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Enemy Among Us (DM: Stringbean2142, Judge: TwoHeadsBarking)

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WHAT?! shouts Veruzak as a new gout of blood freshly spurts onto his chin. NO GOOD, CAN'T HEAR A WORD OF IT!
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Bell quickly forced herself away from the wall. She felt like she needed to get even further away but her legs felt as if they were moving through quicksand.

"It's the goop on the wall. Beware the goop!" She had more immediate concerns and looked between sir kent and the insects. Mr. Kent seems even less in control than earlier. The evil brain monsters are persistant. Perhaps I can convince them to snap him out of it. She flicked her fingers and foccussed on the swarm. Their thoughts fractured, it was hard to even tell if she had been effective.

[sblock=ooc] Misdirected Mark, +3 vs Reflex. 1d8+3 damage and the target is marked by Kendrick.[/sblock]

[sblock=Stats]Bell Jabson: Shadar-Kai Bard 1 (+2 to all defenses)
Initiative: +2; Speed: 6; Passive Perception: 14; Passive Insight: 10
AC: 18; FRW:13/17/15
HP: 25/25; Surges: 2/8; Surge Value: 6; AP: 0
Languages: Common (Allarian), Imperia
Skills: Arcana +9, Streetwise +8, Perception +4, History +9, Bluff +8, Thievery +6
Str:10 Dex:15 Wis:9 Con:13 Int:18 Cha:16

Misdirecting Mark, Cutting Word
Focused Sound, Shadow Jaunt, Words of Friendship, Second Wind, Majestic Word 2/2
Malevolent Mischief

Full Sheet


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[sblock=Results]Catien's turn:
First attack misses the Hiveguard, hits the swarm. The AoO misses. Second attack hits both. So the Hiveguard takes 4 and the swarm takes 28 and is bloodied.

Bell's turn:
Misdirected Mark hits for 5 damage, so the swarm is now marked by Kendrick. The AoO misses. Don't forget your Virtue of Cunning.

Veruzak's up.[/sblock]


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Silently, or so Veruzak thinks, he stalks forward. Once beside Catein, he claps his hands together, orb in between. A thunderous boom sprays forth, taking Veruzak's enemies off their feet.

Then the eladrin wizard creates a hand of magical force, and pokes as hard as possible at one of the bulbous growths emanating from the wall.


Move to F7

Standard Thunderwave, enlarged, close blast 4, targeting swarm 15, Hiveguard, and Mage. +5 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 1d6+3 (enlarged) Thunder damage, and push targets 2 squares.
Swarm 15 to I5
Hiveguard to J10
Mage to L6

Minor mage hand to put 20 lbs of pressure on the thing growing out of the wall between I and J.



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ooc: The map info has been updated. Check it out.

Between Catein's chains and Veruzak's thunder, one of the swarms is completely disperses, showering a portion of the room with tiny corpses.

The pod bulges out around the hand, but it doesn't burst.

[sblock=ooc]Not sure if I explained that well. It's like pushing down on a pillow, or a very tough, not very full water balloon.[/sblock]

Kendrick feels the grotesque creature attempt to continue its hold on him, but he is able to throw it off.

The giant spider strains against its chains as it steps forward and skewers Martelai.

The mage looks curiously at his eladrin counterpart. "I, I remem..." he trails off as his gaze moves past Veruzak. He claps his hands together, creating an explosive blast behind the party. Atlas, Martelai, and Veruzak are all staggered by it, but Catein bears it easily. Any lingering trace of humanity in the mage seems to be gone.

The remaining swarm skitters over to Kendrick and engulfs him, biting with tiny pincers. The mercenary feels a paralytic agent spreading through his legs, greatly hindering his movement.

Bell (19/25)
Kendrick (27/31, immobilized)
Veruzak (8/20, bloodied, dazed (save ends))
Catein (21/27)
Broodlord (-15)
Hiveguard (-16, Cursed, slowed)
Mage (-4)
Swarm 97 (-2, marked by Kendrick)
Atlas (14/26, +2 to all defenses, dazed (save ends))
Martelai (9/28, bloodied, Concealed, dazed (save ends))

Veruzak hits the swarm and the mage, killing the former.

The Broodlord attempts to Dominate Kendrick again, but fails with a 10 vs Will.

Psychic Spikes fails to recharge, so the Hiveguard moves to G8 and attacks Martelai, and hits AC 18 for 12 damage.

The Mage casts Thunder Burst, an area burst 1 centered on E7. Hits Atlas with a 24, misses Catein with a 12, hits Veruzak with an 11, and hits Martelai with a 19. Those hit take 7 thunder damage and are dazed, save ends. Veruzak and Martelai are bloodied.

The remaining swarm shifts to G10 and attacks Kendrick and hits Reflex 14 for 4 damage. Kendrick is immobilized until the start of the swarm's next turn. The start of turn attacks will miss Kendrick but hit Bell for 10.[/sblock]

[sblock=Monster Info]Broodlord:
AC 18 | Fort 16 | Reflex 14 | Will 17
HP: 76. Resist 5 Psychic
MBA: None.
Mental Feedback: Any adjacent creature who hits the Broodlord with an attack takes 3 psychic damage.
Immobile: The Broodlord cannot move or be moved. Ever.

