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ENnies winners?

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First Post
Kvantum said:
I thought the nigh-infinite hours put into The Gates of Hell might get DiceFreaks some recognition, but I guess it can be chalked up to more of the anti-Epic bias.

As others have said, its nothing to do with that at all. People voted as they felt appropriate. The winners deserved their wins, because this is a fan-based awards system, and the fans of the game voted as they felt was right. I for one congratulate all the winners for a job well done. :)

Being one of the authors of The Gates of Hell, I am of course curious as to what the edge was for the winners of our category - and, since the products are all free, it's just a download and some reading time. It's an exciting thing to see the absolute wealth of quality free gaming material available around the place.

I apologize on behalf of Dicefreaks in general for any message from members of our site who are only trying to stick up for a product they appreciate - like me, they are disappointed at missing out on a gold or a silver. However, being mentioned as a nominee alongside such names as White Wolf and Paizo is privilege, and it's no dishonor to have even come last amongst the nominees. (I don't know what we came, of course, just giving a hypothetical!) I certainly hope that the rest of you are spared from anyone else crying out on behalf of anyone who didn't nab a "gold" or a "silver".

Once again, congratulations to all the winners, and to all those nominated as well. :D


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Selah said:
However, being mentioned as a nominee alongside such names as White Wolf and Paizo is privilege, and it's no dishonor to have even come last amongst the nominees.

I really feel that the nomination is the important win. The nomination involved five judges looking at your product in detail and comparing it to all the other products out there, and agreeing that yours was one of the best five. That's a hell of an obstacle!

The actual award is merely icing on the cake. You can heartily congratulate yourselves for earning your nomination.

Keith Robinson

Morrus - you made laugh out loud :lol:

You're a naughty man... ;)

Congrats to all the winners, runners-up, nominees, judges, fans and everyone else who feels they deserve it :D


I agree that the nomination itself should be touted as a big deal, but I think that Spycraft 2.0 got robbed. Seriously, best rules hands down. Nothing else comes close. I'll give best game to M&M, but seriously Spycraft 2.0 is just such a masterpiece of d20 rules goodness. Or even best d20 product. Seriously, it is everything d20 Modern should have been but wasn't. It is truly an incredible book and its too bad that it didn't win anything.


lior_shapira said:
M&M truly deserves what it got, I just feel a little sad for Spycraft 2.0. I think its an amazing game and should have gotten something :( oh well, I'll still play it :)

Uh... being nominated for the Ennies and a Diana Jones award in the same year is hardly "nothing". In fact Spycraft 2.0 was THE ONLY d20 game nominated for the Diana Jones award this year.



Shadowrun took best rules?

That's an honest surprise.

(I love Shadowrun, but stopped playing around 2nd edition. Considered 4th but...)
Most of the reviews seemed to damn the 4th edition with faint praise rules wise.



First Post
MavrickWeirdo said:
Best Rules

Silver: green ronin pub M+M 2nd ed
Gold: fan pro for shadowrun 4th ed

Best Game

Silver: game of thrones by guardians of order!
Gold: green ronin for mutants + masterminds second edition

MavrickWeirdo said:
Best d20 Product

Silver: game of thrones by guardians of order
Gold: mutants and masteminds by green ronin publishing

MavrickWeirdo said:
Best Product

silver: mutants and masterminds 2nd edition
Gold: shadowrun 4th edition

Sweet, exactly how I voted, IIRC. And well-deserved, IMHO.

Go, Shadowrun! Go, Mutants & Masterminds! :D

Rich Burlew introduces Keith Baker to present award for Best Production Values

Silver: guardians of order a game of thrones.
Gold: margaret weiss productions Serenity rpg

*putting Serenity RPG on watched list* :)

Paizo also got some love for their campaigns. :)


P.S. And the silver and gold spam award goes to... *tada* Morrus! :p

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