and once more, I am sorry for disapearing on you guys.


First Post
OOC: I think its safe to say that we should not redistribute Atlas' treasure, since we have a note from our judge about not doing so for Catein. Unless, of course, either Martelai or Veruzak can make good use of a full set of plate and a longsword.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Atriden, feel free to keep them. You could always say Atlas remains on the island keeping an eye on aberrations threat :) I could use extra 4 gp as my total comes to 716 which is 4 short of two 1st level items :( But such is life ...

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