AC 15 | Fort 12 | Reflex 13 | Will 11
HP: 47
MBA: +6 vs AC, 1d10+2 damage.

AC 17 | Fort 13 | Reflex 14 | Will 15
HP: 42
MBA: +4 vs AC, 1d8 damage.

AC 18 | Fort 14 | Reflex 15 | Will 12
HP: 37. Immune: Psychic. Half damage from melee and range attacks. Vulnerable 10 against close and area attacks
MBA: +6 vs Reflex, 1d8+3 damage, and the target is immobilized until the start of the swarm's next turn.
Swarm Aura: Any enemy who starts adjacent to the swarm is attacked with a MBA.[/sblock]

[sblock=Map Info]The disgusting ponds of goo have no effect. They are too shallow and not sticky enough to hinder you in any way.

However, whenever you start your turn adjacent to a red wall (corners don't count) it makes an attack at +4 vs Will. On a hit, you are slowed and grant combat advantage until the end of your next turn.[/sblock]


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Mal Malenkirk

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[sblock=Catein, Some help?] Whatever actions you got planned, could you end your move at H7 to flank the Hive Guard?

I want to blow the Hive Guard away; he is perfect; lots of HP and low AC. I will use my daily and perhaps my encounter against it (with AP). A flanking bonus of +2 to up to 4 attacks would be very appreciated. I am pretty sure I can kill it this turn.

Since I am the favored target for domination, it makes sense for me to unload right now while I can.

[sblock=Everyone else]Please, no one attacks the Hivelord until I get a crack at him (unless it's a burst that also targets the swarm, of course). I am immobilized so can't really attack anyone else and I am almost certain I can slay it in one turn. Give me that chance so that we don't waste ressources needlessly.[/sblock]

-''I want you to die so much...'' Kendrick growls at the broodlord. ''But first, your kin.''

-''Guys, this thing can mess with your head! We have to engage it in melee in a hurry!'' Kendrick shouts. ''Catein, can you distract that guard? I'll tear it apart and we can rush forward.''
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[sblock=To Mal]
Remember when you use a AP, you get a +3 bonus to damage and if you don'y hit, you get +2 temp hp's


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[sblock=Positioning]I know I am not Catein but all of my attacks are single target ranged. I need to get away from the wall and the swarm, and flanking with you is better than being off to the side (with the swarm the closest enemy).[/sblock]

Bell reals back in pain, feeling as if she is being assaulted on all sides. Her survival instincts kick in and she once again sheathes herslef in shadow and transports across the field, trying to threaten the spider-thing as best she can with her dagger.

She spots Veruzak nearby, looking quite injured and focusses her thoughts on him, sliding magic into her words, she mends his wounds and slips him by the enemy.

"We must persevere." Taking her own advice, she checks her own wounds quickly, letting some of the arcane powers, around ehr seep in.

Attacked by Wall/Swarm, not sure which. I take 10 damage. Is it the wall? Then I assume I'm slowed. Either way the following actions come next.

Move: Shadow Jaunt to H7. Flanking with Kendrick.
Minor Action: Majestic Word on Veruzak. He spends a healing surge and regains an addition +3 hp. I slide him to G6.
Standard: Second Wind. I heal 6 hp, and add +2 to all defenses TENT.

[sblock=THB]I just realized that my last stat block was copied form the wrong post and had the wrong stats. You're status list clearly ignored that, which is correct. I have amended my own.[/sblock]

[sblock=Virtue of Cunning. to all]I can shift one person who was missed by an attack, once per round, 1 square. If you are missed by an attack and want to be moved, please let me know. I don't generally want to move people without permission unless it really seems IC or for the best. [/sblock]

[sblock=Stats]Bell Jabson: Shadar-Kai Bard 1 (Insubstantial, +2 to all defenses, Possibly Slowed)
Initiative: +2; Speed: 6; Passive Perception: 14; Passive Insight: 10
AC: 18; FRW:13/17/15
HP: 15/25; Surges: 1/8; Surge Value: 6; AP: 1
Languages: Common (Allarian), Imperia
Skills: Arcana +9, Streetwise +8, Perception +4, History +9, Bluff +8, Thievery +6
Str:10 Dex:15 Wis:9 Con:13 Int:18 Cha:16

Misdirecting Mark, Cutting Word
Focused Sound, Shadow Jaunt, Words of Friendship, Second Wind, Majestic Word 1/2
Malevolent Mischief

Full Sheet

Mal Malenkirk

First Post
Uh. Oh, right, she teleports. Well, that's my cue.

Kendrick grins and start tearing into the hive guard.

Minor: Draw second sword
Move: Quarry on the HiveGuard

Standard: Jaws of the Wolf
1d20+9; 2d8+4 (X2)
If still standing with more than 10hp, I spend an AP

Two Fanged Strike
1d20+9;1d8+7 (X2), if both hits, +2 damage

If Target is almost dead (10 hp or less), I still spend an AP but use Shield of blade instead.
1d20+9;1d8+7 and gain +2 to AC TENT
+1d6 on one attack

Stats accounts for the flanking bonus and Atriden's AP bonus.

Voidrunner's Codex

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