Enemy Among Us (DM: Stringbean2142, Judge: TwoHeadsBarking)

Bell runs over and give Martelai a big hug. "I will write every single thing down with as much detail as possible!" I'm going to have a book in the library! She slowly releases herself from the mage and begins splitting up the gold evenly, as heroes do.

[sblock=ooc]I believe THB already did that math for us Neurotic. 750 divided by six party members is 125. Plus 125 is 250. Everyone already received 30 each as well for a total of 280.

A Harsh Longsword is a Songblade. . . so I'm just going to assume no one else wants it.

Veruzak is currently wearing the robes.

Martelai has the rod.

Kendrick has the Amulet. and I think the chainmail?

Atlas has the scale? Am I remembering that right?

So that leaves the Vengeful Longsword and Catein with nothing. Mal are you still planning on retiring Kendrick? Anyone know if Roadtoad plans on playing Catein further?[/sblock]

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I'd assume he's gone hasn't responded to e-mails or PM's
If he comes back Catein can make it up on a different adventure

Veruzak's face scrunches up, tattoo's dog piling his nose. *I hate Atlas being right... Now what will I tell the Igors... No matter, they always seem to find surgical volunteers. Heck just last week, Igor's cousin, Igor, died and he had a donor card. Didn't even have anything left to bury when Igor was done operating and spreading organs throughout the family. I guess it's not a total loss, we've made serious advances in mental medicine and magic. Found a new species as well... D:devil:mn. I'm cheery. * While Veruzak had been thinking the look on his face slowly melded from that of angry frustration, to happy intrigue. The wizard was smiling even though that seemed to frustrate him as well

Almost the moment Yurian's pouch touches Veruzak's hand, the badge denoting authority goes back into Yurian's hand. My appreciation for the opportunity to study, I couldn't expect to find more rewarding cases.

Veruzak looks to Martelai, hearing him warn of the leg, Veruzak just nods his head, as an invite to join him outside. Once on the porch Veruzak takes a deep breath, So this is what mom meant... Real world opportunity and the like. Challenge your views. blah blah... The wizard removed his Strider once again, filled it with the new and exotic herbs of Huarton, and relaxed while awaiting Martelai's presence.

A short time later, Martelai comes out of the house, and speaks with Veruzak concerning what to do with the aftermath. Listening intently while dragging his pipe, the shadar-kai raised eladrin waited until Martelai finished his assessment before responding. She'll want the cabin Martelai, it is hers after-all. An Igor will be on-site in the morning, I plan to go back tonight. There is too much evidence to put off reports, detailed descriptions are paramount. I think we've discovered a new species. A species that is both very dangerous, and potentially very useful. Think of the applications of that goo, or the domination effects, medically, magically, it's just a researchers dream. Veruzak shudders a bit, Not that I want to be the researcher. taking another long draw he begins speaking of the future, If I'm not mistaken, we are now the worlds foremost knowledge on the Psychiggot, and reverse brain degaussing, including Bell of course. This is career making, wizards search for decades trying to find discoveries like this. The Institute for Arcane Ciphers may have just gotten it's springboard into the international who's who of wizard society. The Igors are going to be loaded with paperwork for years because of this one incident. We'll have to find where the pirates found that thing, who was shipping it, to were... etc. etc. This is far from over Martelai. The tone was serious, but the beaming smile of Veruzak was evidence that it was all very good news.

As for the technique to shut it out, I learned it from the monks of Mireva. Whom I should likely visit soon, to further perfect the technique. The basic concept is separating your mind from your consciousness, and sub-conscious. Just another technique to strengthen the will-power. However the best defense is knowing its coming, and hearing the "static" before the attack.


Roadtoad doesn't look to be coming back, I've NPC'd him for a while now, here and in Daunton's Dead Shadow.

If he does, I'm sure he'll make up the treasure in the next adventure as r1 said.

No arguments about splitting the treasure evenly.

Also, Veruzak is not yet wearing the Robe of Eyes +1, he is carrying it about. It's too dirty and ugly for him to wear. Once he gets back to Daunton, he'll be having a ritualist transfer the enchantment into his trademark camoflage orchid and pink-smoke robes.
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Approved. This includes time gold right?

