I've reread it. It's not quite as bad as I remember thinking it was the first time I read it ... that is to say, it's salvageable. The thing is: as written, there's not a lot for the PCs to conflict with each other about. They all want the same thing (for the curse / quarantine to end) and there's only one viable solution. There aren't any red herrings / seemingly viable alternatives. With one exception, the NPCs just passively hang around "waiting to be clicked on", as Justin Alexander put it in his review.It depends on your players. They need to be up for roleplaying cracking under the strain, so they are "fighting" each other. YMMV
Furthermore, I'm not sure how I'd work it into a Strixhaven campaign since the curse doesn't kick in until after the PCs have spent the night in the library cellar ... and on the Strixhaven campus, I can't really see the PCs needing to / wanting to spend the night in the library rather than their dorm rooms. I mean, I could probably make it work, but it would take some effort.