How many DM credits?

It doesn't include the last month of time gold, so that's another 63 gp per person.

Also, six DM credits for me, and I believe two for Stringbean should he return, as he did help me out with taking over the adventure.[/sblock]


It doesn't include the last month of time gold, so that's another 63 gp per person.

Also, six DM credits for me, and I believe two for Stringbean should he return, as he did help me out with taking over the adventure.[/sblock]

I approve of this reward as well. Glad that 'bean transitioned it ok[/sblock]

Scorpius, I thought about splitting eveny as in sum of items values and gold to be equal, niot just gold.

I'm working on a proposal for a followup adventure now. I'll have it submitted in a few days. Watch for Arcane Cipher related posts in the Screamer.

[sblock=Follow Up] Sounds good.[/sblock]

[sblock=Treasure]If we try and split the wealth (gold + full item worth), things don't work out so well.

750 group gold + the value of all 7 items is 5830.

We're dealing with Chainmail of Shared Suffering (lvl 5 1000 gp), Vengeful Longsowrd (lvl 5 1000 gp), Mithral Scale (lvl 4 840 gp), Rod of Corruption (lvl 3 680 gp), Harsh Songblade (lvl 3 680 gp), Robe of Eyes (lvl 2 520 gp), Amulet +1 (lvl 1 360 gp).

Splitting six ways makes the most even, and easiest to distribute of this system.

Parcel 1 (??): Shared Suffering Chainmail
Parcel 2 (??): Vengeful Longsword
Parcel 3 (Atlas?): Mithral Scale and 117.5 gp
Parcel 4 (Martelai): Rod of Corruption and 277.5 gp
Parcel 5 (Bell): Harsh Longsword and 277.5
Parcel 6 (Veruzak): Robe of Eyes and Amulet +1 and 77.5 gp

Note Parcel 1 and 2 are worth slightly more than the others

Splitting 5 or 6 ways (leaving out Catein and/or Kendrick) can quickly make things unbalancing. We would also be forced to pair items that don't quite make sense to go to one character. I present the parcels regardless.

5 people
1: Shared Suffering and 157.5 gp
2: Vengeful Longsword and 157.5 gp
3: Mithral Scale and 317.5 gp
4: Lvl 3 Item (Rod/Harsh) + Robe of Eyes
5: Lvl 3 Item (Rod/Harsh) + Amulet +1 and 117.5 gp

Note Parcel 4 is worth slightly more than the rest

4 people
1: Lvl 5 Item (Vengeful/Chain) and Amulet +1 and 76.66 gp
2: Lvl 5 Item (Vengeful/Chain) and 436.66 gp
3: Mithral Scale + Lvl 3 Item
4: Robe of Eyes + Lvl 3 Item + 236.66

Note: Parcel 3 is worth slightly more than the rest.

Instead I think it makes sense to split the magic items that people can use between the characters that are going to continue on (Bell, Martelai, Veruzak and Atlas) and split the gold six ways as if each character were getting an equal share. This at least maintains a semblance of what the DMG expects to happen.

However when I do so I find that the logical treasure distribution gives Atlas far greater wealth than the rest. In addition we are left with the chainmail, which no one would want. Note that while Bell could wear chainmail it would not increase her AC. It would in fact decrease her speed and overload her. So instead the below seems most fair and logical.

So considering the amount of Magic Item Worth that Atlas would receive I don't think it would be unbalancing to split the party gold between Bell, Martelai and Veruzak. (This is again assuming Kendrick is being retired)

Proposed Split:
Atlas: Mithral Scale and Vengeful Longsword (combined worth 1840)
Bell: Harsh Songblade (680) + 250 gp
Catein: Chainmail of Shared Suffering (1000 gp)
Martelai: Rod of Corruption (680 gp) + 250 gp
Veruzak: Robe of Eyes and Amulet +1 (880 gp) + 250 gp

Everyone receives 188 time gold (125 + 63 that THB forgot to add) and 30 gp from the very beginning.[/sblock]

OOC: I'm cool with that split, and Bell divvied everything up ;) as and aside, Elec-Squall in progress of posting.
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